К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Once the Media
item has been
selected from the
View drop-down
menu, a Storage
Media column is
visible that contains
a list of all storage
media installed on
the device. If the
Storage Device count is 1 or greater, the mouse-over tool tip displays a table of all the storage media
on the device. The table contains the properties of the media such as Description and Size (see Figure
3). Once a device model is highlighted, the following actions are available by clicking on their
respective boxes on the right hand side of the screen depending upon what is supported by the
particular model:
Secure Storage Erase: Starts the secure storage erase action on the device. Various secure
modes can be set for the storage erase action to dictate how many levels of overwrite will
occur to secure the erase operation.
Initialize File System: Causes the device user directory structure to initialize. The file system
will vary depending on device or storage type. This feature can be scheduled as a one-time
or recurring operation.
Write Protection: Enables or disables write functionality on the selected storage facility.
Erase Customer Data: Starts the Erase Customer Data wizard for the selected devices.
Various secure modes can be set for the storage erase action to dictate how many levels of
overwrite will occur to secure the erase operation. This operation will remove any stored job
information from the device. Device configuration settings will not be erased.
Use Drive: If a device has more than one drive installed, this allows for selecting the drive
where configuration files, stored jobs, and temporary files are stored and for moving existing
customer data to that drive.
Erase Drive: Completely erases a drive. This process does not preserve any data. The Secure
Erase option selects the most secure erase method available for the selected drive. The
Cryptographically Erase option is performed only on secure drives. This option resets the
encryption key, prevents access to the data, turns the drive off and then on, and re-encrypts
the drive with new keys.
Secure Storage Erase
Normally when a file is deleted from a hard disk drive, the file name entry is erased from the disk’s
file allocation table, removing the file’s presence. The file’s data still exists in the disk’s individual
sectors and is overwritten only when that sector is allocated for a different file. HP Secure Storage
Erase technology overwrites a deleted file’s data from the individual sectors with random data using
either a one pass or three pass overwrite which conform to current US Government specifications.
The Secure Erase Mode feature controls how temporary job files are erased at the completion of print,
copy, fax, or digital send jobs as well as how disks are erased using Secure Storage Erase. The
Secure Erase Mode for deleting temporary files can be set under Configuration, File System.
Temporary job files include:
Temporary data for print jobs
Temporary data for copy, fax, e-mail, and send to network folder jobs