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es and functions
V ačin rada za
itamin-Safe Mode Postavljanje ovog načina rada omogućuje očuvanje vitamina C u voću i povrću. Upalit će se plavo i
Setting this mode helps to protect the vitamin C contained in vegetables and fruit. The blue and
V čuvanje vitamina
itamin-Safe Mode
itamin-Safe Mode zeleno LED-svjetlo odjeljka za očuvanje vitamina.
itamin-Safe Mode Setting this mode helps to protect the vitamin C contained in v
green LED lights of the Vitamin-Safe Zone are lit.
egetables and fruit.
Setting this mode helps to protect the vitamin C contained in v
Setting this mode helps to protect the vitamin C contained in v
The blue and
egetables and fruit. The blue and
green LED lights of the Vitamin-Safe Zone are lit.
egetables and fruit.
English Hrvatski
Vitamin-Safe Mode green LED lights of the Vitamin-Safe Zone are lit.
Vitamin-Safe Mode Setting this mode helps to protect the vitamin C contained in v
green LED lights of the Vitamin-Safe Zone are lit.
egetables and fruit.
Setting this mode helps to protect the vitamin C contained in v
The blue and
egetables and fruit. The blue and
Super Freeze
green LED lights of the V
itamin-Safe Zone are lit.
green LED lights of the Vitamin-Safe Zone are lit.
Super Freeze
In this mode, the freezer can be cooled rapidly, enabling the fresh foods, etc. which are placed there
n this mode, the freezer can be cooled rapidly, enabling the fresh foods, etc. which are placed there
Način rada
Super Freeze
IU ovom se n
to be frozen.ačinu rada zamrzivač može brzo ras
n this mode, the freezer can be cooled rapidlyhladiti i vrlo brzo zamrznuti pohranjenu svježu hranu itd.
, enabling the fresh foods, etc. which are placed there
to be frozen.
, enabling the fresh foods, etc. which are placed there
za duboko
Super Freeze
IDuboko zamrzavanje automatski se isključuje nakon otprilike 50 sati.
to be frozen.
Super Freeze
In this mode, the freezer can be cooled rapidly
The Super Freeze Mode is au
The Super Freeze Mode is au
, enabling the fresh foods, etc. which are placed there
tomatically released after about 50 hours.
n this mode, the freezer can be cooled rapidly, enabling the fresh foods, etc. which are placed there
tomatically released after about 50 hours.
The Super Freeze Mode is au
to be frozen.
tomatically released after about 50 hours.
• Kada je postavljeno duboko zamrzavanje, temperatura u zamrzivaču može se spustiti ispod
to be frozen.
The Super Freeze Mode is au
tomatically released after about 50 hours.
When Super Freeze Mode is set, the temperature inside the freezer may drop below the set temperature.
postavljene temperature.
• When Super Freeze Mode is set, the temperature inside the freez
The Super Freeze Mode is au
The compressor operates at high speed.
er may drop below the set temperature.
tomatically released after about 50 hours.
When Super Freeze Mode is set, the temperature inside the freezer may drop below the set temperature.
Kompresor radi pri velikoj brzini.
The compressor operates at high speed.
When Super Freeze Mode is set, the temperature inside the freez
• Ako odaberete duboko zamrzavanje dok je postavljen ekonomični način rada, ekonomični način
The compressor operates at high speed.
When Super Freeze Mode is set, the temperature inside the freezer may drop below the set temperature.
When Super Freeze Mode is selected while Eco Mode is set, the Eco Mode is temporarily overridden.
• When Super Freeze Mode is set, the temperature inside the freezer may drop below the set temperature.
When Super Freeze Mode is selected while Eco Mode is set, the Eco Mode is temporarily overridden.
• rada privremeno će se isključiti. Kada duboko zamrzavanje prestane s radom, hladnjak će se
When Super Freeze Mode is selected while Eco Mode is set, the
The compressor operates at high speed.
When the Super Freeze Mode ends, the refrigerator returns to Eco Mode is temporarily overridden.
The compressor operates at high speed.
