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Quick Install GuidePackage ContentsLEDsN 300Power LED - The light will turn from red to a blinking amber during boot up or a factory reset. Wireless Range

Table of ContentsTable of ContentsPreface ................................................................................. iTools

Configure the DAP-1320 Using a Web BrowserTroubleshootingYou may log into the web-based configuration utility on the DAP-1320 Open a web browser (e.g.,

Table of ContentsTable of ContentsPreface ................................................................................. iNetwork Settings

RanGE EXtEndER sEtUp GUidEThERE ARE ThREE opTionS To chooSE fRom whEn SETTing up youR nEw dAp-1360 RAngE EXTEndER.noTE: For Wisp clients and Wisp Repeater Mode

Table of ContentsTable of ContentsProduct Overview ................................................................................ 4Add Wireless Device With

ENGLISHQuick Install GuideDevice PlacementInstallationTo get the best wireless coverage, place your range extender in an open area away Step 1 - Connect the

Table of ContentsTable of ContentsProduct Overview ..............................................................4Manual Configuration

Table of ContentsTable of ContentsProduct Overview ..............................................................4Wireless Settings