




Фрагмент инструкции
The fan mayalsocontinue I Baking Chart I Note: For ConventionalBakeusethe Bake Pad. . Conveot Conventional Product andType AKE C' Yeow-a,o2 White -2 ayers Chocolate_21aYer`. AngelFoOd' PoundCake . CU_kes SheetCake f.=s Two Crust Fruit,fresh oF_r_o_en .... Custard,freslt : MeringUe Pie Shel PeanutButte__ Pan Rack Temp.(°F) Temp.(°F)l ** Size POsi'don* Preheated***"i-wne**I Preheated Time I o ' _ 1350° 0: 30or3325:/22"01 8-33 9_ :3o0r3 • 325 I 22_30 1' 350 125-30 9" . 3o0r3 325° J25-30 I 350:/30-35 tube 20 or 2 1 350° I 30-35 1 375o 130-40 9X5loaf 2 _pa_ 2o_4_ 9x13' 30r30 ,' . : 9:3o, 9...2 300° ] 50-60 / 325 /55-65 _5z 115"2°I 350°/15-25 325' 126-31 [ 350° /30"40 /I I o / |o o| 350°-400: I 45-60 I 375o-425_/ 45-50 35o_-4oo 1,0-6]6375-4=5/4o-r_ i_ •::1: 325:-375:40-60 350:-400°/40-60 ,_,_, ,3o7-11:350:_0_/6-12 : 325:.3_5,' :: .... : :" _'_ ' :: .... ''_" : sugar: :,:_:::-::::_or3, _TS 6_0 _ownies_i :i :9Xi3_ :-=_i _..... 325° " : i::20_26 I_READS, !' ' •_: :.:_: ;: __ ' L;oa:f -::_'_':ioaf l:Or20 !' 1:7-23 Si read 9x9' .... 30 ::' _ .... 22\28 ngerb • .... :...... : . ._ o 9; 2425=°7-11 3o_3 ;_325°-350° 6-I0 450:'_o"18-12 350 -375-7-11 ° 0° _-11 350:40. 7 3.50° 25-3t o : : . :-375' IB-28 " . 350_, _5-35 : o I-0 m_,s:::::_i:_::::_:::_:_!::_i_ :::_6_25°•!_25 :_ ::_:::::::,,::::_: • An"0"aftera rack numberimpliesthatthe offsetrackshouldbe used. •* Thetimesgiven are based on specificbrands of mixesor recipestested. Actual times will dependon the ones you bake• •**The ConvectBaketemperatureis 25°Flower thanrecommendedon packagemix or recipe• 15 Flat Cake Unevencakes Oven notlevel Batteruneven cake panstoo close to ovenwallsor each other Sticksto pan ;'Cake:-icooledin pan toolong •Pan notgreasedandfloureo Cracksandfallsapart Removedtrompan toosoon Too muchshortening,leaveningor sugar F EXcesSiveshrinkage 1 Oventoo hotoroverbaking fromsidesof pan I Overmixing Convect Baking R_mmendations • Use convectionbaking for breads, cakes, cookies, and pies. • As a general rule, when using recipes or prepared mixes developed for a conventional bake oven, set the oven temperature 25°F lower than the recipe recommendedtemperature. Times will be similar to or a few minutes less than reciperecommendedtimes. Thechartonpage15comparestimesandtemperatures of many baked foods. Use this as a reference. • Forbetterbrowning,place cookiesheets and bakingpans lengthwise,side to side on the rack. • Cookiesheetsshould bewithoutsidesand madeof shinyaluminum. The bestsize to use for cookiesheets is16"x 12" or smaller. 16 For bestresults,bakefoodsonone rackata timeasdescribedinthis manual. However, very good results can be obtained when baking quantities of foods on multiple racks. Quantity cooking provides both time and energy savings. Convect Bake is suggested for most multiple rack cooking,especially three rack cooking,becausethe circulating heatedair resultsinmore even browning. For two rack cooking,theconventionalbakeovenprovidesvery goodbakingresultsespeciallywhen pans can be staggered, such as with layer cakes and fresh pies. Many foods can be preparedon three racks at the same time. These are just a few examples: cookies, cupcakes, rolls, biscuits, muffins, pies, pizzas, appetizers, and snack foods. To obtain the best results in multiple rack cooking, follow these suggestions: • Use temperatureand times in this manual asaguide for best results. • Fortworackbaking,rackpositions#20and4arebestformostbakedproductsbut positions #2 and 4 also provide acceptable results. • Forthreerackbakingusepositions#1,3oand4.Oneexceptionispizza.(Seepage 21.) • Sincefoodson positions#1and 4willusuallybedonebeforefoodson position#3o, additionalcooking time will be neededfor browningfoods on the middle rack. Anadditional minute is needed for thin foods such as cookies. For foods such as biscuits,rolls, ormuffins,allow 1to2 moreminutes. Frozenpiesandpizzas,which should be baked on a cookie sheet, need about 2 to 4 more minutes. • Stagger small pans, such as layer cake pans, in the oven. • Frozenpiesinshinyaluminumpansshouldbeplacedoncookiesheetsandbaked on rack positions #1, 30 and4. • Cookiesheets shouldbe placedlengthwise,side toside,infrontofthefanfor more even browning. • Ovenmealsarerecommendedforenergyconservation.Userackpositions#1and 30 or#2oand4 and ConvectRoast. 17 • Preheating is not necessary. • For openpanroasting,placemeat orpoultryon theslottedportionofthetwo-piece panincludedwiththeoven. Donotaddwatertothepan. Useopen pan roasting fortendercutsofmeat. Lesstendercutsofmeatneedtobecookedbymoistheat in a covered pan. • Forbest results,a meatthermometeror probeis the mostaccurate guideto degree of doneness. The tip of the thermometeror probeshould belocated inthe thickest part of a roast, not touching fat, bone, or gristle. For turkeys and large poultry products,insertthetip of the thermometerorprobeintothe thickestpart of the inner thigh. • Placeroastfat side upto allow selfbastingof meatduringroasting. • Sincemeats continueto cook after being remo...
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