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Auto BIOS autodetects the type of CPU fan you installed and sets the optimal CPU Smart FAN control mode for it. (Default value) Voltage Set to Voltage when you use a CPU fan with a 3-pin fan power cable. PWM Set to PWM when you use a CPU fan with a 4-pin fan power cable. Note: In fact, the Voltage option can be used for CPU fans with 3-pin or 4-pin power cables. However, some 4-pin CPU fan power cables are not designed following Intel 4-Wire fans PWM control specifications. With such CPU fans, selecting PWM will not effectively reduce the fan speed. -43 -BIOS Setup English 2-7 MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.) CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2005 Award Software MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.) C.A.M.(Note) CPU Clock Ratio(Note) C.I.A.2 FSB Turbo Mode System Clock Mode x New FSB Speed (QDR) Current FSB Speed (QDR) Target FSB Speed (QDR) x New MEM Speed (DDR) Current MEM Speed (DDR) Target MEM Speed (DDR)) PCIE Frequency (MHz) LDT Frequency SLI Broadcast Aperture DIMM OverVoltage Control PCI-E OverVoltage Control FSB OverVoltage Control SATAII OverVoltage Control CPU Voltage Control Normal CPU Vcore Robust Graphics Booster [High] [16x] [Disabled] [Disabled] [Optimal] Auto 800.0 MHZ 800.0 MHZ Auto 533.3 MHZ 533.3 MHZ [100.0000] [4x] [Disabled] [Normal] [Normal] [Normal] [Normal] [Normal] 1.3875V [Auto] Item Help Menu Level• ........: Move Enter: Select F5: Previous Values +/-/PU/PD: Value F10: Save F6: Fail-Safe Defaults ESC: Exit F1: General Help F7: Optimized Defaults Incorrect using these features may cause your system broken. For power end-user use only. C.A.M. (Note) High Set clock ratio for frequency-locked CPU to High. (Default value) Low Set clock ratio for frequency-locked CPU to Low. CPU Clock Ratio (Note) This setup option will automatically assign by CPU detection. The option will display "Locked" and read only if the CPU ratio is not changeable. C.I.A.2 C.I.A.2 (CPU Intelligent Accelerator 2) is designed to detect CPU loading during software program executing, and automatically adjust CPU computing power to maximize system performance. Disabled Disable this function. (Default value) CruiseSet C.I.A.2 to Cruise. Automatically increase CPU frequency(5%,7%) by CPU loading. Sports Set C.I.A.2 to Sports. Automatically increase CPU frequency(7%,9%) by CPU loading. Racing Set C.I.A.2 to Racing. Automatically increase CPU frequency(9%,11%) by CPU loading. Turbo Set C.I.A.2 to Turbo. Automatically increase CPU frequency(15,17%) by CPU loading. Full Thrust Set C.I.A.2 to Full Thrust. Automatically increase CPU frequency(17%,19%) by CPU loading. Warning: Stability is highly dependent on system components. FSB Turbo Mode Disabled Disable FSB Turbo mode. (Default value) Enabled Enable FSB Turbo mode. (Note) This item will show up when you install a processor which supports this function. GA-8N775 Motherboard - 44 English System Clock Mode Optimal Set FSB and memory speed automatically. (Default value) Linked Allows FSB and memory speed to be overclocked proportionally. Expert Enter FSB and memory speed manually. New FSB Speed (QDR) This item becomes active when System Clock Mode is set to Linked or Expert. Type in a new FSB speed or use the PLUS SIGN(+)/ MINUS SIGN(-) to set the FSB speed. Current FSB Speed (QDR) Displays the current CPU FSB speed. Target FSB Speed (QDR) This item depends on the value set in New FSB Speed (QDR). New MEM Speed (DDR) This item becomes active when System Clock Mode is set to Expert. Type in a new FSB speed or use the PLUS SIGN(+)/ MINUS SIGN(-) to set the FSB speed. Current MEM Speed (DDR) Displays the current memory speed. Target MEM Speed (DDR) The value changes based on the value set in New FSB Speed (QDR) and New MEM Speed (DDR). PCIE Frequency (MHz) This option allows you to adjust the PCIE frequency. LDT Frequency This option allows you to adjust the LDT frequency. SLI Broadcast Aperture Auto Set SLI Broadcast Aperture to Auto. Disabled Disable this function. (Default value) DIMM OverVoltage Control Normal Set DIMM OverVoltage Control to Normal. (Default value) +0.1V ~ +0.7V Set DIMM OverVoltage Control to +0.1V ~ +0.7V. PCI-E OverVoltage Control Normal Set PCI-E OverVoltrage Control to Normal. (Default value) +0.1V ~ +0.3V Set PCI-E OverVoltage Control to +0.1V ~ +0.3V. FSB OverVoltage Control Normal Set FSB OverVoltrage Control to Normal. (Default value) +0.1V ~ +0.3V Set FSB OverVoltrage Control to +0.1V ~ +0.3V. CPU Voltage Control Supports adjustable CPU Vcore from 0.8375V to 1.6000V. (Default value: Normal) Normal CPU Vcore Displays your CPU's normal voltage. Robust Graphics Booster Select the options can enhance the VGA graphics card bandwidth to get higher performance. Auto Set Robust Graphics Booster to Auto. (Default value) Fast Set Robust Graphics Booster to Fast. Turbo Set Robust Graphics Booster to Turbo. -45 -BIOS Setup English 2-8 Load Fail-Safe Defaults CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2005 Award Software • Standard CMOS Features • Advanced BIOS Featur...