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Фрагмент инструкции
These release notes describe the modifications and known issues for Patch 23 (P23). The application
of this patch is intended for HP 3PAR InForm OS (MU4).
1.1 Supported Platforms
The HP 3PAR Configuration Matrix for InForm OS 2.3.1 contains information about supported hardware
and software platforms.
To obtain a copy of this documentation, go to the Single Point of Connectivity Knowledge for HP
Storage Products (SPOCK) Web site at http://spock.corp.hp.com/index.aspx.
1.2 Verifying the Patch Installation
The installation of Patch 23 can be verified from an Interactive CLI session through the SPMAINT main
menu. Issue the CLI command showversion -a -b to see Patch 23 listed.
cli% showversion -a -b
Release version (MU4)
Patches: P23
Component Name Version
CLI Server (MU4)
CLI Client (MU4)
System Manager (MU4)
1.3 Components
OS (MU4)
Applying this patch to the InForm OS may cause a restart of the affected OS components.
With these restarts, expected behaviors such as events and alerts may generate. The system will
continue to serve data but existing CLI or IMC sessions may be interrupted.
1.4 Modifications to the InForm OS
The following items have been addressed in this release.
Bug ID
Initial release of Hitachi
Supports Hitachi Mars-K drives on MU4.
Mars-K 2TB F/W
This patch release does not support Seagate Muskie+ drives. Disregard references to the
drive displayed in all CLI output.
1.5 Known Issues With the InForm OS
1.5.1 Error Message When Upgrading to a major InForm OS (Bug 62777)
When upgrading from 2.3.1 MU4 P19 to a major InForm OS release, the following error message
will appear:
/lib/modules/2.6.18-prep-3pardata/tpd.ko.text.checksum" is not a core
dump: File format not recognized.
1.1 Supported Platforms
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