(10) Effect4 Depth (Variation Effect Send Level) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 5EH Effect4 Depth 00H...7FH (11) RPN ccH Parameter 65H RPN MSB 64H RPN LSB 06H Data Entry MSB 38H Data Entry LSB 3. MODE MESSAGES Data Range (vvH) Coarse Tune 02H, Fine Tune 01H, Pitch Bend Range 00H Data format: [BnH] -> [cc] -> [vv] BnH = Control event (n = channel number) cc = Control number vv = Data Range (1) All Sound Off ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 78H All Sound Off 00H Switches off all sound from the channel. Does not reset Note On and Hold On conditions established by Channel Messages. (2) Reset All Controllers ccH Parameter 79H Reset All Controllers Resets controllers as follows. Controller Expression Damper Pedal Sostenuto Soft Pedal Data Range (vvH) 00H Value 127 (max) 0 (off) 0 (off) 0 (off) (3) Local Control (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 7AH Local Control 00H (off), 7FH (on) (4) All Notes Off ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 7BH All Notes Off 00H Switches OFF all the notes that are currently ON on the specified channel. Any notes being held by the damper or sostenuto pedal will continue to sound until the pedal is released. (5) Omni Off (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 7CH Omni Off 00H Same processing as for All Notes Off. (6) Omni On (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 7DH Omni On 00H Same processing as for All Notes Off. (7) Mono (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 7EH Mono 00H Same processing as for All Sound Off. (8) Poly (reception only) ccH Parameter Data Range (vvH) 7FH Poly 00H Same processing as for All Sound Off. • When control change reception is turned OFF in the Function mode, control change data will not be transmitted or received. • Local on/off, OMNI on/off are not transmitted. (The appropriate note off number is supplied with “All Note Off ” transmission). CLP-265GP Owner’s Manual 61 • • • The Multi-timbre and Poly modes are always active. No change occurs when OMNI ON, OMNI OFF, MONO, or POLY mode messages are received. 4. PROGRAM CHANGE Data format: [CnH] -> [ppH] CnH = Program event (n = channel number) ppH = Program change number P.C.#=Program Change number CLP-265GP MSB LSB P.C.# GRANDPIANO 1 0 122 0 GRANDPIANO 2 0 112 0 E.PIANO 1 0 122 5 E.PIANO 2 0 122 4 HARPSICHORD 1 0 122 6 HARPSICHORD 2 0 123 6 VIBRAPHONE 0 122 11 CHURCH ORGAN 1 0 123 19 CHURCH ORGAN 2 0 122 19 JAZZ ORGAN 0 122 16 STRINGS 1 0 122 48 STRINGS 2 0 122 49 CHOIR 0 122 52 GUITAR 0 122 24 • When program change reception is turned OFF in the Function mode, no program change data is transmitted or received. Also, Bank MSB/LSB is not transmitted or received. 5. SYSTEM REALTIME MESSAGES [rrH] F8H: Timing clock FAH: Start FCH: Stop FEH: Active sensing Data Transmission Reception F8H Transmitted every 96 clocks Received as 96-clock tempo timing when MIDI clock is set to External FAH Recorder start Recorder start Not received when the MIDI clock is set to Internal. FCH Recorder stop Recorder stop Not received when the MIDI clock is set to Internal. FEH Transmitted every 200 milliseconds If a signal is not received via MIDI for more than 400 milliseconds, the same processing will take place for All Sound Off, All Notes Off and Reset All Controllers as when those signals are received. • Caution: If an error occurs during MIDI reception, the Damper, Sostenuto, and Soft effects for all channels are turned off and an All Note Off occurs. 6. SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGES (Yamaha MIDI Format) Panel Data Transmit Data format: [F0H] -> [43H] -> [0nH] -> [7CH] -> ... -> [F7H] F0H, 43H, 0nH, 7CH (n: channel number) 00H, LLH (data length) 43H, 4CH, 20H, 20H (CL) 43H, 4CH, 50H, 27H, 30H, 35H (CLP05) 3xH, 3yH aaH, bbH: Device No. aa=LSB, bb=MSB aa=5BH, bb=16H [PANEL DATA] [CHECK SUM (1byte)] = 0-(43H+4CH+20H+......+Data end) F7H • Panel Data Contents (1) 1'st Voice (19) Reverb Type 1 (2) Dual On/Off (20) Reverb Type 2 (3) Dual Voice (21) Reverb Depth 1 (4) Dual Balance (22) Reverb Depth 2 (5) Dual Detune (23) Effect Type 1 (6) Dual Voice1 Octave (24) Effect Type 2 (7) Dual Voice2 Octave (25) Effect Depth (8) Dual Voice1 Effect Depth (26) — (9) Dual Voice2 Effect Depth (27) Touch Sensitivity (10) — (28) Fixed Data (11) — (29) Left Pedal (12) — (30) Soft Pedal Depth (13) — (31) Absolute tempo low byte (14) — (32) Absolute tempo high byte (15) — (33) — (16) — (34) — (17) — (35) — (18) — (36) Brilliance •Panel data send requests cannot be received. 7. SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGES (Universal System Exclusive) (1) Universal Realtime Message Data format: [F0H] -> [7FH] -> [XnH] -> [04H] -> [01H] -> [llH] -> [mmH] -> [F7H] MIDI Master Volume • Simultaneously changes the volume of all channels. • When a MIDI master volume message is received, the volume only has affect on the MIDI receive channel, not the panel master volume. F0H = Exclusive status 7FH = Universal Realtime 7FH = ID of target device 04H = Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message 01H = Sub-ID #2=Master Volume llH = Volume LSB mmH = Volume MSB F7H = En...