К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
example, a new setting for the files in the Settings directory that was introduced in a release that
is newer than the backup is not available after the backup is restored. It is still possible to restore
an old copy of an HP Web Jetadmin database on a newer installation because the database
tables are updated for the new installation. To prevent a restore of the Settings directory from
downgrading the settings file, remove the Settings directory from the backup before restoring the
backup (C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\Web Jetadmin 10\WJABackupRestore\Settings). The
database tables are updated for the new services, and the Settings directory has the default
values of the new installation.
4. After the fresh installation of HP Web Jetadmin on the new machine (clone) is complete, restore
the original HP Web Jetadmin files and directory by using the procedure in Run the restore script.
5. Upload the XTP tickets using the original name, OXPd Repository items (available under Tools >
Options > Device Management > Configuration), and HP Web Jetadmin certificate, if they were
present on the original installation
6. After the restore of the original HP Web Jetadmin files and directories is complete, perform the
following steps:
a. Launch HP Web Jetadmin, and then import the templates that were exported in step 2. In the
Device Management navigation pane, expand Configuration, right-click Templates, and then
select Import configuration templates. In the Import Templates wizard, select the Overwrite
duplicate templates checkbox, and then complete the wizard.
b. Edit the templates that contain the OXPd Repository items, and select the appropriate settings.
Note If there are templates that include XTP tickets, you must import the XTP tickets into the
cloned HP Web Jetadmin server with the same name (step 5), which overwrites the
existing XTP tickets. After the XTP tickets are imported, the templates will work. If you
apply an imported template without importing the corresponding XTP tickets, the File Not
Found error message appears.
Note If there are templates that include OXPd settings, you must import the OXPd files into the
cloned HP Web Jetadmin server (step 5), and then edit the templates that include the
OXPd settings in the cloned HP Web Jetadmin server (step 6b).
7. Configure all of the encrypted data. The following are some examples of encrypted data:
Global device credentials, such as the SNMP Community Name and EWS password
(available under Tools > Options > Shared > Credentials > Device)
HTTP proxy user and password settings
Method 2 for cloning
Another technique for cloning involves pointing an HP Web Jetadmin installation to another database
or a remote database by editting the DatabaseSettings.config.xml file. For instructions on how to
connect to a remote database, see the Using Microsoft SQL Server with HP Web Jetadmin white
paper. This white paper is available from the HP Web Jetadmin support page.
Cloning by pointing to another HP Web Jetadmin database maintains most of what is in HP Web
Jetadmin, such as devices and templates. However, encrypted data no longer works. For more
information, see Limitations of cloning. In addition, when cloning by pointing to another HP Web
Jetadmin database, the items that are stored in the Settings directory are not cloned. These items
include archived reports, firmware repository, archived data exports, file repositories, and so on.
When an installation of HP Web Jetadmin is pointed to a database, version matching occurs whereby
HP Web Jetadmin updates the database tables if the database version is found to be older than the
HP Web Jetadmin installation version.