9.Tohearwhatyourecorded,presstheREWINDButtonandthenPLAYButton. TOERASEATAPESimplyrecordanynewprogram,theoldprogramwillautomaticallybeerased.IfyoucannotpresstheCassetteRECORDButton,seeRECORDLEVERINTERLOCKinformation,ortoseewhetherthetapemayreachitsend. RECORDLEVERINTERLOCKPROTECTINGCASSETTETAPEAGAINSTERASUREAllcassettetapesareprovidedwithtabswhich,wheninplace,allowtapeerasuretobeperformed.IfthetabsareremovedthenthetapeCANNOTbeerasedandtheCassetteRECORDButtoncannotbedepressed. ToprotecttheA(or1)si
2.By short pressing the[.]/ [.] buttons to step-upsearch. 3.Press MENU [M] button to select SAVE option. 4.Press [M] and this specific channel will be saved as the last channel5.Repeat the step from 1 to 4 for each desired radio program by keeping in mind that theplayer can store 20 bands. 3.5.3 SpeakerPress [VOL] button andthen long press [.]to turn on the speaker or long press [.] button to shut off the speaker3.6 E-Book (TXT file reading) The E-book option allows reading text file.To activate
Long press [.] or [.] to fast playing the song backward / forward. Volume (VOL): Short press [VOL] button, and then short press [.] or [.]button to decrease volume or increase volumeSpeaker on/off: Short press [VOL] button, and then long press the [.] to turn on the speaker, long press [.] button to shut off the speaker. 3.2.2 AMV SubmenuBy short pressing the MENU [M] button, you can find the following AMV submenus. Press [.]/ [.]to choose, and then press [M] key to confirm each submenus. Use th
It is forbidden to produce this document or mechanical means, including photocopying and recording. Since maximum care has been taken in the drafting and production of this manual, Continental Electric does not consider itself liable for any malfunctions or damage caused as a result of improper use or an erroneous interpretation of the instructions. Copyright..2008. All rights reserved1. IntroductionCongratulations for the purchasing of the digital Player. The high integration reduces the device