Инструкция по эксплуатации Ascaso Factory, модель ESPRESSO COFFEE GRINDER
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Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the grinding point periodically (on a daily basis). To do that we must use the grinding re g u l a t o r located on the upper right side of the machine. If we t u rn the regulator forw a rd (clockwise) we will obtain a finer grinding, whereas t u rning it backwards (counterc l o c k w i s e ) will result in a coarser grinding point.(FIG.2) 5 The grinding point is factory adjusted for a medium grinding point. It is therefore necessary to proceed with a p re l i m i n a r y grinding adjustment to achieve the best grinding quality. It is recommended that you check the e s p ressocoffee result on the cup and its taste, taking into consideration that an excessively coarse regulation results in lighter coffees (watered) with neither a roma nor cream, whereas an excessively fine regulation results in s h o rt shots, strong and densein excess. 14 15 MOLI 6ID 23/2/06 10:12 Page 16 4. Cleaning In order to guarantee a proper operation of the machine as well as ground coff e e good quality, all areas directly in touch with coffee must be cleaned regularly (at least once a week), with the machine disconnected from the mains in all cases. Hopper Remove the hopper 3 f rom its position (FIG.3) and wash it with a piece of cloth moistened with water and soap to eliminate the inside oily re s i d u e s produced by coffee (FIG.4). Rinse and dry it carefully. Ground coffee spout (I.1 / I.2 models) Remove the upper cover 4 c o v e r i n g the grinder body by pressing on both sides and pull it up. Remove the screw that fastens the ground coffee spout and clean it in the same way than the hopper.(FIG.5) Dose dispenser (I.1D / I.2D models) Remove the remaining ground coff e e from the dose dispenser. Remove the dispenser lid and clean all the internal parts by using a bru s h . (FIG.6) Grinding group See item no. 7 External cleaning Use a brush or a piece of cloth moistened with water and soap. 5. Maintenance B e f o re carrying out any kind of maintenance operation the grinder must be switched off as well as disconnected from the mains. Grinding discs wear must be regularly checked to produce homogeneously g round coffee and obtain a perf e c t espresso. Grinding discs must be replaced between 400-600 Kg (875-1,300 lb) of gro u n d coffee. 5. Grinding group maintenance (fig.7) Remove the remaining coffee beans f rom the hopper A and remove from its position. Remove the upper cover of the grinder B . Once the grinding groups is at sight, remove the screws from the grinding re g u l a t o r C and remove it fro m its position. Tu rn the upper disc holder c o u n t e rclockwise until it may be re m o v e d from its housing. Clean both discs yet checking their state, disc holder D E thread D and grinding group cavity internal part F by using a brush. (FIG.8,9) D Turn upper disc holder clockwise. Reassemble the grinding re g u l a t o r C b y fastening the screws. Reassemble the B upper cover of the grinder and hopper A . After this operation adjust the grinding point. 16 17 MOLI 6ID 23/2/06 10:12 Page 18 6. Safety This coffee grinder must be used exclusively for the purposes it was designed for, coffee beans grinding and ground coffee dispensing. Do not allow children or inexperienced people handle or operate the grinder. Do not clean or make any maintenance operation with the power cord plugged to the mains. Do not disconnect the machine from the mains by pulling the power cord. Do not operate the machine with humid or wet hands or feet. Do not immerse the machine in water. In caseof failure switch the machine off and disconnect it from the mains.No re p a i r i n g nor interventions should be made directly on the machine. Please contact your technical service. Not respecting such warnings may affect the machine and the operator’s safety. 7. EC Declaration of conformity ASCASO FA C T O RY declares that the product this declaration refers to complies with the re q u i rements of the D i rective dated 14th June, 1989 on approximation of legislations of the Member States with re g a rds to Machines (89/392/EEC), Electrical Material (73/23/EEC) and Electromagnetical Compatibility (89/396/EEC). Model Serial no. Table des matieres 1. Caracteristiques techniques 2. Intallation / Mise en marche 3. Point de mouture et son reglage 4. Nettoyage 5. Entretien 6. Securite 7. Declaration de conformite CE 1. Caracteristiques techniques I.1 I.1D I.2 I.2D Puissance (w) 250 250 140 140 Tours minute (tr/mn) 700 700 1200 1200 Fraises Plates o49 mm Plates o49 mm Coniques o38 mm Coniques o38 mm Voltage* (v) 220/110 220/110 220/110 220/110 Capacite tremie (g) 600 600 600 600 Capacite doseur (g) -125 -125 Dimensions Hauteur (mm) Largeur (mm) Profondeur (mm) 407 162 266 407 162 266 407 162 266 407 162 266 Poids (g) 4200 4200 3500 3500 * Autres sur commande Caracteristiques Corps en aluminium Fraises en acier trempe en deux versions: Fraise conique et fraise plate Modeles avec doseur ou buse Horloge electronique en modele av...