Производитель: Philips
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21 Never push objects of any kind into this product through casing slots as they may touch dangerous voltage points or shor t out par ts that could result in a risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product. 22 To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this product, but visit our website philips.com/AVENT or call 1-800-54-AVENT (1-800-542-8368) for assistance. Opening or removing covers (except batter y compar tment lids) may expose you to dangerous voltage or other risks. Incorrect reassembly can cause electric shock when the appliance is subsequently used. EngliSh 23 To prevent strangulation with power cord, never place monitor within reach of child. Do not use with extension cords. 24 Do not place any sources of danger on the apparatus (like liquid-filled objects, lighted candles etc.). if your product utilizes batteries, the following additional precautions should be observed: 1 Use only the type and size of batteries specified in the user manual. 2 Do not dispose of batteries in fire. They may explode. Check with local regulations for possible special disposal instructions. 3 Exercise care in handling batteries in order not to shor t out the batteries with conducting materials such as rings, bracelets and keys. Overcharging, shor t circuiting, reverse charging, mutilation, or incineration of batteries must be avoided to prevent one or more of the following occurrences: release of toxic materials, release of hydrogen and/or oxygen gas, rise in surface temperature. 4 Do not attempt to recharge batteries provided with or identified for use with this product that are not intended to be charged.The batteries may leak corrosive electrolyte or explode. 5 Do not attempt to rejuvenate the batteries provided with or identified for use with this product by heating them. Sudden release of batter y electrolyte may occur, causing burns or irritation to eyes or skin. 6 If and when necessar y, the batteries must be replaced with identical new ones from the same manufacturer. If a batter y to be replaced is connected with other batteries in series, it is recommended that the other batteries be replaced with new ones at the same time. 7 Reverse polarity installation of the batteries in the end product must be avoided. Reverse inser tion of batteries can cause charging, and that may result in leakage or explosion. 8 Remove batteries from this product if you store the product over 30 days because the batteries could leak and damage the product. 9 Discard ‘dead’ batteries as soon as possible since ‘dead’ batteries are more likely to leak in a product. If a batter y has leaked or vented, it should be replaced immediately using protective gloves. 10 Do not store this product, or the batteries provided with or identified for use with this product, in high-temperature areas. Batteries that are stored in a freezer or refrigerator for the purpose of extending shelf life should be protected from condensation during storage and defrosting. Batteries should be stabilized at room temperature prior to use after cold storage. 11 If your product uses rechargeable batteries, charge the batteries only in accordance with the instructions and limitations specified in the user manual. 12 There is a risk of explosion if batteries are replaced with an incorrect type. For the parent unit, always use the SCD525 NiMh rechargeable batter y pack supplied with the appliance. SaVE ThESE inSTrUCTiOnS -CaUTiOn:ThE SYMBOl ShOWn in FigUrE 1 MEanS ThaT ThErE iS a riSK OF EXplOSiOn OF ThE BaTTEriES anD/Or OF SEriOUS DaMagE TO ThE BaBY MOniTOr iF ThE BaTTEriES Or ThE aDapTEr arE rEplaCED WiTh an inCOrrECT TYpE. (Fig. 1) -ThE SYMBOl ShOWn in FigUrE 2 inDiCaTES, FOr ThE SaFETY OF EVErYOnE in YOUr hOUSEhOlD,ThaT UninSUlaTED MaTErial WiThin YOUr prODUCT MaY CaUSE an ElECTriCal ShOCK. EXCEpT FOr ThE BaTTErY COMparTMEnT, plEaSE DO nOT OpEn ThE EngliSh hOUSing OF ThE BaBY UniT anD parEnT UniT in OrDEr TO prEVEnT ElECTriC ShOCK (Fig. 2). -TO prEVEnT STrangUlaTiOn WiTh ThE pOWEr COrD, alWaYS KEEp ThE BaBY UniT anD ThE pOWEr COrD OUT OF BaBY’S rEaCh, aT lEaST 3.5 FEET/1 METEr aWaY. DO nOT USE EXTEnSiOn COrDS. Adapter for baby unit: -Input: 100-240VAC 50-60Hz -Output: 7.5 VDC 400 mA -Adapter no. S004LU0750040 Adapter for charger : -Input: 100-240 VAC 50/60Hz -Output: 7.5VDC 500mA -Adapter no. S004LU0750050 The socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible. For the baby unit, only use 1.5V AA alkaline batteries (batteries not supplied). For the parent unit, only use the NiMh rechargeable batter y pack supplied with the appliance. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions. Compliance information The term ‘IC’ before the cer tification number signifies that Industr y Canada technical specifications were met.This cer tification means that the equipment meets cer tain radio communications and operational requirements.This device complies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules and...