Фрагмент инструкции
If maintenance is required, keep the equipment out of use until defective parts are repaired or replaced. Pay special attention to parts that are subject to wear as outlined in the Preventive Maintenance Schedule. REMARQUE : pour conserver un materiel sur, il convient de l'inspecter regulierement afin de deceler tout signe d'usure ou d'endommagement. N'utilisez pas l'appareil tant que les pieces defectueuses n'ont pas ete reparees ou remplacees. Portez une attention toute particuliere aux pieces qui s'usent, comme indique ci-dessous. The following preventive maintenance tips will keep the Life Fitness stairclimber operating at peak performance: • Locate the Life Fitness stairclimber in a cool, dry place. • Clean the top surface of the pedals regularly. • Keep the display console free of fingerprints and salt build-up caused by sweat. • Use a 100% cotton cloth, lightly moistened with water and mild liquid cleaning product, to clean the stairclimber. Other fabrics, including paper towels, may scratch the surface. Do not use ammonia or acid-based cleaners. • Long fingernails may damage or scratch the surface of the console; use the pad of the finger to press the selection buttons on the console. • Clean the housing thoroughly on a regular basis. NOTE: A non-abrasive cleaner and soft cotton cloth are strongly recommended for cleaning the exterior of the unit. At no time should cleaner be applied directly to any part of the equipment; apply the non-abrasive cleaner on a soft cloth, and then wipe the unit. 6.2 INSPECTING AND CLEANING THE STAIRCLIMBER Follow the schedule below to ensure proper operation of the product. Follow the schedule below to ensure proper operation of the product. ITEM WEEKLY MONTHLY BI-ANNUALLY ANNUALLY Display Console C I Console Mounting Bolts I Accessory Tray C I Frame C I Plastic Covers C I KEY: C=Clean; I=Inspect 6.3 TROUBLESHOOTING THE HEART RATE CHEST STRAP HEART RATE READING IS ERRATIC OR ABSENT ENTIRELY • Repeat the electrode moistening procedure on the chest strap. See Section 3.2, titled Heart Rate Monitoring for details. The electrodes must remain wet to pick up and transmit accurate heart rate readings. • Make sure the electrodes are flat against the skin. • Wash the belt transmitter regularly with mild soap and water. • Make sure the chest strap transmitter is within three feet (91 centimeters) of the heart rate receiver. • The chest strap is battery-operated and will stop functioning when the battery runs out. Contact Life Fitness Customer Support Services for instructions on how to have the chest strap replaced. See Section 6.4, titled How to Obtain Product Service. HEART RATE READING IS ERRATIC OR EXTREMELY HIGH If the chest strap is worn near sources of electromagnetic signals, these signals may be strong enough to elevate heart rate readings. Possible sources include: • Television sets and/or antennas, cell phones, computers, cars, high voltage power lines and motor driven exercise equipment. • Another heart rate transmitter within three feet, or one meter, may also cause abnormal heart rate readings. 6.4 HOW TO OBTAIN PRODUCT SERVICE 1. Verify the symptom and review the operating instructions. The problem may be unfamiliarity with the product and its features and workouts. 2. Locate and document the serial number of the unit. This number consists of three letters followed by six numbers. The serial number plate is located at the back end of the unit. 3. Contact Life Fitness Customer Support Services via the Web at: or call the nearest Life Fitness Customer Support Services group: For Product Service within the United States and Canada: Telephone: (+1) 847.451.0036 FAX: (+1) 847.288.3702 Toll-free telephone: 800.351.3737 For Product Service Internationally: Life Fitness Europe GmbH Telephone: (+49) 089.317.751.66 FAX: (+49) 089.317.751.38 Life Fitness (UK) LTD Telephone: (+44) 1353.665507 FAX: (+44) 1353.666018 Life Fitness Atlantic BV Life Fitness Benelux Telephone: (+32) 03.644.44.88 FAX: (+32) 03.644.24.80 Telephone: (+32) 87.300.942 FAX: (+32) 87.300.943 Life Fitness Italia S.R.L. Telephone: (+39) 0472.835.470 FAX: (+39) 0472.833.150 Toll-free telephone: 800.438836 Life Fitness Vertriebs GmbH Telephone: (+43) 1615.7198 FAX: (+43) 1615.7198.20 Life Fitness Asia Pacific Ltd Telephone: (+852) 2891.6677 FAX: (+852) 2575.6001 Life Fitness Latin America and Caribbean Telephone: (+1) 847.288.3964 FAX: (+1) 847 288.3886 Life Fitness Brazil Telephone: (+55) 11.7295.2217 FAX: (+55) 11.7295.2218 Life Fitness Japan Telephone: (+81) 3.3359.4306 FAX: (+81) 3.3359.4307 Life Fitness Iberia Telephone : (+34) 93 672 4660 FAX : (+34) 93 672 4670 7 SPECIFICATIONS 7.1 93S STAIRCLIMBER SPECIFICATIONS Designed use: Maximum user weight: Minimum user weight: CONSOLE: Displays: WORKOUT PROFILE Summaries: Character size: Workouts : Heart rate monitor: Intensity levels: Stepping speed range Step pedal size Maximum step height Drive type: Accessory Tray: Bullhorns: Color: ASS...
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