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Clarity®, DataApex® and ® are trademarks of DataApex Ltd. Microsoft ® and Windows TM are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. DataApex reserves the right to make changes to manuals without prior notice. Updated manuals can be downloaded from Author: zte INT9A/Dconverter TableofContents Contents 1INT9acquisitioncard 1 1.1 A/D converter types in general 1 2 Requirements 3 3 Installation 4 3.1 The INT9 4 3.2 Standard cable for Clarity station 4 3.3 Connection with chromatograph 6 3.3.1Connectionofsignalcables 6 3.3.2Connectionofstartingcables 7 3.4 ClarityConfiguration 8 3.4.1 Measuring on multiple Instruments 10 3.4.2 Using multiple INT9 converters 11 4UsingtheINT9card 13 4.1 DataApex INT9 Setup 13 4.2 Method Setup 16 4.2.1 Method Setup -Acquisition 16 4.2.2 Method Setup -Measurement 18 4.3 Digital Inputs and Outputs 19 4.4 Device Monitor 20 5 Troubleshooting 21 5.1 Locate your problem 21 5.2 Problems with INT9 22 5.2.1HowtochecktheINT9driver 23 5.3 Manual Installation 25 5.3.1 Installation and reinstallation in Windows 7 or Vista 25 5.3.2 Installation and reinstallation in Windows XP 27 5.3.3ReinstallationofdriversusingtheSystemRestorePoint 31 5.3.4ReinstallationofdriversinWindows2000 32 *.INFfilesinthesystem 32 33 5.4 Data Acquisition -non-functional 36 5.5 Data Acquisition -Simulated 38 6TablesandSpecifications 39 6.1DescriptionoftheINT7connector(Male) 39 6.2ParametersofdigitalInputsandOutputs 40 6.3INT9 -CEConformityDeclaration 41 6.4 Technical data 42 -i TableofContents ClarityHardware To facilitate the orientation in the INT9 A/D converter manual and Clarity chromatography station, different fonts are used throughout the manual. Meanings of these fonts are: Instrument (blue text) marks the name of the window, to which the text refers. OpenFile (italics)describesthecommandsandnamesoffields in Clarity,parametersthatcan be entered into them or a window or dialog name (when you already are in the topic describing the window). WORK1 (capitals) indicates the name of the file and/or directory. ACTIVE (capital italics) marks the state of the station or its part. The bold text is sometimes also used for important parts of the text and the name of the Clarity station. Moreover, there are text sections written in format other than normal text. These sections are formatted as follows: Note: Notifiesthereaderofpossiblyinterestinginformation. Caution: Warnstheuserofpossiblydangerousorveryimportant information. ¦ Marks the problemstatement or trouble question. Description: Presentsanycloserinformationontheproblem,describesitscausesetc. Solution: Markstheresponsetothequestion,presentsaprocedurehowtoremoveit. -ii INT9A/Dconverter 1INT9acquisitioncard 1 INT9 acquisition card This manual describes the use ofthe INT9 A/D converter with the Clarity software ver.2.7 andlater. INT9 isan internal 24-bitA/D converter card thatmeasuresthe voltages of chromatographic and electrochemical detectors. Fig 1: INT9 Brief technicaloverview • Up to 4 dataacquisition channels on one card (one and two channel versionsare also available). • The channels are completely independent sigma delta integrating A/D converters,used for processing positive and negative voltages. • 4 digital inputs. • 8 digital outputs.The firstfour are also designed as relaycontacts. • PCISlot. • Excellentreliabilityand temperature stability. The INT9 card of integration converters is a modernized successorof the PCIcard INT7. 1.1 A/D convertertypes in general Prior to collecting and processing the chromatographic signal by a computer, the analog signal of the detector must first be converted to digital form using an analog/digital (A/D)converter. In principle,there are three typesofA/D converters – sampling, integrating and ..(Delta-Sigma) -with continuous integration). The INT9 card uses Delta-Sigma integration. -1 1INT9acquisitioncard ClarityHardware Advantages of the INT9 A/D converter • No loss ofinputsignal during integration. There are no time delaysduring which the converterfails to integrate the inputsignal. • No continuous servicing of the input analog switches, which would otherwise cause errors (offset,noise). • Substantially smaller amounts of data entering the computer due to individual data items already representing partial integrals. -2 INT9A/Dconverter 2Requirements 2 Requirements The INT9 internal PCI A/D Converter can be used with the Clarity software on PC’s using OS described in Tab1 on pg 3. The PC musthave free PCI slotforyour INT9 card. Note: FullsizePCI 2.0,32 bitPCIslotfor5V32 bitshalf-lengthextensioncardis required.LowprofileorPCIExpressslotscannotbeused. Tab 1: Hardware and Software Compatibility: Software\ Windows7,Vista(both64-bit)7,VistaXP200098,MeClarityClarityLiteYes(from3.0) Yes(from2.5)YesYes(until3.0)NoCSW32NoNoNoNoNo -3 INT9A/Dconverter 3Installation 3 Installation Ensure that you have Administrator access rights in your Windows OS before you pro...