Производитель: Associated Equipment
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Фрагмент инструкции
Read the Safety Precautionsandwamingscontainedwithin orlor to operaling this macftine. ACE INDUSTRIAL PROOUCTS A Ott lslitn Ol: Assoclated Equlpment Corporatlon 5043 Fadin Avenuo Stt uis,MO 63115 PHONE314-3895178 FAX 3143a5€254 READ AND SAVETHESE'INSTRUCTIONS. SAFETY WARNINGS & CAUTIONS CAUTION: 1. FAILURETO OBSERVEfiE FOLLOW. (ArRFLOWBLOCKAGE) COULDRESULTIN SE ING.PRECAUTIONS Sinco exhaust air leav€sthe top of this unit, DEATH IN EX RIOUS INJURY. INCLUDING caution should b€ observed notto positionunit TREME CASES. SAVETHESE INSTRUC. in such a way as to block the €xhausl TIONS. WARNING: (EXPLOSTONHAZARD) Thls unlt contalns partsv/hlctrcan arc or spark durinqnormal ooeralion. Oo not use in areas conttnlnat€d b,i voladle or flarniblo matoriats as theso sparki may ignfto the contaminates and caus€ a dang€rous explosion. WARNING: (HARMFULFUMES) Thofittors used in thls unft will ramovosolidpar tiorlateONLY, and do not sliminats fum€s and gas€sthat may b€ a h€alh hazsrd. Failure to observe the prss€ncool suc*r fumes could caus€ serious lllneis or death. CAUTION: (SHOCK HAZARD) Iljft=%trS"i,*gyt"FuUrg iiiil;;fi i,#iif,J-!ridiiiii'ti;"i;i';'f'il; !|g-nfu e,!lMf\.4t|9!rr,q!,..) ;-l:: rr cAUloN: (srRoNGvAcUUM) Cors mustb€ tak€n to avold Dqrsonal lnlurvbynot altowlng hos€ Inlet to contaa any body irei sucfias oyos, 6ar3, mouth, €tc. CAUTION: (LTFTING) lmprop€rlifting or hsndling of this unit could MISCELLANEOUSCAUTIONS: 1-Use of anv attacftment notr€commended or sold bv the'air deaner mantjfacti€r may rEsult in risk of firp. elec'tricshock, or iniury to persons. 2. To reducs tho risk ol damago to the €l€ctic plug or cord, disconnectby pulling plug ratherthan cord when removingpowertorm tho air deaner. 3. Makg sure cord and hose arc locatod so it will not be stepped on, tripp€dov€r, or othemriso subjec{ed to damag€or stsss. 4-An extonsion cordshould not b€ ussd un' loss-absolutsly no@ssarv'Usa ol imorooer ax' resiftin risk or n;E and l',*: ffloo.-'o goundodouuots' Replacodefeaive^-co9:-iT: rr e),itension cord must be us€d, us€ only a modiatety. Donl exDog€ to moisfurp or rrduro as --.j : . cord and torrow thes€recommenda- HffJo'* ons: . 25 ft. #12 AWG. 33 [ flolw3: ffo ii ire ewe. 5. Oo not disassombt€th€ air deaner. Take it lo a qualifieds€rvicaman wh€n s€rvic€ or repair is required. Inconad r€assomblymay raluh in risk bf €lectric shock or fire. caus€ back iniury. Followtr€ r€commended method lor liftino. Page 2 Ol 6 OPERATION THEORY OF OPERATION th€ wtl€els. dog€,6d.Th€Fo-filt€rsmaybedrs tgL€ds€v€asltim€sb€{oG Thlsunlt ls 6podablo6i.d€ansromploylngono h€.moly p(olodod, hlghitotlomsnc€ .tlolorp(odrdngtlty f'btl vslodty ata io{ thaoustltfio ur L tno 6o[d Per[qdalsmarcnolano smok€may & a€movod from O|oala by O|o frnor m€dla- An Inldalspqak trdp cottocrs |,arg€p€rddesHoa€ th€y loadl tho preffter. Thls tsap ltrtrlor lsolsl€s lho frto6 ftom spad6 ln th6 cass of a woldlno opoatttl,rn. Upoo l€avlns the trap, ttrs s.l( ls psssodrhrctlghpte'lilte6. Th€'€ p.e-filt€.s sro deslgned to catctr fl€ brg€. Patdd€s lsavlnd th€ trao. Thos€ retattvolv klelo€nslw pre'fitt€rs pre vonts Ihe morir oxpondno m6lo'fto( t!fi boco.nk€qukldy tfu m6ln fi(o( neods to bo dronogc ALL FACTOAY F(,F!{S+!ED F&TEF 1AVE A UL CI.ASS ! FATING AIO USIIIG ANY F(TES OIIGR IIIAN TT*O€€ SUPruEO FOR THIS UNIT IS NOT RECOflHENOED. Usa ol otry prcducl ofio( thon that rgcoctanoo(H by [l€ marxiaduaot wfi l.o{d thg w6mdy. Thom6ln(or{oo0 lutor may b€ sol€