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1 GigEther-01 (igelan) Gigabit Ethernet Driver for HP-UX
11i v3, HP-UX 11i v2
This document contains information about GigEther-01 Gigabit Ethernet Driver supported on HP-UX
11i v3 for the July 2013 release.
What is new in this release?
The following information describes the updates to the HP-UX-based Gigabit ethernet driver called
igelan. The GigEther-01 software bundle, which is loaded into the operating environment (OE),
contains the igelan driver.
The July 2013 version of the HP-UX 11i v3 GigEther-01 software bundle contains defect fixes. For
more information on the defect fixes in the release, see Section (page 4).
Defects fixed in this release
Table 1 (page 4) lists the defects fixed in the B.11.31.1307 release.
Table 1 Defects fixed in B.11.31.1307
Defect ID
Defect description
Outbound statistics counters as displayed
This issue is fixed in this release.
by lanadmin or nwmgr commands are not
incrementing at random, even when there
is an outbound traffic. Also, it is observed
that the port reset is not resetting the same
counters to zero. This problem is seen with
B.11.31.1112 driver version.
Table 2 (page 4) lists the defects fixed in the B.11.31.1112 release.
Table 2 Defects fixed in B.11.31.1112
Defect ID
Defect description
Assert panic is happening in IGELAN when This issue is fixed in this release
HPVM guest is running on a HPUX debug
kernel. This problem occurs with GigEther-01
Lanadmin/Nwmgr shows wrong value of
This issue is fixed in this release
ifOutOctets. ifOutOctets value is
intermittently decreased by 4 bytes.
Lanadmin/Nwmgr shows ifHCInOctets value This issue is fixed in this release
with FCS. FCS is not removed from
ifHCInOctets value before posting this to
Related document
The GigEther-01 documentation is available on the Business Support Center (BSC) website at
GigEther-01 (igelan) Gigabit Ethernet Driver for HP-UX 11i v3, HP-UX 11i v2