К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Table 5 HP-UX 11i v3 September 2011 fixes — SATADVD-00 B.11.31.1109
SR number
Installation of HP-UX from DVD gives Boot device not found was seen error.
5 Known problems and limitations
Installation may hang when SATADVD-00 bundle versions 1203 or lower are upgraded to
later versions; this situation happens while /usr/lbin/utild daemon is active in the system.
utild is installed as a part of the Utilization Provider software.
To prevent the hang during installation of the driver, halt the utild daemon before you install
the satadvd driver. To halt the daemon and install the driver, follow these steps:
Log in to the server as root.
To comment the utild line out of the /etc/inittab file, follow these steps:
Open the /etc/inittab file, as follows:
#vi /etc/inittab
Locate the entry for the utild daemon. For example:
util:23456:respawn:/usr/lbin/utild # Utilization Provider
Add a hash sign to the beginning of the line, then save the file. For example:
# util:23456:respawn:/usr/lbin/utild # Utilization Provider
To implement the change to the inittab file, run init q.
Use ps -ef |grep utild to ensure utild has halted.
If /usr/lbin/utild does not appear, continue to Step 7.
If /usr/lbin/utild remains active, see Step 5.
Use ps -ef |grep utild to determine the PID (Process ID) of the utild daemon;
then use the kill -9 pid command to terminate the utild daemon.
For example:
# ps -ef | grep utild
root 200 1 0 Dec 5 ? 25:47 /usr/lbin/utild
root 8962 8949 1 11:00:46 pts/tc 0:00 grep utild
In this example, the PID (Process ID) is 200.
# kill -9 200
Verify that utild does not appear in the process list. For example:
# ps -ef | grep utild
root 8969 8949 1 11:01:15 pts/tc 0:00 grep utild
If utild still appears in the process list, repeat steps 2 through 6.
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