Фрагмент инструкции
Allowing the product to release the initial steam and heat produced by high temperature cooking can alleviate this condition. To preserve the safety and quality of freshly cooked foods however, a maximum of 1 to 2 minutes must be the only time period allowed for the initial heat to be released from the product. The unit is equipped with a thermostat indicating a range of between 1 and 10. Use a metal-stemmed indicating thermometer to measure the internal temperature of the product(s) being held. Adjust the thermostat setting to achieve the best overall setting based on internal product temperature. HOLDINGTEMPERATURERANGEMEATFAHRENHEITCELSIUSBEEFROAST—Rare130°F54°CBEEFROAST—Med/WellDone155°F68°CBEEFBRISKET160°—175°F71°—79°CCORNBEEF160°—175°F71°—79°CPASTRAMI160°—175°F71°—79°CPRIMERIB—Rare130°F54°CSTEAKS—Broiled/Fried140°—160°F60°—71°CRIBS—BeeforPork160°F71°CVEAL160°—175°F71°—79°CHAM160°—175°F71°—79°CPORK160°—175°F71°—79°CLAMB160°—175°F71°—79°CPOULTRYCHICKEN—Fried/Baked160°—175°F71°—79°CDUCK160°—175°F71°—79°CTURKEY160°—175°F71°—79°CGENERAL160°—175°F71°—79°CFISH/SEAFOODFISH—Baked/Fried160°—175°F71°—79°CLOBSTER160°—175°F71°—79°CSHRIMP—Fried160°—175°F71°—79°CBAKEDGOODSBREADS/ROLLS120°—140°F49°—60°CMISCELLANEOUSCASSEROLES160°—175°F71°—79°CDOUGH—Proofing80°—100°F27°—38°CEGGS—Fried150°—160°F66°—71°CFROZENENTREES160°—175°F71°—79°CHORSD'OEUVRES160°—180°F71°—82°CPASTA160°—180°F71°—82°CPIZZA160°—180°F71°—82°CPOTATOES180°F82°CPLATEDMEALS140°—165°F60°—74°CSAUCES140°—200°F60°—93°CSOUP140°—200°F60°—93°CVEGETABLES160°—175°F71°—79°CTHEHOLDINGTEMPERATURESLISTEDARESUGGESTEDGUIDELINESONLY.ALLFOODHOLDINGSHOULDBEBASEDONINTERNALPRODUCTTEMPERATURES.ALWAYSFOLLOWLOCALHEALTH(HYGIENE)REGULATIONSFORALLINTERNALTEMPERATUREREQUIREMENTS. HN2 & HN2SYS Series Operation & Care Manual • 13 CAREANDCLEANINGCAREANDCLEANING CLEANINGANDPREVENTIVEMAINTENANCE PROTECTING STAINLESS STEEL SURFACES It is important to guard against corrosion in the care of stainless steel surfaces. Harsh, corrosive, or inappropriate chemicals can completely destroy the protective surface layer of stainless steel. Abrasive pads, steel wool, or metal implements will abrade surfaces causing damage to this protective coating and will eventually result in areas of corrosion. Even water, particularly hard water that contains high to moderate concentrations of chloride, will cause oxidation and pitting that result in rust and corrosion. In addition, many acidic foods spilled and left to remain on metal surfaces are contributing factors that will corrode surfaces. Proper cleaning agents, materials, and methods are vital to maintaining the appearance and life of this appliance. Spilled foods should be removed and the area wiped as soon as possible but at the very least, a minimum of once a day. Always thoroughly rinse surfaces after using a cleaning agent and wipe standing water as quickly as possible after rinsing. CLEANING AGENTS Use non-abrasive cleaning products designed for use on stainless steel surfaces. Cleaning ...
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