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Инструкция по эксплуатации Graco Inc., модель Hydra-Clean 1840

Производитель: Graco Inc.
Размер: 1.5 mb
Название файла: d91fd851-f6ea-4edc-93ec-28dd853f9268.pdf

Язык инструкции:en

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On the 1840 models there is an adjustable unloader valve that permits operation at less than maximum pressure. To reduce pressure, for special cleaning applications, turn the pressure control knob on the unloader counterclockwise, as needed. On the 2540 model and 3240 model the unloader is factory-set at full pressure and is not adjustable. 7. ALWAYS observe the following CAUTIONS to avoid costly damage to the pressure washer. -CAUTION - DO NOT allow the pressure washer to idle for more than 10 minutes. Doing so may cause the recirculating water to overheat and seriously damage the pump.Turn off the pressure washer if it will not be spraying or cleaning at least every 10 minutes. If heated inlet water is used, reduce this time further. DO NOT run the pump dry, which will quickly damage the pump. Be sure the water supply is fully turned on before starting the pump. DO NOT operate the pressure washer with the inlet water screen removed. This screen helps keep abrasive sediment out of the pump, which could clog or scratch the pump. Keep this screen clean. DO NOT pump caustic materials; such materials may corrode the pump components. 8. See the chemical injector or sandblaster kit manual for detailed cleaning information if these accessories are used. -CAUTION - Never run the unit dry. Costly damage to the pump will result. Always be sure the water supply is completely turned on before operating. Trigger Safety Latch -WARNING- To reduce the risk of serious bodily injury, including fluid injection, splashing in the eyes or on the skin, ALWAYS engage the trigger safety latch whenever spraying stops, even for a moment. In the engaged position, the trigger safety latch prevents the gun from being triggered accidentally by hand or if it is dropped or bumped. Be sure the latch is pushed fully down when engaging it or it cannot prevent the gun from being triggered. See Figure 2. TRIGGER SAFETY LATCH SHOWN ENGAGED TRIGGER SAFETY LATCH SHOWN DISENGAGED Figure 2 — Installing and Changing Spray Tips -WARNING- To reduce the risk of serious bodily injury, including fluid injection or splashing in the eyes or onto the skin, use extreme caution when changing spray tips. ALWAYS follow the procedure below. 1. Follow the Pressure Relief Procedure. 2. Point the gun and wand away from yourself and anyone else. 3. Without holding your hand over the spray tip (A), pull back the quick coupler ring (B), remove the tip and then release the ring. See Figure 3. 4. Be sure the tip is secure before starting to spray again. 5. Tip holding holes are provided on the chassis. -CAUTION - To avoid blowing the o-ring out of the quick coupler, due to the high pressure in the system, never operate the pressure washer without a tip securely mounted in the quick coupler. Figure 3 308-510 7 SHUTDOWN, FLUSHING AND STORAGE -WARNING- PRESSURE RELIEF PROCEDURE To reduce the risk of serious bodily injury, including fluid injection and splashing in the eyes, or on the skin, always follow this procedure whenever you stop spraying for more than 10 minutes, when shutting down, and before checking or repairing any part of the system. 1. Engage the trigger safety latch. 2. Turn the sprayer off. 3. Disconnect the electrical supply. 4. Shut off the water supply. 5. Disengage the trigger safety latch and trigger the gun to relieve pressure, and then engage the trigger safety latch again. 6. Before long-term (overnight) storage, disconnect the water supply and disconnect the electricity. MAINTENANCE Observing regular maintenance intervals helps ensure that you get maximum performance and life from the pressure washer. There is a break-in period for the pump. After changing the oil initially, the interval between required changes is longer. -WARNING- To reduce the risk of serious bodily injury, including fluid injection, splashing in the eyes or on the skin or injury from moving parts, always follow the Pressure Relief Procedure Warning before proceeding. 1. If the pressure washer will be exposed to freezing temperatures, drain all water out of the pump. If it must be stored in freezing temperatures, flush the unit with a 50% anti-freeze solution. Relieve pressure. Flush the pressure washer before using it again to remove the anti-freeze. NOTE: An anti-freeze flush kit P/N 802-327 is available to make flushing easier. -CAUTION - If water does freeze in the pressure washer, thaw it in a warm room before trying to start it. DO NOT pour hot water on or into the pump; it may crack the ceramic plungers! 2. After each use, wipe all surfaces of the pressure washer with a clean, damp cloth. 3. Perform the appropriate maintenance. See the maintenance chart. Interval What to do Daily Clean water inlet screen and filter. Check pump oil level. Fill as necessary. After first 50 hours of operation Change pump break-in oil. Use SAE 20 or 30 non-detergent oil. Each 500 hours of operation or 6 months Change pump oil. Use SAE 20 or ...

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