Фрагмент инструкции
Tm'n by tm'ning and pushing the Mini-Knob. See it clockwise to increase probe set temperatures each respective section lbr details. and time or counterclockwise to reduce them. Push to set. See the Control lockout section for ho,_ to lock and unlock the controls. Baking Tips Wall Ov_,_ Overzairflow Aluminum bil Bahing pans/sheets Preheating The typeo/ margarine will q[/ ct bahing pe /bvma nce! An internal cooling tim operates during all oven modes. Tile warm air fi'om inside tile oven will be exhausted out through vents located between tile door and control panel. Do not allo_ this air flo_ to be obsti ucted b) dra )ino ldtchen to_els o_er tile fl'ont of tile o\en in undercounter applications. Never entirely co\vr a rack xdth aluminum foil. This will disturb tile heat circulation and result ill poor baking. A smaller sheet (ff flfil may be used to catch a spillo\ er by placing it on a lower sack several inches below tile ibod. NOTE: For general baldng, only one or P,vo lacLs will be used, Three mcLs will be used only when multi-rack baking. Remo\v tile third rack fl'om tile oven when it is not is use. For e\vn cooldng and proper browning, there must be enough room fi)_ air drculation ill tile (wen. Baldng results will be better if baking pans are centered as much as possible rather than being placed to tile fl'ont or to tile back (ff tile ()veil, Use tile proper baldng pan. Tile t}])e of finish on tile pan detel_nines tile amount of browning that will occur. * Dark, rough or dull pans absorb heat resulting ill a brownes; csJsper cHsst. Use this bpe fiw pies. _Mlow tile oven to preheat befi/re placing fi)od in tile oven. Pieheating is necessm'_ fi)* good results xdlen baldng cakes, cooldes, pastr} and breads. Most recipes flw baking have been de\ eloped using high-fi_t products such as butter or margarine (80% fia). If you decrease tile fst, tile redpe may not gi_e tile same results as with a highe>tht product, Redpe fiulure call result if cakes, pies, pastries, cooldes or candies are made with low-tht spreads. Tile lower tile fi_t content of a spiead product, tile more noticeable these differences become. catch spillovers Pans should not touch each ()tiles" or tile wails ot tile o\en. _dlow 1-to 1." space between pans as well as fi'om tile back (ff tile o\vn, tile door and tile sides. /f_,oss Ileed to ssse g_,() I'acl<% use rack positions A and C, B and D or A and D and stagger tile pans so that one is not direcfl} above the other * Shin), bright and smooth pans reflect heat, resulting in a lightei; more delicate browning. Cakes and cooldes require this type of pan or sheet, * (;lass baking dishes also absorb heat. _qlen bakin-,,_ ill ,glass baking, dishes, tile temperature ma} need to be reduced b} 2: ]_. 7b p*elu,al, set ttw ove_ at the (orra:t I_m/wmtlm,. Tim Iq_I_HE,4T l{@l wig tu*'_ o_zand IO0°F wig a/q)eav h_ tlu, display. (The I_s@_>mt,m,disJ)lay will IO0°E) The _>nvectb_l filn wig also tu*vz oz_duz'it_A," p*eheatb_g: The cozmol wig b(@ w/wn the ov_q_is preheated--this wig take a/)[)roximaMy l 0 to l 5 minutes. The I>l'd'iHl{,4T l_gflt wig tmvz q[/ and thv di@l( O'wig show thv set tem/,_,mllu'< I47_e_the PI_d'2HI'2ATl{@t goes (?/,_fi*o& should be placed i_ the ovo_. Federal standards require products labeled "margmine" to contain at least 80% fi_t by weight. I.ow-fi_t spIeads, on tile other hand, contain less fi_t and more watel: Tile high moisture content of these spreads affect tile texture and flavor ot baked goods. For best results with your old fhvofite recipes, use margarine, butter or stick spreads containing at least 70% vegetable oil Before You Begin 1,19111Ovet_ PTull extension ouen Y(I_(']gs Upper frontrail To avoid possible burns, place tile racks ill tile correct position beflwe turning on tile oven. Tile correct rack position depends sill tile kind of fl)od and tile browning desired. 3. Firml} holding onto both tile lo',_er front rack rails, pull tile alld I'en/oxe it [i-(111/ tile ovell. upper rack and forward Tile racks haxe a frame that locks into tile rack supports on both sides. Once tile frame is Lower frontrail locked into place, always pull tile rack out l)_ its upper front rail, to its full extension stop position, _,_hell l)lacin°_ or renloving, cook_#are. Theoven has5 rack lositions Upper _frontrail Rackextended _toitsfull stop _osition To replace a rack: 1. Place tile rear rack locks over and onto tile rack supports (fixe rack positions are available including tile top position). Upperfront rackrail To remove a rack: 1. Make sure the into the oven. rark is pushed all the wa_ 2. Slide tile rear rack rack all tile way locks are secure m {mtil sill tile tile rear rack supports tile fi'ont and press tile rack supports. ti'(mt rack locks onto 2. Grasp tile rack bv bodl its upper fi'ont rail and its lower fl'ont rail and lilt straight up to unlock the fi'ont rack locks fi'om tile rack supports. Lift to unlock front rack locksfrom the rack support Frontrack lock Front rack Slide th...
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