К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
. Do not apply excessive force to the instrument such as dropping the instrument, closing the case when an object is placed on top of the instrument, etc. Also, when you are finished playing, place the instrument in the case. At this time, make sure that there is nothing in the case that will apply pressure on the keys. When assembling the instrument, be careful not to apply unnecessary pressure to the keys. Hold on to the instrument in the intervals between performance and during breaks between practice. The joint is too tight or loose. If the joint is tight, apply a small amount of cork grease to the joint cork. If the joint is still tight, apply some cork grease to the receiver side as well. . Changes in temperature and/or humidity can cause the cork to shrink or expand which can make the joints tight in the summer and loose in the winter. After you are finished playing, make sure you store the instrument in its case, rather than leave it out. If the joint cork is torn, take the instrument to your dealer for repair. . Proper application of cork grease offers some protection against tearing of the cork. However, if the cork becomes torn, take the instrument to your dealer for repair. The keys are noisy. Apply key oil if the keys lack oil and are dry, and tighten screws that have become loose. . Apply key oil once a month (1-2 drops per location) to prevent abrasion. Also, since woodwind instruments have many small screws, check for loose screws and tighten if necessary. The cork or felt on the keys has fallen off or torn. The instrument may have received a shock causing the keys to come in contact with the body or other keys. In this case, take the instrument to your dealer for repair. . Take proper care of the instrument to prevent the corks or felts from falling off. After playing the instrument keep the instrument in its case. Also, hold on to the instrument in the intervals between performance and during breaks between practice to prevent excessive pressure being placed on the instrument or keys. 82 YCL-622 . ..............( ....) ....... *1 ....... *2 ........./ ...........:............ ..................... . This chart uses the Boehm fingering system. Alternate fingerings are shown on the shaded illustrations. *1 Register Key *2 Alto Clarinet/Bass Clarinet: Slide the left fore finger down and hold the key so that the center hole is open. . Die abgebildete Ubersicht basiert auf dem Boehm-Griffsystem. Schattierte Instrumente zeigen alternative Griffe. *1 Registerklappe *2 Altklarinette/Bassklarinette: Mit dem linken Zeigefinger nach unten fahren und die Klappe gedruckt halten, so dass das mittlere Loch geoffnet ist. ........./ ........ Alto Clarinet/Bass Clarinet Altklarinette/Bassklarinette Clarinette Alto/Clarinette Basse Clarinete alto/Clarinete bajo ...../ ..... Альтовый кларнет/Бас-кларнет ...... / ....... .. Open Offen Ouvert Abierto .. Открытый .. .... Close Geschlossen Ferm Cerrado .. Закрытый .. .........../Fingering Chart/Griffta...
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