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FAILURE TO READ AND FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR MAJOR PROPERTY DAMAGE. TABLE OF CONTENTS A. HOW YOUR PUMP WORKS.............2 B. SELECTION OF PUMP AND PIPING .. 2-4 C. INSTALLATION.........................4-8 D. PUMP OPERATION & MAINTENANCE.......................... 8 E. DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE FOR SEAL REPLACEMENT......................9-11 F. WINTERIZING PROCEDURE............11 G. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE............11 H. REPLACEMENT PARTS............13-16 LA POMPE EST CONCUE ET PREVUE POUR FAIRE CIRCULER L’EAU DES PISCINES ET BAINS TOURBILLONS AVERTISSEMENT LE PRESENT MANUEL CONTIENT DES INFORMATIONS TRES IMPORTANTES CONCERNANT LA SECURITE, QUI DOIVENT ETRE COMMUNIQUEES A L’UTILISATEUR. LE FAIT DE NE PAS LIRE NI SUIVRE LES INSTRUCTIONS PEUT AVOIR POUR RESULTATS DES BLESSURES GRAVES ET/OU DES DEGATS MATERIELS TRES IMPORTANTS. TABLE DES MATIERES A. FONCTIONNEMENT DE LA POMPE .... 2 B. SELECTION DE LA POMPE ET DE LA TUYAUTERIE...................2-4 C. INSTALLATION.........................4-8 D. UTILISATION & ENTRETIEN DE LA POMPE ........................... 8 E. DEMONTAGE/REMONTAGE POUR REMPLACEMENT DE LA GARNITURE D’ETANCHEITE........9-11 F. HIVERNISATION ........................11 G. GUIDE DE DEPANNAGE................12 H. PIECES DE RECHANGE.............13-16 LA BOMBA HA SIDO DISEÑADA Y TIENE COMO FIN SER USADA PARA HACER CIRCULAR AGUA EN PISCINAS Y SPAS ADVERTENCIA ESTE MANUAL CONTIENE INFORMACION DE IMPORTANCIA CRÍTICA QUE DEBE SER ENTREGADA AL USUARIO FINAL. SI NOSE LEEN N1 SE SIGUEN ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES SE PUEDEN PRODUCIR LESIONES PERSONALES GRAVES Y/O DAÑO DE IMPORTANCIA A LA PROPIEDAD. CONTENIDO A. COMO FUNCIONA LA BOMBA..........2 B. SELECCION DE BOMBA Y TUBERIA . 2-4 C. INSTALACION..........................4-8 D. OPERACION Y MANTENIMIENTO DE LA BOMBA...........................8 E. PROCEDIMIENTO DE DESMONTAJE/ MONTAJE PARA EL CAMBIO DEL SELLO.................................9-11 F. PROCEDIMIENTO DE PREPARACION PARA EL INVIERNO.....................11 G. GUIA PARA LA IDENTIFICACION DE PROBLEMAS............................12 H. CAMBIO DE LAS PARTES...........13-16 MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICE Sanford, NC (919) 774-4151 PENTAIR WEST NATIONAL Moorpark, CA SPA & POOL (805) 523-2400 INSTITUTE ■. °L O MEMBRE B. NATIONAL SPA & POOL INSTITUTE SIEGE SOCIAL Sanford, NC (919) 774-4151 PENTAIR WEST Moorpark, CA (805) 523-2400 MEMBRE NATIONAL SPA & POOL INSTITUTE OFICINA PRINCIPAL Sanford, NC (919) 774-4151 PENTAIR WEST Moorpark, CA (805) 523-2400 2 THIS PUMP OPERATES WITH ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE, AND CAN GENERATE BOTH VACUUM AND PRESSURE IN THE WATER SYSTEM. WHEN PROPERLY WIRED AND PLUMBED, THIS PUMP WILL OPERATE IN A SAFE MANNER. A. HOW YOUR PUMP WORKS Your centrifugal pump is designed to operate for years with proper maintenance. The pump housing, seal plate, diffuser hair and lint pot and impeller are made from high quality thermoplastic materials. These materials have been selected for their corrosion resistance. When installed, operated and maintained in accordance with tliese instructions, your pump will provide years of service. Your centrifugal pump is driven by an electric motor. The motor is directly attached to the pump impeller. As the electric motor turns it causes the impeller to turn and this causes the water to flow. The water flows into the hair and lint pot inlet and through the basket assembly to prestrain large particles. The flow then enters the center of the pump housing. If the pump docs not contain the hair and lint pot assembly, the flow simply enters the center of the pump housing. The flow goes through the impeller into the stationary diffuser and out the pump discharge port. WATERFALL PUMP VS. POOL PUMP Typical pool pumps are designed to circulate water through relatively high loss plumbing systems that include many plumbing restrictions (i.e. pool filter, valves, heater, small plumbing fittings) and therefore must produce a significant amount of pressure to push the water through all the components. If installed on plumbing systems that do not have these types of plumbing restrictions, pool pumps will often operate very noisily and start a sometimes damaging process called cavitation. In addition, pool pumps typically do not operate efficiently on these types of applications. The Waterfall Pump is specifically intended for applications that require quiet and efficient delivery of water on plumbing systems that have very little restriction. Often, these are applications that require a pump to move water to create some visual effect such as a waterfall, a cascade or spillway, or when it is desired to move water a relatively short distance. It is not intended to be used in typical pool filtration pump applications or spa applications where pressure is required. It is also not intended for certain applications where water must be elevated more than ten feet above the pool reservoir. B. SELEC...