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22, 2002 Name: Ti mmy H u an g DECLARATION OF C ONF ORMITY Pe r FCC P art 2 S ect ion 2.1077( a) Res pons ible Par tName: G. B. T. IN C. (U.S .A .) Addres s : 17358 Railroad S treet Cit y of Indus tr y, C A 91 748 Ph on e/Fax N o: (818) 854-9338/ (818) 854-9339 hereby declares that the product Pr oduct N ame: Mot h er boar d Mode l Nu mber : GA-8 IEX / GA-8 IEX P Conforms to the follo wing s pecifications : FCC Par t 15, Sub part B, S ectio n 15. 107( a) an d Se ction 15. 109 (a), Clas s B Digital De vice S u pplemen tar y Inf or mat ion: This device co mplies with part 15 of the FCC Rules . Operation is s ubject to t he follo wing two conditions : (1) This de vice may not cause harmful and (2) this device mus t accept any inference received, including that may caus e undes ired operation. Repres entative Pers on’s Name: ERIC LU Signature: Eric Lu Dat e: Mar. 22 ,2002 Acro nyms Acrony ms M e aning ACPI Adv anced C onfigura tion a nd Po w er I nterface APM Adv an ced Pow e r M anage ment AGP Acce lerate d Grap hics P ort AM R Audio M odem R iser AC R Adv a nced C o mmunica tions R iser BBS BIOS Boot Sp ecifica tion BIOS Basic I nput / Output Sy stem CPU C entral Proc essing U nit CM OS C omp lementar y M etal Ox ide S emicondu ctor CRIMM C ontinuity RIM M CN R C omm unication and N etw or king R iser DM A Direct M emory Access DM I De skto p M a nage ment Interfa ce DIM M Dual In line M emory M odule DRM Dua l Re tention M e chan ism DRAM Dy namic Random Access M emory DDR Do uble Data Ra te EC P Ex te nded C apabilities Port ESC D Ex tended Sy ste m C onfigura tion D ata EC C Erro r C heck ing and C orrec ting EM C Ele ctrom agne tic C ompatibility EPP Enh anced Parallel P ort ESD Ele ctro static Discha rge FDD Floppy Disk Dev ice FSB Fron t Side Bus HDD H ard Disk Dev ice IDE In tegr ated Dua l C h anne l En hanc ed IRQ In ter rupt Re que st I/O Inp ut / Output IOAPIC Inp ut Ou tput Adv an ced P rogra mmable Inp ut C o ntroller ISAInd ustry Stan dard Arch itecture to b e continued.. .... Acrony ms M e aning LAN Local Area N e tw ork LBA Logical Bloc k Addres sing LED Light Emitting Dio de MH z M eg aher tz M IDI M us ical Ins trume nt D igita l In terface MTH M emo ry Tran slator H ub M PT M emo ry Pro tocol Translator NIC N etw ork Interface C ard OS Ope ratin g Sy s tem OEM Origina l Eq uipme nt M anufactu rer PAC PC I A.G.P. C ontroller POST Pow er -On Self Test PC I Per iphe ral C omp onen t In terc onne ct RIM M Rambu s in-line M emory M odule SC I Spec ial Circumsta nce In structions SECC Sin gle Ed ge C on tact C artridge SRAM Static Random Access M emory SM P Sy mme tric M ulti-Proce ssing SM I Sy s tem M anagem ent I nterr upt USB U niv ersal Serial Bus VID Voltage ID Technical S upport/RMA S heet C ustomer/ C ountry : C ompany : Phone N o.: C ontact Per son: E-mail Add. : M ode l name/ Lot N um ber: PC B rev ision: BIOS v ersion: O.S./A.S.: H ardw are M fs. M od el n ame Size: Driv er/U tility : C o nfigu ra tion CPU M emory Bra nd Video C ard Audio C ard HDD C D-ROM / DVD-ROM M od em N etw ork AMR / C N R Key b oard M ouse Pow er supply Other Dev ice Pro blem Desc ription: ...