When the Super Freeze Mode ends, the refrigerator returns to Eco Mode.
When Super Freeze Mode is selected while Eco Mode is set, the
Eco Mode.
• vratiti na ekonomični način rada.
When the Super Freeze Mode ends, the refrigerator returns to
The ef
Eco Mode.
When Super Freeze Mode is selected while Eco Mode is set, the
The ef
When the Super Freeze Mode ends, the refrigerator returns to Eco Mode is temporarily overridden.
fect on the stored food can be reduced if setting Super Freeze
When Super Freeze Mode is selected while Eco Mode is set, the Mode several hours before storing
Eco Mode is temporarily overridden.
Eco Mode.
fect on the stored food can be reduced if setting Super Freeze Mode several hours before storing
• Djelovanje na pohranjenu hranu može se smanjiti ako način rada za duboko zamrzavanje
The effect on the stored food can be reduced if setting Super Freeze
When the Super Freeze Mode ends, the refrigerator returns to
The ef
the food in the freezer compartment.
Mode several hours before storing
When the Super Freeze Mode ends, the refrigerator returns to
the food in the freezer compartment.
Eco Mode.
Eco Mode.
fect on the stored food can be reduced if setting Super Freeze
• postavite nekoliko sati prije pohranjivanja hrane u zamrzivač.
the food in the freezer compartment.
The effect on the stored food can be reduced if setting Super Freeze
The following items are recommended in order to exert the maxim
The ef
the food in the freezer compartment.
The following items are recommended in order to exert the maxim Mode several hours before storing
um freezing capacity
fect on the stored food can be reduced if setting Super Freeze
Mode several hours before storing
um freezing capacity.
• Za
1 postizanje maksimalnog kapaciteta zamrzavanja, preporučuje se sljedeće.
The following items are recommended in order to exert the maxim
the food in the freezer compartment.
Set Super Freeze Mode 24 hours before storing the food. um freezing capacity
The following items are recommended in order to exert the maxim
the food in the freezer compartment.
Set Super Freeze Mode 24 hours before storing the food. um freezing capacity
Postavite način za duboko zamrzavanje 24 sata prije pohranjivanja hrane.
1 Set Super Freeze Mode 24 hours before
storing the food.
The following items are recommended in order to exert the maxim
2 If you wish to store a large amount of foo
If you wish to store a large amount of foo
um freezing capacity
The following items are recommended in order to exert the maxim
d, remove all the drawers in the freezer and
um freezing capacity.
d, remove all the drawers in the freezer and place the
place the
1 Ako želite pohraniti veliku količinu hrane, uklonite sve ladice u zamrzivaču i stavite hranu na
If you wish to store a large amount of foo
Set Super Freeze Mode 24 hours before d, remove all the drawers in the freezer and
storing the food.
food directly on the glass shelf or the floor of the freezer.
place the
Set Super Freeze Mode 24 hours before storing the food.
food directly on the glass shelf or the floor of the freezer.
staklenu policu ili na dno zamrzivača.
food directly on the glass shelf or the floor of the freezer
2 If you wish to store a large amount of foo
2 If you wish to store a large amount of foo
d, remove all the drawers in the freezer and
bigger freezing capacity can be exerted if placing the food di
d, remove all the drawers in the freezer and
food directly on the glass shelf or the floor of the freezer
bigger freezing capacity can be exerted if placing the food di
place the
rectly on the second glass shelf
place the
rectly on the second glass shelf
(A eći kapacite
from the top.) t zamrzavanja može se postići ako hranu sta
food directly on the glass shelf or the floor of the freezer v. ite na
bigger freezing capacity can be exerted if placing the food distaklenu policu drugu od vrha.)
rectly on the second glass shelf
food directly on the glass shelf or the floor of the freezer
from the top.)
Maksimalan kapacitet zamrzavanja unutar 24 sata naveden je na natpisnoj pločici.
from the top.)
(A bigger freezing capacity can be exerted if placing the food di
from the top.)
The maximum freezing capacity within 24 hours is written in the rectly on the second glass shelf
rating label.
