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Инструкция по эксплуатации BT, модель CONVERSE 425

Производитель: BT
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Название файла: converse_425_userguide.pdf

Язык инструкции:en

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To adjust your caller’s speech volume During a call, you can adjust the volume of your caller’s voice. Press the Volume button. The display shows VOLUME and the current volume level. Turn the Navigator Wheel clockwise to increase the volume or anti-clockwise to decrease it. Directory You can store 75 names and numbers in the directory. Please note that stored numbers can be no longer than 21 digits. You can use the Navigator Wheel – or the keypad – to enter names and numbers. The Navigator Wheel also lets you scroll quickly through stored names and numbers. Directory entries are automatically stored in alphabetical order. Numbers without attached names are stored at the beginning of the list. Note The directory is pre-programmed with some BT Calling Features numbers (see ‘Using BT Calling Features’ on page 15). These can be overwritten if you wish. USING BT Converse 425 ~ Issue 3 ~ 2nd Edition ~ 23rd July ’03 ~ 5528 To store a name and number in the directory USING Press and hold the Directory button. Display shows STORE and EDIT. STORE will be flashing. Release the Directory button. Press the . button. Display shows the number of entries stored in the directory, followed by ENTER NUMBER. Note If you try to add a new entry and the directory is full, the display shows MEMORY FULL. To continue, follow steps shown in ‘To edit an entry in the directory’ or ‘To delete an entry in the directory’. Enter the number you want using the keypad. Alternatively, turn the Navigator Wheel until the digit you want is displayed then press the . button. Repeat this step until the full telephone number is entered. Press and hold the . button until the display shows ENTER NAME. Enter the letters you want using the keypad. Alternatively, turn the Navigator Wheel to display the letter required then press the . button. Press and hold the . button until the display shows STORE and EDIT. Note You can stop during any set of steps and return to standby by lifting the handset or pressing the Handsfree button. You can now enter another name and number. To edit an entry in the directory Press and hold the Directory button. Display shows STORE and EDIT. Release the Directory button. Turn the Navigator Wheel so that EDIT is flashing. Press the . button. Turn the Navigator Wheel to display the entry you want to change. Press the . button. The cursor flashes under the first digit of the number. If you need to move the cursor, either press the . button or the Next button to go forward or the Clear button to delete a digit. BT Converse 425 ~ Issue 3 ~ 2nd Edition ~ 23rd July ’03 ~ 5528 USING Enter the new digit above the flashing cursor using the keypad or by turning the Navigator Wheel. Press the . button. When you have finished changing the number press and hold the . button until the display shows the cursor flashing under the first letter of the name. Enter the new letter above the flashing cursor using the keypad or by turning the Navigator Wheel. Press the . button. When you have finished changing the name press and hold the . button until the display returns to STORE and EDIT. You can now change another entry. To view and dial a number from the directory You can view all the names and numbers stored in your directory Press the Directory button (your handset does not need to be in the cradle). Turn the Navigator Wheel to display the entries. Or Press the alphabet letters on the keypad to go directly to an entry, i.e. press the 2 button 3 times to display entries beginning with C. Press the . button when the number you want is displayed. The phone switches to handsfree and dials the number. Press the Directory button to view your entries. Select the entry you want to delete and press the Clear button twice. To delete an entry from the directory BT Converse 425 ~ Issue 3 ~ 2nd Edition ~ 23rd July ’03 ~ 5528 To use the calculator To store a pause in a stored number A pause is sometimes required with some switchboards and Network Services. A pause simply gives the switchboard a few seconds to pick up the outside line before dialling. Using the Redial button, you can insert a pause when you store a number in the directory. Repeat the steps for storing a number in the directory but press the Redial button where you want to add a pause within the number. Press the Calculator button. The display changes to the calculator function. Enter the number you want, i.e. 123. Turn the Navigator Wheel to display the function, i.e. +. Press the . button. Enter the second number, i.e. 74. Turn the Navigator Wheel to display the function =. Press the . button. Display shows the result 197. USING Using the calculator Your Converse 425 provides all the basic calculator functions – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and percentages as well as Memory Recall. +, --, X, /, =, %, AC, M-, M+ and MRC. If the phone rings while you are using the calculator function, simply lift the receiver or press the Handsfree button as normal. Note that information e...

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