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In order to use other MIDI devices, or to add an additional Yamaha mixing console, you must create a new studio setup. See the “OMS_2.3_Mac.pdf” for more information. ENGLISH Studio Manager V2 Installation Guide (for DM2000/02R96/DM1000/01V96) 11 Getting Started Overview of Studio Manager Studio Manager is a cross-platform application that enables you to start multiple Editors that control YAMAHA hardware products remotely, and to save multiple Editor settings. You can run Studio Manager as a stand-alone application, or as a plug-in within supported DAW (digital audio workstation) / sequencer applications, such as Cubase SX 3.0.1 or later. In either case, the basic functionality is the same. For the latest information on compatible DAW applications, refer to the following website. Hardware products Open an editor from Studio Manager Synchronize DM2000 Editor application DM1000 SPX2000 DM2000 Studio Manager Open from a compatible DAW application Start up Studio Manager in stand-alone form DM1000 Editor application Synchronize SPX2000 Editor application Synchronize The settings of each editor can be saved and recalled together from Studio Manager or the DAW application. In other words, you can change the settings of your entire system in a single operation by recalling the settings for multiple devices from Studio Manager or your DAW application. 12 Studio Manager V2 Installation Guide (for DM2000/02R96/DM1000/01V96) When you want to save setting files, you can do this from Studio Manager to recall multiple devices at once, or from an individual Editor to recall only a specific device. When you save your settings in your DAW application, the Studio Manager settings will also be saved together with the DAW application file, and can also be recalled in the same way. To use Studio Manager, you must first perform the following operations: 1. Start and configure Studio Manager (see below). 2. Start and configure an Editor. 3. Synchronize the application with the corresponding device. For more information on using the Editors, refer to the Owner’s Manual for the Editors. Starting and setting up Studio Manager You’ll need to perform the following setup in order to use the editors in Studio Manager. 1 Start up Studio Manager. As a stand-alone application in Windows 2000/XP: Click the [Start] button, place your mouse cursor over [Programs (All Programs)] -> [YAMAHA Studio Manager], then click [Studio Manager]. As a stand-alone application in Mac OS X: Open folders in the order of “Appears” -> “YAMAHA” -> “Studio Manager,” and double-click “SM2.” With Cubase SX: From Cubase SX’s [Device] menu, choose [Yamaha Studio Manager] to open the Studio Manager window. (Studio Manager starts running when Cubase SX is started.) 2 Set up Studio Manager. For details, refer to the PDF format Studio Manager manual. 3 Start up each editor. In the Studio Manager window, double-click the icon for each editor. Studio Manager window 4 Set up each editor. For details, refer to the PDF manual for each editor. 5 Synchronize each editor with your mixing console. For details, refer to the PDF manual for each editor. ENGLISH Studio Manager V2 Installation Guide (for DM2000/02R96/DM1000/01V96) 13 Troubleshooting Q: Cannot install Studio Manager? A: Check the system requirements for Studio Manager (on page 5 for a Windows machine, or on page 6 for a Macintosh computer). If the computer’s operating system does not satisfy the system requirements, you cannot install the software. Q: The console is unable to communicate with Studio Manager via USB. A: Have you installed the Yamaha USB MIDI driver (Windows page 5, Mac page 9)? A: Is the USB cable connected correctly (page 5)? A: Is your Yamaha mixing console configured correctly (page 5)? A: Is Studio Manager set to the correct ID (page 5, the manual for each editor)? A: If a USB hub is connected between the console and the computer, remove it and connect the console directly to the computer. A: Mac OS 9 or earlier: Is OMS configured correctly (page 11)? On some systems, the included OMS studio setup files may not work correctly. In this case, you must create a new studio setup. See the “OMS_2.3_Mac.pdf” for more information. Q: Cannot install the Yamaha USB MIDI Driver? A: Is the USB cable connected correctly (page 5)? A: Try disconnecting the USB cable, and then reconnecting it. A: Windows: Is USB enabled? When your Yamaha mixing console is connected to your computer for the first time, if the “Add New Hardware Wizard” doesn’t appear, it may be because your computer’s USB controller is disabled. To check this, open the System control panel, click the Device Manager tab, and check for any crosses (x) or exclamation points (!) next to the “Universal Serial Bus controllers” and “USB Root Hub” items. If these items do have these marks next to them, your USB controller is disabled. For information on enabling your USB controller, refer to your computer’s documentation. A...