К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Verify Installed Accessories (Optional)
10 Youmaynowverifyaccessoriesyouhaveinstalled.Theseinclude 2.ViewtheSystemConfigurationscreen:Afterthesystem
memory, mass storage devices, and plug-and-play accessory boards.
BIOS is initialized, the System Configuration screen is displayed for
a few seconds. Press the Pause key to continue viewing the screen.
To verify installed hardware:
The System Configuration screen shows theNetServer's hardware
1. View the boot screen: Turn on the HP NetServer and monitor.
configuration. This includes:
View the text that displays on the boot screen as the system boots.
• Processor information
This includes:
• System memory information
• Systemmemory total
• System I/O port information
• Processor speed and number
• Plug-and-play PCI adapter boards
• IDE mass storage devices found
• SCSI mass storage devices found
Non-plug-and-play adapter boards installed in
the NetServer cannot be detected at boot time.
Only plug-and-play boards will be displayed on
the System Configuration screen.
Non-plug-and-play adapter boards installed in
the NetServer cannot be detected at boot time.
Only plug-and-play boards will be displayed on
SCSI devices connected to a SCSI adapter
the boot screen.
board cannot be displayed at boot time. Only
IDE mass storage devices will be displayed on
the System Configuration screen.
Any hardware you have installed that does not show up on either of
these screens (excluding the exceptions noted above) indicates a
defective component or improper installation.
Configure the HP NetServer
11 1.TurnontheNetServerandmonitor,andinserttheHP Express:Recommended.Thisoptionwalksyouthroughthe
NetServer Navigator CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Turn the
installation and configuration of your HP NetServer, including automatic
power off, w ait 10 seconds and turn the power on again.
installation of the NOS (Windows NT™ or NetWare® only) using
HP-recommended defaults.
If the system fails to boot, follow the instructions on the screen:
Press F2 to enter Setup (to security, configure system I/O, or
Custom: This option is for users familiar with setting up servers and
allocate system resources).
doing NOS installations.
Replicate: To duplicate the configuration of an already configured HP
Press F4 to accept automatic configuration update. You may
get a message about updating the BIOS - this is a firmware
NetServer to an identical HP NetServer. This option requires the prior
update only and does not configure hardware resources.
creation of a replicate diskette.
5. Select the NOS you plan to install.
2. Allocate system resources to ISA boards: If you have
installed an ISA non-plug-and-play accessory board, you must run
6. Select the installation mode: If you choose certain versions of
the BIOS Setup utility to allocate system resources to the board.
Novell® NetWare® or Microsoft® Windows NT™ Server, you will be
For instructions on allocating system resources, refer to
prompted to choose between automated or manual NOS install.
"Configuring ISA Non-Plug-and-Play Boards" in Chapter 11,
Choose automated mode for first-time installation of Novell NetWare or
"Using the BIOS Setup and SCSI Select Utilities" in the
Microsoft Windows NTServer on a factory-configured HP E-Series
HP NetServer E 60 Installation Guide.
3. View the Readme file: When the Navigator CD-ROM boots,
Perform a manual install if you are installing a NOS other than Novell
select "Readme File" from the HP NetServer Navigator Main
NetWare or Microsoft Windows NT Server, or if you replaced HP
Menu. The README file contains the latest information to help you
components (for example, replacing an HP NIC with a NIC not on HP’s
install your NetServer. Read it carefully before beginning your
Tested Products List (TPL) or added a SCSI controller board from a
installation. If the native language needs to be changed, select
third party).
"User Preferences" and select the appropriate language.
7. Install the NOS: If you selected the HP automated installation
4. Run Configuration Assistant: Go to the HP NetServer
process, you will be guided through the process by a series of HP
Navigator M ain Menu and choose "Configuration Assistant."
display screens.
Choose one of the three options, "Express," "Custom," or
"Replicate," described in the next column.
If you selected the NOS vendor's installation process (manual install),
view and print the HP NOS installation instructions, and create the
driver disk(s) for the NOS. Install the NOS using the installation utility
If you plan to use the Remote Console feature (see
supplied with the NOS.
Part 12) you must create the Utility Partition. If you
choose "Express" configuration, the partition will
be created automatically. If you perform a
"Custom" configuration, you will need to choose
"Install/Update Utility Partition" from within
Configuration Assistant to create the partition.
Install Additional HP Utility and Management Software
12 1.InstallandConfigureTapeBackupSoftware:IfyourNetServerincludesapreinstalledtapebackupdevice,installandconfigurethe
tape backup software now. See the Tape Backup Getting Started Guide online documentation found on the HP NetServer Documentation
CD-ROM for instructions on installing and configuring the tape backup software.
2. Install Online Documentation (optional): TheMicrosoft Windows-based HP Information Assistant viewer may be installed from the
HP NetServer Documentation CD-ROM (refer to your User Guide for details). Installing HP Information Assistant gives you access to all the
system and reference documentation for your HP NetServer-- it is your complete reference.
3. Configure the Remote Console feature (optional): The Remote Console feature allows you to access server Utility Partition
diagnostics and utilities by redirecting the server's console to a remote PC. Refer to your HP NetServer Server Management Reference Guide for
4. Install Server Management Software (optional): Additional free HP TopTools software included with your system enables you to
manage and monitor your HP NetServer at the server, over the network, or from a remote location. Refer to your HP NetServer Server
Management Reference Guide for details.
...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Компьютеры - HP NetServer E 40 (1.22 mb)
Компьютеры - HP NetServer E 45 (1.22 mb)
Компьютеры - HP NetServer E 50 (1.22 mb)
Компьютеры - HP NetServer E 55 (1.22 mb)