Инструкция по эксплуатации NETGEAR, модель XAV1004
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2 Outlets must be electrically connected in order for Powerline devices to provide a network connection between them. Supports Windows Vista™ NETGEARAVSeriesnetworkingproductsareengineeredtomeettheperformanceneedsforhigh-definition(HD)video, gaming,streamingmusicandhigh-speedInternetconnectivity. 200† UP TO Mbps PORT4The NETGEAR DifferenceXAV1004 Connects up to 4 devices Energy saving features Port-based Quality of Service (QoS) Pick-a-Plug for simple troubleshootingBroadbandmodemRouterPowerline AVAdapterwithEthernetSwitch(XAV1004included) Powerline AVEthernetAdapter(XAV101soldseparately) Blu-ray playerDVRGaming consoleH o m e O f f i c e L i v i n g R o o m Products not to scaleHDTVP O W E R L I N E A V 2 0 0 M bps Up o Create a high-speed home network connection •PerfectforconnectingHDTVs,Blu-ray™players,DVRs,andgameconsolestoyourhomenetworkandtheInternet• ExtendsahighspeedInternetconnectiontoanypoweroutlet1• Provideswiredreliabilitywithnonewwires• Connectsupto4devicesPowerline AV Adapter and Ethernet Switch XAV1004 DataSheet24/7TECHNICAL SUPPORT* 1-888-NETGEAR(638-4327) Email:info@NETGEAR.comWeb:Plug-and-play Connection of Your Home Theater to a Powerline Network1, 2 1 Requires use of HomePlug AV compatible Powerline device (one XAV1004 device included). 2 Outlets must be electrically connected in order for Powerline devices to provide a network connection between them. Supports Windows Vista™ NETGEARAVSeriesnetworkingproductsareengineeredtomeettheperformanceneedsforhigh-definition(HD)video, gaming,streamingmusicandhigh-speedInternetconnectivity. 200† UP TO Mbps PORT4The NETGEAR DifferenceXAV1004 Connects up to 4 devices Energy saving features Port-based Quality of Service (QoS) Pick-a-Plug for simple troubleshootingBroadbandmodemRouterPowerline AVAdapterwithEthernetSwitch(XAV1004included) Powerline AVEthernetAdapter(XAV101soldseparately) Blu-ray playerDVRGaming consoleH o m e O f f i c e L i v i n g R o o m Products not to scaleHDTV Powerline AV Adapter and Ethernet Switch XAV1004 Powerline AV Adapter and Ethernet Switch XAV1004 Connectsto powerPush buttonsecurityConnect up to 4 Ethernet devices(TV,DVR, DVD,gaming console) Port-based QoS for highest priority devices Which is the Best Product for You? Speed† InternetConnectiontoanyMac or PCListentoInternetRadioorMP3sMakeVoiceCallsovertheInternetPlayOnlineGamesTransferLargeFilesStream HD VideoEnableEnhancedSecuritywiththePushofaButtonPick-a-plug LED for best connection 85 Mbps Powerline AV Powerline Adapter with Ethernet Adapter Ethernet Switch 85 Mbps 200 Mbps System Requirements • To enable encryption (via software): Microsoft® Windows® Vista™, XP or Mac® OS X Performance • Speed: Up to 200 Mbps† Physical Specifications • Dimensions: 137 x 102 x 28 mm (5.40 x 4.01 x 1.10 in) • Weight: 0.218 kg (0.48 lb) Network Ports • Four (4) 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports Typical Coverage • Up to 5000 square foot home† Compliance • HomePlug AV1 • IEEE 802.3 Environmental Specifications • Operating temperature: 0. -40. C (32. -104. F) • Operating relative humidity: 10% to 90% non-condensing Warranty • NETGEAR 1-year warranty Package Contents • Powerline AV Adapter with Ethernet Switch (XAV1004) • 1.82 m (6 ft) AC power cord, localized to country of sale • 1.52 m (5 ft) Ethernet cables • Setup CD • Product documentation 350E.PlumeriaDriveSanJose,CA95134-19111-888-NETGEAR(638-4327) E-mail:info@NETGEAR.com© 2009 NETGEAR, Inc. NETGEAR, the NETGEAR Logo, NETGEAR Digital Entertainer Logo, Connect with Innovation, FrontView, IntelliFi, PowerShift, ProSafe, ProSecure, RAIDar, RAIDiator, X-RAID, RangeMax, ReadyNAS and Smart Wizard are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Other brand names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective holder(s). Information is subject to change without notice. All rights reserved. This product has been tested for quality assurance and this product or its components may have been recycled. †Actual data throughput will vary. Network conditions and environmental factors, including volume of network traffic, building material and construction, and network overhead, lower actual data throughput rate. *Basic technical support provided for 90 days from date of purchase. This product is packaged with a limited warranty, the acc...
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