• The maximum freezing capacity within 24 hours is written in the
from the top.)
rating label.
bigger freezing capacity can be exerted if placing the food di
The maximum freezing capacity within 24 hours is written in the rectly on the second glass shelf
rating label.
Način rada za
Hygiene Active
Uključit će se LED-svjetlo aktivne zaštite i hrana je zaštićena od bakterija i neugodnih mirisa.
from the top.)
The maximum freezing capacity within 24 hours is written in the rating label.
Hygiene Active
The hygiene active LED comes on, and food is protected from bacteria and odours.
The hygiene active LED comes on, and food is protected from bacteria and odours.
aktivnu zaštitu
Mode Active
The hygiene active LED comes on, and food is protected from bac
• The maximum freezing capacity within 24 hours is written in the
The maximum freezing capacity within 24 hours is written in the
teria and odours.
rating label.
rating label.
The hygiene active LED comes on, and food is protected from bac
Hygiene Active
Kada pohranjujete hranu s jakim mirisom, stavite je u plastične vrećice ili u posude koje se
Hygiene Active
The hygiene active LED comes on, and food is protected from bac
When food with strong odours are to be stored, wrap it in plast teria and odours.
ic food wrap or place it inside a
• mogu hermetički zatvoriti. U suprotnom se mirisi mogu zadržati u hladnjaku čak i kada je
• When food with strong odours are to be stored, wrap it in plast
tightly sealed container
ic food wrap or place it inside a
The hygiene active LED comes on, and food is protected from bac
When food with strong odours are to be stored, wrap it in plast teria and odours.
ic food wrap or place it inside a
When food with strong odours are to be stored, wrap it in plastic food wrap or place it inside a
. Otherwise, odours may be left in the fridge even if the Hygiene Active
uključena aktivna zaštita.
• tightly sealed container
Mode has been set. . Otherwise, odours may be left in the fridge even if the Hygie
tightly sealed container
When food with strong odours are to be stored, wrap it in plast
tightly sealed container
. Otherwise, odours may be left in the fridge even if the Hygie
. Otherwise, odours may be left in the fridge even if the Hygie Active
ne Active
• When food with strong odours are to be stored, wrap it in plast
Mode has been set.
ic food wrap or place it inside a
ic food wrap or place it inside a
Način rada za
Ovaj način rada postavite kada hladnjak nećete koristiti duže razdoblje, primjerice kada odete na
Mode has been set.
Holiday Mode
tightly sealed container. Otherwise, odours may be left in the fridge even if the Hygie
tightly sealed container
Set this mode when the fridge is not going to be used for a pro
. Otherwise, odours may be left in the fridge even if the Hygie Active
ne Active
longed period such as during a long
vrijeme godišnjeg
Holiday Mode
duži odmor ili kada želite koristiti samo zamrzivač.
Holiday Mode
Set this mode when the fridge is not going to be used for a pro
Set this mode when the fridge is not going to be used for a prolonged period such as during a long
Mode has been set.
Mode has been set.
vacation or when only the freezer is to be used.
longed period such as during a long
Set this mode when the fridge is not going to be used for a pro
U ovom načinu rada temperatura se ne prikazuje, a LED-svjetlo je isključeno.
vacation or when only the freezer is to be used.
Holiday Mode
Holiday Mode
vacation or when only the freezer is to be used.
Set this mode when the fridge is not going to be used for a pro
In this mode, the fridge temperature is not displayed and the L
In this mode, the fridge temperature is not displayed and the Llonged period such as during a long
ED lights are of
Set this mode when the fridge is not going to be used for a pro
longed period such as during a long
ED lights are off.
• Prije postavljanja način rada za vrijeme godišnjeg odmora ispraznite hladnjak i zatvorite vrata.
In this mode, the fridge temperature is not displayed and the L
vacation or when only the freezer is to be used.
ED lights are of
In this mode, the fridge temperature is not displayed and the L
vacation or when only the freezer is to be used.
ED lights are of
Iz h
Notes:igijenskih se razloga temperatura hladnjaka održava na otprilike 15 °C tijekom načina rada
In this mode, the fridge temperature is not displayed and the LED lights are of
Before using the Holiday Mode, empty out the fridge, and close its door.
