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Then to help simplify the decision, bar graphs show the tradeoffs in data protection and performance for each option as well as the difference between available and required storage capacity. For security, certain actions, such as deleting and reconstructing arrays, are password protected. Troubleshoot problems remotely. Without leaving their desks, network managers can: • Determine which drives have failed • Initialize arrays • Reactivate offline arrays • Verify parity information • Blink individual drive lights or the lights of all drives in an array • Pause I/O to permit the replacement of drives that are not hot-pluggable AAA-131 AAA-132 AAA-133 (Half-size) (OEM only) One Two Three YES YES YES Drives equipped with Self-monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) report predicted failures to Adaptec CI/O Array Management software. With this advance warning, network managers can activate a spare remotely before problems arise. Schedule management activities. Network managers can schedule activities, such as verifying all the disks in each array, testing spare drives, and reconstructing devices. These activities are carried out automatically, on schedule, whether the network manager is in attendance or not. Adaptec quality and reliability The AAA-130 series affords the same high standard of quality and reliability that has made Adaptec a market leader in I/O solutions. As with all Adaptec products, Adaptec AAA-130 series has passed the comprehensive functional and mechanical inspections and tests in two separate laboratories: the Adaptec Product Test Lab and the Adaptec Compatibility Test Lab. Multiple operating system support YES YES YES Adaptec’s manufacturing facility has Data striping (RAID 0) YES YES YES earned ISO-9002 international certifica tion, which ensures compliance to a Mirroring (RAID 1) YES YES YES high level of quality in product design Data striping with distributed parity (RAID 5) YES YES YES and production. Hot-swap drive support YES YES YES Trusted for quality and reliability, Hot-spare standby YES YES YES Adaptec products are incorporated into Dynamic sector repairing YES YES YES the products of virtually all major com puter and peripheral manufacturers. Both 50-pin and 68-pin cables included-5 position YES NO YES Both 50-pin and 68-pin connectors on all internal channels YES YES YES One 68-pin external connector YES YES YES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Computer Bus: 32-bit PCI Local Bus Interface Protocol: Bus master DMA Host Burst Data Transfer Rate: Up to 133 MByte/sec burst rate SCSI Synchronous Data Rate: AAA-131 — Up to 40 MByte/sec (Burst rates) AAA-132 (OEM only) — Up to 80 MByte/sec (40 MByte/sec per channel) AAA-133 — Up to 120 MByte/sec (40 MByte/sec per channel) Device Protocol: SCSI Ultra, Fast, and Wide (8- and 16-bit) 20 MHz Advanced SCSI Features: SCSI PhaseEngine® coprocessor Aut...