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Фрагмент инструкции
Set your own blue color levels. GAMMA Set your own gamma value. : 1.8/2.0/2.2/2.4/2.6 On the monitor, high gamma values display whitish images and low gamma values display blackish images. CoLoR Reset Resets the color settings to the factory default settings for the current input device. 16 ENGENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS DIsPLAY1PressanybuttononthefrontoftheMonitorsettodisplaytheMonItoR setUPOSDmenu. 2PresstheMenUbuttontodisplaytheoptionsintheOSDmenu. 3SelectDIsPLAYbypressingthebuttonsonthefrontoftheMonitorsetandsettheoptions. 4SelecteXIttoleavetheOSDmenu. Toreturntotheuppermenuorsetothermenuitems,usetheuparrow()button. Theavailablepicturesettingsaredescribedbelow. MenuDescriptionHoRIZontALTomoveimageleftandright. VeRtICALTomoveimageupanddown. CLoCKTominimizeanyverticalbarsorstripesvisibleonthescreenbackground.Thehorizontalscreensizewillalsochange. PHAseToadjustthefocusofthedisplay.Thisitemallowsyoutoremoveanyhorizontalnoiseandclearorsharpentheimageofcharacters. ENGENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS DIsPLAY1PressanybuttononthefrontoftheMonitorsettodisplaytheMonItoR setUPOSDmenu. 2PresstheMenUbuttontodisplaytheoptionsintheOSDmenu. 3SelectDIsPLAYbypressingthebuttonsonthefrontoftheMonitorsetandsettheoptions. 4SelecteXIttoleavetheOSDmenu. Toreturntotheuppermenuorsetothermenuitems,usetheuparrow()button. Theavailablepicturesettingsaredescribedbelow. MenuDescriptionHoRIZontALTomoveimageleftandright. VeRtICALTomoveimageupanddown. CLoCKTominimizeanyverticalbarsorstripesvisibleonthescreenbackground.Thehorizontalscreensizewillalsochange. PHAseToadjustthefocusofthedisplay.Thisitemallowsyoutoremoveanyhorizontalnoiseandclearorsharpentheimageofcharacters. CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS 17 otHeRs 1 Press any button on the front of the Monitor set to display the MonItoR setUP OSD menu. 2 Press the MenU button to display the options in the OSD menu. 3 Select otHeRs by pressing the buttons on the front of the Monitor set and set the options. 4 Select eXIt to leave the OSD menu. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow ( ) button. The available picture settings are described below. Menu Description LAnGUAGe To choose the language in which the control names are displayed. PoweR InDICAtoR Use this function to set the power indicator on the front side of the monitor to ON or OFF.If you set OFF, it will go off. If you set ON at any time, the power indicator will automatically be turned on. wHIte BALAnCe If the output of the video card is different the required specifications,the color level may deteriorate due to video signal distortion. Using this function, the signal level is adjusted to fit into the standard output level of the video card in order to provide the optimal image.Activate this function when white and black colors are present in the screen. oRIGInAL RAtIo WIDE Switch to full screen mode according to input image signal. ORIGINAL Change the input image signal ratio to original. * This function works only if input resolution is lower than Monitor set ratio (16:9). sUPeR eneRGY sAVInG Sets the SUPER ENERGY SAVING function. ON Enables SUPER ENERGY SAVING you can save energy with this energy-efficient function OFF Disables SUPER ENERGY SAVING. RESET Resets the values of total energy consumption reduction and CO2 emission reduction estimates. FACtoRY Reset Restore all factory default settings except"LANGUAGE." Press the , > buttons to reset immediately. > yytotALPoweRReDUCtIon:Howmuchpowerissavedwhileusingthemonitor. yytotALCo2ReDUCtIon:ChangetheTOTALPOWERREDUCTIONtoCO2. yysAVInGDAtA(w/h) note 545 mm (21.5 inch) 584 mm (23 inch) SUPER SAVING 4 W/h 5 W/h LED SAVING 15 W/h 12 W/h yySaving Data depends on the Panel. So,those values should be different from each panel and panel vendor. yyLG calculated these values by using “broadcast video signal”. yyLED Saving refers to how much power can be saved using a WLED Panel instead of CCFL panel. yySUPER SAVING refers to how much power can be saved using the SUPER ENERGY SAVING function. ENGENGLISH 18 ENGENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS MoDe setting1PressanybuttononthefrontoftheMonitorsettodisplaytheMonItoR setUPOSDmenu. 2PresstheMoDebuttontodisplaytheoptionsintheOSDmenu. 3SettheoptionsbypressingthebuttonsonthefrontoftheMonitorset. 4SelecteXIttoleavetheOSDmenu. Toreturntotheuppermenuorsetothermenuitems,usetheuparrow()button. Theavailablepicturesettingsaredescribedbelow. MenuDescriptionUseRItisamodethattheusercanadjusteachelement.ItcanadjustthecolormodeoftheMainMenu. MoVIeItisamodethatthescreenisadjustedtothebesttoviewthevideos. teXtItisamodethatthescreenisadjustedtothebestforthetextworks. PHotoItisamodethatthescreenisadjustedtothebesttoviewpictures. sRGBItisamodethatthescreenisadjustedtothestandardsRGB. 18 ENGENGLISH CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS MoDe setting1PressanybuttononthefrontoftheMonitorsettodisplaytheMonItoR setUPOSDmenu. 2PresstheMoDebuttontodisplaytheoptionsintheOSDmenu. 3SettheoptionsbypressingthebuttonsonthefrontoftheMonitorset. 4SelecteXIttoleavetheOSDmenu. Toreturntot...
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