In this mode, the fridge temperature is not displayed and the LED lights are of
Before using the Holiday Mode, empty out the fridge, and close its door.
• za vrijeme godišnjeg odmora.
Before using the Holiday Mode, empty out the fridge, and close
For hygiene reason, the temperature inside the fridge is kept a
its door
Before using the Holiday Mode, empty out the fridge, and close
t about 15
its door
°C while Holiday Mode is set.
For hygiene reason, the temperature inside the fridge is kept at about 15 °C while Holiday Mode is set.
•• Zamrzivač će se rashladiti na uobičajeni način.
For hygiene reason, the temperature inside the fridge is kept a
The freezer is cooled in the usual way.
t about 15
Before using the Holiday Mode, empty out the fridge, and close
For hygiene reason, the temperature inside the fridge is kept a
t about 15 °C while Holiday Mode is set.
its door.
°C while Holiday Mode is set.
• The freezer is cooled in the usual way.
Before using the Holiday Mode, empty out the fridge, and close
The freezer is cooled in the usual way.
its door.
For hygiene reason, the temperature inside the fridge is kept a
The freezer is cooled in the usual way.
t about 15 °C while Holiday Mode is set.
Eco Mode
•Ovaj način rada postavite kada zamrzivač nećete koristiti duže razdoblje, primjerice za vrijeme
For hygiene reason, the temperature inside the fridge is kept at about 15
Set this mode when the freezer is not going to be used much suc °C while Holiday Mode is set.
Eco Mode
Set this mode when the freezer is not going to be used much such as during the winter months or at
h as during the winter months or at
način rada
Eco Mode
zimskih mjeseci ili noću.
Set this mode when the freezer is not going to be used much suc
• The freezer is cooled in the usual way
The freezer is cooled in the usual way.
h as during the winter months or at
Set this mode when the freezer is not going to be used much suc
Eco Mode
Eco Mode
Set this mode when the freezer is not going to be used much suc
h as during the winter months or at
Nije moguće postaviti ekonomični način kada je podešeno duboko zamrzavanje.
Set this mode when the freezer is not going to be used much suc
h as during the winter months or at
• The Eco Mode cannot be set while Super Freeze Mode is set.
The Eco Mode cannot be set while Super Freeze Mode is set.
Child Lock zaštita Gumbi na upravljačkoj ploči mogu se zaključati. Kada je postavljena roditeljska zaštita, na
• The Eco Mode cannot be set while Super Freeze Mode is set.
The buttons on the control panel can be locked. When the Child Lock is set, “
” is displayed on
Child Lock
Child Lock
upravljačkoj ploči prikazat će se "Lock" (Zaklj.).
Child Lock
• The Eco Mode cannot be set while Super Freeze Mode is set.
The buttons on the control panel can be locked. When the Child
The Eco Mode cannot be set while Super Freeze Mode is set. Lock is set, “
” is displayed on
Da biste deaktivir
the control panel.
the control panel.ali ovaj način rada, držite pritisnuto na uprav
The buttons on the control panel can be locked. When the Child ljačkoj ploči
Lock is set, “najmanje 3 sekunde.
” is displayed on
Child Lock
the control panel.
Child Lock
The buttons on the control panel can be locked. When the Child
To release this mode, hold down
Lock is set, “
on the control panel for at least 3 seconds. ” is displayed on
To release this mode, hold down
To release this mode, hold down
the control panel.
on the control panel for at least 3 seconds.
The buttons on the control panel can be locked. When the Child Lock is set, “
on the control panel for at least 3 seconds. ” is displayed on
the control panel.
on the control panel for at least 3 seconds.
