Фрагмент инструкции
Hold a broom handle, or like tool, up to the softener as shown in FIG. 10. Make a pencil mark on the handle, 1" or 2" below the top height of the rim. Then, carefully push it straight down into the salt. If a hard object is felt before the pencil mark gets to the top of the tank, it's most likely a salt bridge. Carefully push into the bridge in a few places to break it. Do not try to break the salt bridge by pounding on the outside of the salt tank. You may damage the tank. If the wrong kind of salt made the bridge, take it out. Then fill the tank with nugget or pellet salt only. 3-1 Salt Bridge push tool into salt bridge to break N ,_, \\ 1" -2" i broom handle / salt J-salt bridge water level [i:ii:ii:ii:_i:i:ii:_i:i:ifSECTION 3 F!i:ii:_i:i:ii:_i:i:ii:_i:] CARE OF YOUR WATER SOFTENER B. KEEPING THE WATER SOFTENER CLEAN NOZZLE & VENTURI A clean nozzle and venturi (FIG. 11) is a must for the softener to work right. This small unit moves brine from the salt storage tank to the resin tank during regeneration. If it becomes plugged with sand, silt, dirt, etc., the softener will not work and you will get hard water. To get to the nozzle and venturi, remove the softener top cover. Be sure the softener is in service cycle (no water pressure at nozzle and venturi). 1) Turn off the cap from the nozzle and venturi housing. 2) Lift out the screen support and screen, do not lose the large o-ring seal. 3) Then the nozzle and venturi. Wash and rinse the parts in warm water until clean. If needed, use a small brush to remove iron or dirt. Also check and clean the gasket, flow plugs and screens. Carefully replace all parts in the correct order. Lubricate the o-ring seal with silicone grease or Vaseline and place in position. Install and tighten the cap, by hand only. Do not overtighten and break the cap or housing. Cleaning Nozzle & Venturi Cap _ O-ring Seal _'-m_. Screen Support _ *Flow Plug Nozzle Screen & Venturi -.................._ _ (1-EP) Gasket _ Screen IMPORTANT: Be sure _ holes in the gasket are feted directly over the small holes in the nozzle & venturi housing, *Flow Plug (HVDC) Nozzle & Venturi Housing *Install with numbered side up concave side down. Be sure the largest flow plug is located in the nozzle & venturi housing, IRON FROM RESIN BED Your water softener takes hardness minerals (cal cium and magnesium) out of the water. It can also control some "dear water" iron. See maximum al lowed in the specifications on page 4-1. With clear water iron, water from a faucet is clear when first put into a glass. After 15 to 30 minutes, the water begins to cloud or turn rust colored. A water softener WILL NOT remove any iron which makes the water cloudy or rusty as it comes from the faucet (called red water iron). To take red water iron out of water, or over the maximum of clear water iron, an iron fil ter or other equipment is needed. Your local Sears store has trained people to help you with iron water problems. If your water supply has clear water iron, even though less than the maximum allowed, regular resin bed cleaning is needed. Sears has resin bed cleaner, Item No. 42-34426 for this. Clean the bed at least every 6 months. If iron shows up in the soft water before 6 months, clean more often. Printed instructions are on the resin bed cleaner bottle. 3-2 SECTION3 CARE OF YOUR WATER SOFTENER C. PROTECT THE WATER SOFTENER FROM FREEZING If the softener is installed where it could freeze (summer cabin, lake home, etc.), you must drain all water from it to stop possible freeze damage. To drain the softener: _1 Close the shut-off valve on the house main water pipe, near the water meter or pressure tank. _]m Open a faucet in the soft water pipes to vent pressure in the softener. _ Refer to FIG. 14 on page 4-1. Move the stem in a single bypass valve to bypass. Close the inlet and outlet valve in a 3-valve bypass system, and open the bypass valve. If you want water in the house pipes again, reopen the shut-off valve on the main water pipe. _ Unplug the transformer at the wall outlet. Remove the salt hole cover and the main cover. Take off both drain hoses. n_._ Carefully remove the large holding clips at the softener inlet and outlet (see Key No. 67, on page 6-3). Separate the softener from the copper tubes, or from the bypass valve. _1_ Remove the brinewell cover and disconnect the brine valve tubing at the nozzle and venturi assembly (see page 3-2). Lift the brine valve out of the brinewell. Tip the brine valve upside down to drain water. Drain All Water From Softener I drain wood block mira m_ Looking at FIG. 12, lay a piece of 2 inch thick board near the floor drain. Move the softener close to the drain. SLOWLY and CAREFULLY, tip it over until the rim rests on the wood block with the inlet and outlet over the drain. Do not allow the softener's weight to rest on the inlet and outlet fittings or they will break. m Tip the bottom of the softener up a few inches and hold until all water has drained. Leave the softener la...
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