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Инструкция по эксплуатации Kenwood, модель DDX5024

Производитель: Kenwood
Размер: 5.75 mb
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English Remote Controller Radio (AUD mode) Band switching Switches to bands received by the unit. 1 2ABC 3DEF 2 ZONE .. OPENFM+AM. .... VOL .... .. Station selection Switches to broadcast stations received by the unit. 3DEF OPEN 2 ZONE VOL FM+AM. ................ Direct tuning After pressing this key, use the keypad to specify the broadcast station you wish to receive. R.VOL 4GHI 7PQRS 5JKL 8TUV 0 9WXYZ 6MNO CLEAR ATT DIRECT .. Example: 92.1MHz (FM) 0 9WXYZ 2ABC 1 Example: 810kHz (AM) 0 8TUV 1 0 Numeric keypad R.VOL 1 2ABC 3DEF 4GHI 7PQRS 5JKL 8TUV 0 9WXYZ 6MNO CLEAR ATT DIRECT 2 ZONE ............ • To use preset tuning, press the number of a programmed broadcast station. ( 1 – 6MNO ) • Press the direct tuning key first, then specify the frequency of the station to receive. DNX5240BT/DNX5240/DDX5024/DDX5054/DDX54R English 87 DVD Language Codes Code Language Code Language Code Language DVD Language Codes Code Language Code Language Code Language aa Afar is Icelandic si Singhalese ab Abkhazian it Italian sk Slovak af Afrikaans ja Japanese sl Slovenian am Amharic jv Javanese sm Samoan ar Arabic ka Georgian sn Shona as Assamese kk Kazakh so Somali ay Aymara kl Greenlandic sq Albanian az Azerbaijani km Cambodian sr Serbian ba Bashkir kn Kannada ss Siswati be Byelorussian ko Korean st Sesotho bg Bulgarian ks Kashmiri su Sundanese bh Bihari ku Kurdish sv Swedish bi Bislama ky Kirghiz sw Swahili bn Bengali, Bangla la Latin ta Tamil bo Tibetan lb Luxembourgish te Telugu br Breton ln Lingala tg Tajik ca Catalan lo Laotian th Thai co Corsican lt Lithuanian ti Tigrinya cs Czech lv Latvian, Lettish tk Turkmen cy Welsh mg Malagasy tl Tagalog da Danish mi Maori tn Setswana de German mk Macedonian to Tongan dz Bhutani ml Malayalam tr Turkish el Greek mn Mongolian ts Tsonga en English mo Moldavian tt Tatar eo Esperanto mr Marathi tw Twi es Spanish ms Malay uk Ukrainian et Estonian mt Maltese ur Urdu eu Basque my Burmese uz Uzbek fa Persian na Nauru vi Vietnamese fi Finnish ne Nepali vo Volapuk fj Fiji nl Dutch wo Wolof fo Faroese no Norwegian xh Xhosa fr French oc Occitan yo Yoruba fy Frisian om (Afan) Oromo zh Chinese ga Irish or Oriya zu Zulu gd Scots Gaelic pa Punjabi gli Galician pl Polish gn Guarani ps Pashto, Pushto gu Gujarati pt Portuguese ha Hausa qu Quechua he Hebrew rm Rhaeto-Romance hi Hindi rn Kirundi hr Croatian ro Romanian hu Hungarian ru Russian hy Armenian rw Kinyarwanda ia Interlingua sa Sanskrit ie Interlingue sd Sindhi ik Inupiak sg Sangho id Indonesian sh Serbo-Croatian DNX5240BT/DNX5240/DDX5024/DDX5054/DDX54R Help? Error Help? Error When the unit fails to operate correctly, the cause of the failure appears on the display. Protect : Protective circuit has been activated because a speaker cord has shorted or it has come in contact with the car chassis. . Wire or insulate the speaker cord as appropriate and then push the Reset button (page 6). Hot Error : When the internal temperature of this unit rises to 60°C or more, the protection circuit is activated and you may not be able to operate the unit. At such times this message will appear. . Use the unit again after reducing the temperature inside the vehicle. Hold Error : Activation of the protective circuit when the temperature inside the disc changer is higher than 60 degrees Celsius stops the disc changer from operating. At such times this message will appear. . Use when the temperature at the site where the disc changer has been fitted has dropped. Mecha Error : The disc player is malfunctioning. . Eject the disc and try inserting it again. Contact the Kenwood dealer if this indicator continues blinking or the disc cannot be ejected. Disc Error : An unplayable disc is inserted. Read Error : Disc is quite dirty. . Clean the disc, referring tot he section on (page 6). Disc is upside down. . Load the disc with the labeled side up. Region code Error : The disc you wanted to play has a region code that cannot be played with this unit. Parental level Error: The disc you wanted to play has a higher level than the parental level you set. Error 07–67: The unit is not operating correctly due to some reason or other. . Push the unit's Reset button. If the "Error 07.67" message does not disappear, see your nearest Kenwood dealer. No Device (USB device)/Disconnected (iPod): The USB device/iPod is selected as a source although no USB device/iPod is connected. . Change the source to any source other than USB/iPod. Connect an USB device/iPod, and change the source to USB/iPod again. No Music: The connected USB device contains no playable audio file. Media was played that doesn’t have data recorded that the unit can play. USB Device Error!!: The connected USB device is rated a current capacity higher than the allowable limit. . Check the USB device. Some trouble may have occurred to the connected USB device. . Change the source to any source other than USB. Remove the USB device. Authorization Error: Connection to the iPod has failed. . Remove the iPo...

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