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Operation & Care Manual • 7. PROTECTINGSTAINLESSSTEELSURFACESItisimportanttoguardagainstcorrosioninthecareofstainlesssteelsurfaces. Harsh,corrosive,orinappropriatechemicalscancompletelydestroytheprotectivesurfacelayerofstainlesssteel. Abrasivepads,steelwool,ormetalimplementswillabradesurfacescausingdamagetothisprotectivecoatingandwilleventuallyresultinareasofcorrosion.Evenwater,particularlyhardwaterthatcontainshightomoderateconcentrationsofchloride,willcauseoxidationandpittingthatresultinrustandcorrosion.Inaddition,manyacidicfoodsspilledandlefttoremainonmetalsurfacesarecontributingfactorsthatwillcorrodesurfaces. Propercleaningagents,materials,andmethodsarevitaltomaintainingtheappearanceandlifeofthisappliance.Spilledfoodsshouldberemovedandtheareawipedassoonaspossiblebutattheveryleast,aminimumofonceaday. Alwaysthoroughlyrinsesurfacesafterusingacleaningagentandwipestandingwaterasquicklyaspossibleafterrinsing. CLEANINGAGENTSUsenon-abrasivecleaningproductsdesignedforuseonstainlesssteelsurfaces.Cleaningagentsmustbechloride-freecompoundsandmustnotcontainquaternarysalts.Neverusehydrochloricacid(muriaticacid)onstainlesssteelsurfaces. Alwaysusethepropercleaningagentatthemanufacturer'srecommendedstrength. Contactyourlocalcleaningsupplierforproductrecommendations. CLEANINGMATERIALSThecleaningfunctioncanusuallybeaccomplishedwiththepropercleaningagentandasoft,cleancloth.Whenmoreaggressivemethodsmustbeemployed,useanon-abrasivescouringpadondifficultareasandmakecertaintoscrubwiththevisiblegrainofsurfacemetaltoavoidsurfacescratches.Neverusewirebrushes,metalscouringpads,orscraperstoremovefoodresidue. CLEANINGANDPREVENTIVEMAINTENANCECLEANINGANDPREVENTIVEMAINTENANCE C A U T I O N NOSCRAPERS NOWIRE BRUSHES NOSTEELPADS TO PROTECT STAINLESS STEEL SURFACES, COMPLETELY AVOID THE USE OF ABRASIVE CLEANING COMPOUNDS, CHLORIDE BASED CLEANERS, OR CLEANERS CONTAINING QUATERNARY SALTS. NEVER USE HYDROCHLORIC ACID (MURIATIC ACID) ON STAINLESS STEEL. NEVER USE WIRE BRUSHES, METAL SCOURING PADS OR Operation & Care Manual • 8. CAREANDCLEANINGCAREANDCLEANING The cleanliness and appearance of this equipment will contribute considerably to operating efficiency and savory, appetizing food. Good equipment that is kept clean works better and lasts longer. CLEAN THE CARVING SHELF AFTER EACH USE: 1. Disconnect the shelf from the power source. 2. Remove cutting board after each use. Clean and sanitize separately following applicable state or local health sanitation ordinances. Air dry the board on a clean, flat surface to prevent board from warping. If the board becomes warped, heating will restore flexibility to facilitate flattening. Warped boards may be heated on the carving shelf surface, in a preheated Combitherm combination oven/steamer for 10 minutes on the steam program, or in a preheated Halo Heat cook and hold oven for 15 minutes at 250°F (121°C). 3. Clean metal surface with mild soap solutions only. DO NOT clean with lye or alkaline based cleaners or any abrasive cleaners. Rinse carefully with a clean sponge and water to remove all soap or detergent residue. WARNING WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY IF THE CARVING SHELF IS FLOODED OR IMMERSED IN WATER. 4. DO NOT use knives or utensils on the hot shelf surface. A cutting board is supplied. 5. Clean the acrylic sneeze guard with soap or mild detergent and water. Dry with a clean, damp chamois. Grease and oil may be removed with naphtha or hexane. NOTE: Do not use commercial or household cleaners containing ammonia on the sneeze guard. To avoid scratching, do not use dry cloths or scouring compounds. D A N G E R DISCONNECT UNIT FROM POWER SOURCE BEFORE CLEANING OR SERVICING. DANGERATNOTIMESHOULDTHEINTERIOROREXTERIORBESTEAMCLEANED, HOSEDDOWN,ORFLOODEDWITHWATERORLIQUIDSOLUTIONOFANYKIND.DONOTUSEWATERJETTOCLEAN. SEVEREDAMAGEORELECTRICALHAZARDCOULDRESULT. WARRANTYBECOMESVOIDIFAPPLIANCEISFLOODED Operation & Care Manual • 9. SANITATION Food flavor and aroma are usually so closely related that it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate them. There is also an important, inseparable relationship between cleanliness and food flavor. Cleanliness, top operating efficiency, and appearance of equipment contribute considerably to savory, appetizing foods. Good equipment that is kept clean, works better and lasts longer. Most food imparts its own particular aroma and many foods also absorb existing odors. Unfortunately, during this absorption, there is no distinction between GOOD and BAD odors. The majority of objectionable flavors and odors troubling food service operations are caused by bacteria growth. Sourness, rancidity, mustiness, stale or other OFF flavors are usually the result of germ activity. The easiest way to insure full, natural food flavor is through comprehensive cleanliness. This means good control of both visible soil (dirt) and invisible soil (germs). A thorough approach to sanitation will provide essential cleanliness. It will assure an attractive appearance of equipment, along with maximum effic...
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