К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Version: A.06.11
Data Protector Media Operations provides tracking and management of offline storage
media, such as magnetic tapes.
Update recommendation Routine
Supersedes A.06.10
Product models
For details about supported platforms, refer to the latest list of support matrices on the
Web: ht p://www.hp.com/support/manuals
Devices supported
For details about supported devices, refer to the latest list of support matrices on the
Web: ht p://www.hp.com/support/manuals
Operating systems
For details about supported platforms, refer to the latest list of support matrices on the
Web: ht p://www.hp.com/support/manuals
International English
For full details of enhancements in this release, see the HP Data Protector Media
Operations Product Announcements, Software Notes, and References
For ful details of fixes in this release, see the HP Data Protector Media Operations
Product Announcements, Software Notes, and References
For full details of prerequisites, see
HP Data Protector Media Operations A.06.11 release notes
...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Программное обеспечение - HP Data Protector V6.11 Software (32.37 kb)