Three Op Amp IA Designs vs. AD620 REV. E Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. CONNECTION DIAGRAM 8-Lead Plastic Mini-DIP (N), Cerdip (Q) and SOIC (R) Packages 1000. Furthermore,
Adobe Systems 0–1300207782- 119FREQUENCY (MHz) AMPLITUDE ( dBFS) –10–20–30–40–50–60–70–80–90–100–110–1205101520fIN = 3.5MHz @ –1dBFSLNA = 6.VGAIN = 1VFILTER TUNEDHPF = 700kHz Figure 17. Typical FFT, AD9272/AD9273 USING THE INTEGRATED CROSSPOINT SWITCH (CW DOPPLER MODE) To examine the spectrum of the CW Doppler integrated crosspoint switch output, use the following procedure: 1. Complete the steps in the Configuring the Board and Using the Software for Testing sections to ensure that the board is
The AD9272/AD9273 data sheet, available at provides additional information and should be consulted when using the evaluation board. All documents and software tools are available at For any questions, send an email to TYPICAL MEASUREMENT SETUP Adobe Systems 07782- 001 Figure 1. AD9272-65EBZ/AD9272-80KITZ/AD9273-50EBZ Evaluation Board and HSC-ADC-EVALCZ Data Capture Board TABLE OF CONTENTS Features ..................................................................
The AD9551 Revision D evaluation board is a compact, easy to use platform for evaluating all features of the AD9551 multiservice clock generator. The AD9551 accepts one or two reference input signals to synthesize one or two output signals. The AD9551 uses a fractional-N PLL that precisely translates the reference frequency to the desired output frequency. The input receivers and output drivers provide both single-ended and differential operation. Reference conditioning and switchover circuitry
Its 140 MSPS encode rate capability and full power analog bandwidth of 300 MHz supports resolutions up to SXGA (1280 . 1024 at 75 Hz). The AD9883A includes a 140 MHz triple ADC with internal 1.25 V reference, a PLL, and programmable gain, offset, and clamp control. The user provides only a 3.3 V power supply, analog input, and HSYNC and COAST signals. Three-state CMOS outputs may be powered from 2.5 V to 3.3 V. The AD9883A’s on-chip PLL generates a pixel clock from HSYNC and COAST inputs. Pixel
Its architecture is similar to that of Analog Devices’ ADSP-2100 family of fixed-point DSP processors. Fabricated in a high-speed, low-power CMOS process, the ADSP-21020 has a 30 ns instruction cycle time. With a high- performance on-chip instruction cache, the ADSP-21020 can execute every instruction in a single cycle. The ADSP-21020 features: • Independent Parallel Computation Units The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), multiplier and shifter perform single-cycle instructions. The units are archite
All trademarks are the property of their respective holders. REV. 0 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. ADSP-2186 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ADSP-2100 BASE SHIFTERMACALU ARITHMETIC UNI
Two chipset versions are available to support differing ranges of operating temperature: The ADSST-EM-3040 chipset is rated at 0°C to 70°C for commercial applications, while the ADSST-EM- 3041 chipset operates at –25°C to +85°C for industrial use. Adobe Systems .CDSPBUTTONSCTSMPSLCD DISPLAYRTCFLASHSPI BUSRS-232OPTOCTCTADCADSST-EM-3040RESISTORBLOCKBOOTFLASH03738-0-001 Figure 1. Block Diagram of a Functional Meter The ADC and DSP are interfaced to simultaneously acquire voltage and current samples
Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality. Adobe Systems PIN CONFIGURATION—ADSST-218X Adobe Systems 03738-0-009543276981D19D18D17D16IRQE+PF4IRQL0+PF5GNDIRQL1+PF6DT0TFS0SCLK0VDDEXTDT1/ FOTFS1/IRQ1DR1/ FIGNDSCLK1ERESETRESETD15D14D13D12GNDD11D10D9VDDEXTGNDD8D7/IWRD6/IRDD5/IALD4/ISGNDVDDINTD3/IACKD2/IAD15D1/IAD14D0/IAD13BGEBGBREBRA4/IAD3A5/IAD4A6/IAD5A7/IAD6A8/IAD7A9/IAD8A10/IAD9A11/IAD10A12/IAD11A13/IAD12GNDGNDCLKINXTALCLKOUTGNDVDDIN
(c) The input voltage noise is reduced to a value of 9 nV/VHz, determined mainly by the collector current and base resistance of the input devices. The internal gain resistors, R1 and R2, are trimmed to an absolute value of 24.7 kW, allowing the gain to be programmed accurately with a single external resistor. The gain equation is then ^ 49.4 kW , G =-+ 1 R, Figure 32. Settling Time Test Circuit G so that Rg = 49.4 kW G - 1 -10- REV. E AD620 Make vs. Buy: A Typical Bridge Applicati