Фрагмент инструкции
3. Input Level Controls -Enables the matching of input levels to the output levels from the head unit( or other signal source). 4. Variable Subsonic Filter - 15Hz~40Hz (VIBE1801D), 10Hz - 40Hz (VIBE3200D) 5. Low Pass Filter -When Crossover Mode Selector is in Low Pass Mode, this control limits the frequencies which will be distributed to the speakers to those below the value to which this is set within the range 50Hz~150Hz. 6. Variable Bass Boost Control -0 ~ +18dB 7. Phase Shift -Allows you to change the phase of your subwoofer from 0 to 180 degrees to help compensate for timing differences between drivers. 8. Bass Boost Remote Control Input 9.Power & Protection Indicators-Provde instant information on status of amplifier, including short-circuit and thermal overload alerts. 10. Brigde Mode VIBE OWNER’S MANUAL — SYSTM WIRING VIBE1801D SIGNAL INPUT AND BYPASS OUTPUT CONNECTION + R L Line Out Line Input Level Low Pass Bass Boost Min Max PWR PROT Sub sonic 15Hz 40Hz 50Hz 150Hz 0° 180° 0 18 SPEAKERS Master Bridged Slave Mode Data Link Phase shift POWER 12V REM GND40AX4 FUSES Remote TO CAR STEREO AUTO ANTENNA LEVELMIN MAX to REMOTE GAIN CONTROLLER SUBWOOFER SPEAKER IMPEDANCE 1~8 Ohm (VIBE 0.8K-D:2~8Ohm) TO CAR STEREO LINE-OUT TO SATELLITE AMPLIFIER LINE-INPUT BATTERY + SPEAKER OUTPUT CONNECTION — V IBE O WNER’S M ANUAL S YS T M W IR IN G VIBE3200DSIGNAL INPUT AND BYPASS OUTPUT CONNECTION SPEAKER OUTPUT CONNECTION TO SATELLITE AMPLIFIER LINE-INPUT -- R L R L Line Out Line Input InputLevel Subsonic Filter LowPass Filter Bass Boost MinMax10Hz40Hz50Hz150Hz018dB.1V2V2V8VMasterSlavePHASE 0°180° Remote Input sensitivity Bridged mode PROT PWR Data Link LEVELMIN MAX TO CAR STEREO LINE-OUT + REM 12V GND+ SPEAKERS POWER TO CAR STEREO AUTO ANTENNA BATTERY FUSE CHASSIS GROUND (BARE METAL) SUBWOOFER SPEAKER IMPEDANCE 1~8 Ohm S YS T M W IR IN G VIBE3200DSIGNAL INPUT AND BYPASS OUTPUT CONNECTION SPEAKER OUTPUT CONNECTION TO SATELLITE AMPLIFIER LINE-INPUT -- R L R L Line Out Line Input InputLevel Subsonic Filter LowPass Filter Bass Boost MinMax10Hz40Hz50Hz150Hz018dB.1V2V2V8VMasterSlavePHASE 0°180° Remote Input sensitivity Bridged mode PROT PWR Data Link LEVELMIN MAX TO CAR STEREO LINE-OUT + REM 12V GND+ SPEAKERS POWER TO CAR STEREO AUTO ANTENNA BATTERY FUSE CHASSIS GROUND (BARE METAL) SUBWOOFER SPEAKER IMPEDANCE 1~8 Ohm VIBE OWNER’S MANUAL — SYSTEM WIRING R L Line Out Line Input Level Low Pass Bass Boost Min Max PWR PROT Sub sonic 15Hz 40Hz 50Hz 150Hz 0° 180° 0 18 SPEAKERS Master Bridged Slave Mode Data Link Phase shift Master Slave ..BRIDGED SWITCH ; MASTER POSITION.. R L Line Out Line Input Level Low Pass Bass Boost Min Max PWR PROT Sub sonic 15Hz 40Hz 50Hz 150Hz 0° 180° 0 18 SPEAKERS Master Bridged Slave Mode Data Link Phase shift Master Slave ..BRIDGED SWITCH ;SLAVE POSITION.. + + + - SUBWOOFR SPEAKER IMPEDANCE 4-8 OHMS.. to INPUTS OF SATELLITE AMPLIFIER from OUTPUTS of HEAD UNIT VIBE1801D 10 — V IBE O WNER’S M ANUAL V I B E O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L — 1 1 S Y S T EM WI R I NG VIBE3200D - - R L R L Line Out Line Input Input Level Subsonic Filter LowPass Filter Bass Boost Min Max 10Hz 40Hz 50Hz 150Hz 0 18dB .1V 2V 2V 8V Master Slave PHASE 0° 180° Remote Input sensitivity Bridged mode PROT PWR Data Link - - R L R L Line Out Line Input Input Level Subsonic Filter LowPass Filter Bass Boost Min Max 10Hz 40Hz 50Hz 150Hz 0 18dB .1V 2V 2V 8V Master Slave PHASE 0° 180° Remote Input sensitivity Bridged mode PROT PWR Data Link + - REM +12V GND SPEAKERS POWER + - REM +12V GND SPEAKERS POWER SPEAKER IMPEDANCE 2 ohms! Master Slave Master Slave ..BRIDGED SWITCH ; MASTER POSITION.. ..BRIDGED SWITCH ; SLAVE POSITION.. + - From OUTPUTS of HEAD UNIT Master Amp Slave Amp Bridging two amplifiers can be done only between two amplifiers of the same model number. BRIDGING TWO AMPLIFIERS T ROUBL E SHOOT I N G Before removing your amplifier, refer to the list below and follow the suggested procedures. Always test the speakers and their wires first. AMPLIFIER WILL NOT POWER UP. Check for good ground connection. Check that remote DC terminal has at least 13.8v DC. Check that there is battery power on the +terminal. Check all fuses. Check that Protection LED is not lit. If it is lit, shut off amplifier briefly and then repower it. HIGH HISS OR ENGINE NOISE (ALTERNATOR WHINE) IN SPEAKERS. Disconnect all RCA inputs to the amplifier(s)-if hiss / noise disappears, then plug in the component driving the amplifier and unplug its inputs. If hiss / noise disappears, go on until the faulty /noisy component is found. It is best to set the amplifier’s input level as insensitive as possible. The best subjective S/N ratio is obtainable this way. Try to drive as high a signal level from the head unit as possible. 12 — V IBE O WNER’S M ANUAL PROTECTION LED COMES ON WHEN THE AMPLIFIER IS POWERED UP Check for shorts on speaker leads. Check that the volume control on the head unit is turned down low. Remove speaker leads..and reset the amplifier. If the Protection LED s...
Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:Автоусилители - VIBE VIBE3200D (786.34 kb)