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Инструкция по эксплуатации HP, модель OpenVMS Alpha 7.3-2

Производитель: HP
Размер: 31.07 kb
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Язык инструкции:en

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Фрагмент инструкции

HP Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha, Version 1.1
SPD 70.44.09
OpenVMS Layered Products License
HP software products that run on OpenVMS Galaxy
Software Licenses
configurations continue to use standard license types:
Galaxy 1 CPU License
Traditional, Concurrent Use, and Personal Use.
Galaxy 2 CPU License

One Traditional capacity License will continue to li-
Galaxy 4 CPU License
cense the system, regardless of the number of in-
stances. The license is based on the system class
Galaxy 8 CPU License
of the hardware system.
Galaxy 16 CPU License

Concurrent Use Licenses will continue to license one
concurrent use of the product.
The OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide de-

Personal Use Licenses will continue to license one
scribes how to create, manage, and use an OpenVMS
named user on the system.
Galaxy computing environment. This book includes:
Clustering OpenVMS Galaxy Instances

OpenVMS Galaxy hardware and configuration re-
Instances in an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environ-
ment can be clustered with other instances in a single

Procedures for creating OpenVMS Galaxy computing
system, with instances in other Galaxy systems, or with
environments on OpenVMS AlphaServers listed in
non-Galaxy systems. Each type of clustering has differ-
the supported hardware section above.
ent licensing requirements, as described in the following

Complete details about how to use all of the
OpenVMS Galaxy features and capabilities available
Clustering within a Galaxy System
in OpenVMS Alpha Versions 7.2–1 through 8.3.
In an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment, in-
The OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide is
stances can be clustered with other instances within a
available on the OpenVMS documentation CD-ROM in
Galaxy system. Clustered instances use the shared-
HTML and PDF formats.
memory cluster interconnect to communicate with each
The licensing and functionality for clustering within a
This software is furnished under the licensing provisions
Galaxy system is provided under the OpenVMS Galaxy
of Hewlett-Packard’s Standard Terms and Conditions.
License units for OpenVMS Galaxy are allocated on a
Clustering Outside a Galaxy System
CPU-capacity basis. An OpenVMS Galaxy license is
Instances in an OpenVMS Galaxy computing envi-
required for each CPU within a system.
ronment can be clustered with instances in another
License Management Facility Support
OpenVMS Galaxy system or with cluster nodes in non-
Galaxy systems.
Instances clustered outside of a
This system integrated product supports the OpenVMS
Galaxy system use traditional cluster interconnects.
License Management Facility.
Each system that is clustered with another system must
For more information on the License Management Fa-
be licensed for OpenVMS Cluster Software. Clustering
cility, refer to the HP OpenVMS Operating System for
outside the OpenVMS Galaxy system is not covered by
Alpha Version 7.3-1 and 7.3-2 and VAX Version 7.3
the OpenVMS Galaxy License.
Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the HP
OpenVMS for Integrity Servers and HP OpenVMS Al-
pha Version 8.2 Operating Systems Software Product

Description (SPD 82.35.xx), or the appropriate operat-
ing system documentation set.
The Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Al-
pha is supplied on the same distribution media as the
For more information about OpenVMS licensing terms
OpenVMS operating system. For more information, re-
and policies, contact your local HP sales office, or find
fer to the HP OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha
HP software licensing information on the World Wide
Version 7.3-1 and 7.3-2 and VAX Version 7.3 Software
Web at:
Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the HP Open-
VMS for Integrity Servers and HP OpenVMS Alpha Ver-

sion 8.3 Operating Systems Software Product Descrip-
tion (SPD 82.35.xx),


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