К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
GNU General Public License (“GPL”)
Firmware incorporated into this product may include third party
copyrighted software licensed under the GPL or Lesser General
Public License (“LGPL”) (collectively, “GPL Software”) and not
Toshiba's End User License Agreement. A copy of that license may
be obtained at http://www.gnu.org, and http://support.toshiba.com.
You may obtain, for a period of three years after the date of
purchase, the complete Corresponding Source code from us by
downloading at no charge from http://support.toshiba.com or by
calling Toshiba Customer Support. With respect solely to the GPL
Software, no warranty is provided, to the extent permitted by
applicable law. Modification of or tampering with the Software is
solely at your own risk and will void the product warranty. Toshiba is
not responsible for any such modification or tampering. Toshiba will
not support any product in which you have or have attempted to
modify the Software supplied by Toshiba.
Third party services and other Internet services are not provided by
Toshiba, may change or be discontinued at any time and may be
subject to Internet service provider restrictions. Toshiba makes no
warranties, representations, or assurances about the content,
availability, compatibility or functionality of third-party content or
services. Use of third party Internet services may require the creation
of a separate account and payment of one-time and/or recurring
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App Store, Mac, Mac OS, iPad, iPhone and Time Machine are trademarks of
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