To release this mode, hold down
To release this mode, hold down
Funkcije upozor
on the control panel for at least 3 seconds.
on the control panel for at least 3 seconds. avanja
User aler
User alert functions
User alert functions
The following user alert functions are activated when a door ha
User alert functions
s been left ajar for a prolonged period of time or when the
Ove funkcije upozoravanja aktiviraju se kada ostavite vrata hladnjaka ili zamrzivača otvorena duže vrijeme ili kada
The following user alert functions are activated when a door ha
temperatura u hladnjaku poraste.
temperature inside the refrigerator has risen.
s been left ajar for a prolonged period of time or when the
The following user alert functions are activated when a door has been left ajar for a prolonged period of time or when the
The following user alert functions are activated when a door ha
temperature inside the refrigerator has risen.
temperature inside the refrigerator has risen.
Prikaz temperature Alarm
The following user alert functions are activated when a door ha
temperature inside the refrigerator has risen.
Otvorena vrata
Neprekidno 1 minutu
s been left ajar for a prolonged period of time or when the
The following user alert functions are activated when a door has been left ajar for a prolonged period of time or when the
emperature display
Oglašava se jednom
LED light
Zatreperi jednom
temperature inside the refrigerator has risen.
temperature inside the refrigerator has risen.
Temperature display
LED light
Continuous for 1 minute
Temperature display
Neprekidno 3 minute
Sounds once
LED light
Continuous for 1 minute
Sounds once
Oglašava se dvaput
Blinks once
Blinks once
Zatreperi dvaput
Door ajar
Continuous for 1 minute
Continuous for 3 minutes
Temperature display
Neprekidno 5 minuta
Sounds once
Sounds twice
Blinks once
Door ajar
Continuous for 3 minutes
Temperature display
Sounds twice
Oglašava se neprekidno
LED light
Blinks twice
LED light
Blinks twice
Treperi neprekidno
Door ajar
Continuous for 3 minutes
Porast temperature u Continuous for 1 minute
Continuous for 5 minutes
Zamrzivač: -12 °C ili više
Sounds twice
Sounds once
Sounds continuously
Blinks twice
Continuous for 1 minute
Continuous for 5 minutes
Sounds once
Sounds continuously
Oglašava se neprekidno
Blinks once
Blinks continuously
Blinks once
Blinks continuously
Normalan rad
Door ajar
Continuous for 5 minutes
Continuous for 3 minutes
Freezer: -12 °C or more
Hladnjak: 8 °C ili više
Sounds continuously
Sounds twice
Oglašava se neprekidno
Blinks continuously
Door ajar
Continuous for 3 minutes
Freezer: -12 °C or more
Sounds twice
Sounds continuously
Blinks twice
Normal operation
Blinks twice
Normal operation
Normalan rad
Temperature rise inside
Temperature rise inside Freezer: -12 °C or more
Continuous for 5 minutes
Fridge: 8 °C or more
Odjeljak za očuvanje vitamina: 8 Blinks*
Sounds continuously
Oglašava se neprekidno
Normal operation
Blinks continuously
Temperature rise inside
the refrigerator
Continuous for 5 minutes
Fridge: 8 °C or more
Sounds continuously
Blinks continuously
Normalan rad
the refrigerator
Normal operation
Temperature rise inside
the refrigerator
Fridge: 8 °C or more
Freezer: -12 °C or more
Vitamin-Safe Zone: 8 °C or more
°C ili više
Sounds continuously
Normal operation
the refrigerator
Freezer: -12 °C or more
Temperature rise inside Vitamin-Safe Zone: 8 °C or more
Sounds continuously
Normal operation
Temperature rise inside Vitamin-Safe Zone: 8 °C or more
Fridge: 8 °C or more
Sounds continuously
Normal operation
*Blinks for 30 seconds every 30 minutes.
reperi 30 sekundi svakih 30 minuta
the refrigerator
the refrigerator
Fridge: 8 °C or more
Sounds continuously
Normal operation
*Blinks for 30 seconds every 30 minutes.
Vitamin-Safe Zone: 8 °C or more
*Blinks for 30 seconds every 30 minutes.
Vitamin-Safe Zone: 8 °C or more
Sounds continuously
Sounds continuously
Normal operation
Normal operation
*Blinks for 30 seconds every 30 minutes.
*Blinks for 30 seconds every 30 minutes.
*Blinks for 30 seconds every 30 minutes.
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