12-Lb. Weight at 2, 4, and 6 MPH 2 MPH 4 MPH 6 MPH Act u al De pt h of Weigh t ( ft.) Amount of Cable in Water (ft.) 4 MPH 6 MPH Amount of Cable in Water (ft.) A c tualDepth of W e ight ( ft.) 2 MPH 8-Lb. Weight at 2, 4, and 6 MPH 2 MPH 4 MPH 6 MPH Act u al De pt h of Weigh t ( ft.) Amount of Cable in Water (ft.) Blowback Charts 10-Lb. Weight at 2, 4, and 6 MPH 13 Adjusting the Depth Meter The Cannon Depth Meter provides non-slip accuracy, plus easy resetting. To reset, just slide the meter away