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Инструкция по эксплуатации Roland, модель D-110

Производитель: Roland
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Refer lo Roland Exclusive? Measures, and Sect к tins -\ and 5, Status Second BnH 06H Value of a parameter specified by RPC. (See description ih RPC MSB.) n = MIDI Chfthnel Main Volume S ta tus BnH Second 07 И ï Volume Value = MIDI Channel OH - FH ( 1 - 16 1 ООН - 7FH i 0 - 127 i OH - FH { 5 - i(i ) Can contol the volume of the rhythm part. The maximum volume is determined by OUTPUT LEVEL Express i nti message < the panel and Em preKsi \ о rt Second OBH Th i rd vvti ООН - 7 ГМ f Ü - izn ) - 16 I Can run toi the volume of the rhythm pari. The maximum volume is determined by OUTPUT LEVEL set Hain vo Sume message. HuJd- 1 S tutus S«s ootid BnH 4 OH the pane 1 and yV = ООН - 3FH : Off l'v ; 4OH - 7FH : On n = M 3 tl ] Channe 1 FíPC LSS St.д \л)В BnH Second 64H Th i rd vvK = Lower byte of a parameter number controlled by RPC. (See dear,i n - MIDI Channel in RPC MSB.\ OH - FH ( 1 Г!PC MsSH St.a tus BnH Second 65H = Upper byte of a parameter number controlled b.v RPC. = HIDl Channel OH - FH i 1 - 16 ) MSB arid LSB RPC together specifies parameter Data entry determines the value. Effective RPC on D-110 ia Sender range. be controlled whi.1« Act i .S' I n t. FRH Act ) Hnving r-f>i,‘eiv&d this messaße, ï>~ 1 Ï 0 expects to receive information of any Ktril.u« or data every liOOrcs (mas I , If [;-M0 fails to sense message^ ji assume* that MIDI bus is disconnected for some reason. Then D-11Û turns off ail notes? which have been turned on by MIDI and returns to tmrinaJ operation (will not check interval of messages). 3, RECÛCihv Î ZED RECEIVE DATA (Rhythm part* Mes^aKeb on MID! channels nul, usbifined to rhyl.h«i parí a г \«j 8nH 9nH KkH kkH кк - г> и t с nominar V Ч S V С 1 usi I V и = МНЯ f.lmnncl 1НН - tlCH 1 M>un't*d ПН - НН Th ¡ rd V vH OîJH I ü-í “ I OH I 1 I - l tí I > SI N l títm r< RPC MSB Data Entry ООН ООН wH Bender Range v v ^ 0 - ?A 2 octavea спая Reset Ail Ct/ntrci 11 ers Status Second Third BnH 79H ООН ri t MIDI Channel OH - FH ( 1 control] ers to the value as sho^n ht?; Гоп t roller aeti.inii Modulation ücpth Ha in Vuiunu-f К \ \s r r? a a i о h Ko t d 1 Pitch Bend thm ¡mr Knc Lus Í vt* ткнйнйе can u-so nn.jm<> r v . Hi-fer to Ruband K: lit1 t TötiH f<« t r 11 tu 0-110, ij г 1 f (j r bíj I к d и ru ; j ! 1 inni ni' if v * Enter button is pressed in timbre aelect mode► {Transfers a parameter set in the timbre.) * Enler button i*s presBed while editting. (Transfers a parameter being editted.) FOH 4 IH DEV ItiH 40H aaK aaH aftH shK ssH ssH Request data Byte FOK 4 ] H DEV I6H 4 } H aaH aaH aaH ssH F" H (iß ta set FOIS 4 1H r>EV ItiH aüH suH aaH ddH Atrk rjowl edge FÛH 4 IH DEV 5 fc>H 43H F7H End of data The following two D-1\0 * s, Rece i ver(D-110) an example of one communication be tween FOH 4 IH DEV JfiH Deac r L f>t i on Exclusiv« status Manufactures ID (Roland* Device ID Model ID Command ID Address MSB * ^- I Address Address LSB S17-e MSS Size LSB Size Check sum End of esc lus i Descri pti on Exclusive status Manu...

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