




Фрагмент инструкции
tuBe inlet installation figure 19 code restrictions Use of the top inlet water connection is not permitted on installations in the state of North Carolina, due to the material of the tube (Polypropylene). Where such code restrictions exist, use only lower inlet tank connection. This may also require a heat trap -check local codes. The “Top Outlet” connection may still be used on these applications. Plug or cap all unused openings in the tank before filling with water. temperature setting should not exceed safe use temperature at fixtures. see water temperature control and mixing ValVe warning on page 12. if higher preheat temperatures are necessary to oBtain adeQuate Booster output, add an anti-scald ValVe for hot water supplied to fixtures. 20 heater wiring All electrical work must be installed in accordance with the latest version of the National electrical Code ANSI/NFPA No. 70 and must conform to all local code authority having jurisdiction. AN eLeCTrICAL GrOUND IS reQUIreD TO reDUCe rISk OF eLeCTrICAL ShOCk Or POSSIBLe eLeCTrOCUTION. If any of the original wire as supplied with the appliance must be replaced, use only type 105°C thermoplastic or equivalent and 2500C type F must be used for the flame sensor and igniter leads. The controls of this water heater are polarity sensitive. Be certain to properly wire the hot and neutral connections. figure 20 21 gas piping Contact your local gas service company to ensure that adequate gas service is available and to review applicable installation codes for your area. Size the main gas line in accordance with Table 9. The figures shown are for straight lengths of pipe at 0.5 in. W.C. pressure drop, which is considered normal for low pressure systems. Note: Fittings such as elbows, tees and line regulators will add to the pipe pressure drop. Also refer to the latest version of the National Fuel Gas Code. Schedule 40 Metallic Pipe is the preferred material for the gas line of this water heater. It is imperative to follow the sizing recommendations in the latest version of the National Fuel Gas Code if Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST) is used as the gas line for this water heater. The heATer IS NOT INTeNDeD FOr OPerATION AT hIGher ThAN 14.0” W.C.- NATUrAL GAS, (1/2 POUND Per SQUAre INCh GAGe) SUPPLy GAS PreSSUre. eXPOSUre TO hIGher SUPPLy PreSSUre MAy CAUSe DAMAGe TO The GAS VALVe WhICh COULD reSULT IN FIre Or eXPLOSION. IF OVerPreSSUre hAS OCCUrreD SUCh AS ThrOUGh IMPrOPer TeSTING OF GAS LINeS Or eMerGeNCy MALFUNCTION OF The SUPPLy SySTeM, The GAS VALVe MUST Be CheCkeD FOr SAFe OPerATION. MAke SUre ThAT The OUTSIDe VeNTS ON The SUPPLy reGULATOrS AND The SAFeTy VeNT VALVeS Are PrOTeCTeD AGAINST BLOCkAGe. TheSe Are PArTS OF The GAS SUPPLy SySTeM, NOT The heATer. VeNT BLOCkAGe MAy OCCUr DUrING ICe STOrMS. taBle 9 - gas supply pipe length (feet) Schedule 40 metallic pipe nominal dia. 500,000 btu/hr input rate MAXIMUM eQUIVALeNT PIPe LeNGTh (FeeT) Natural Gas Propane 3/4" -10 1" 10 40 1 1/4" 60 150 1 1/2" 150 350 2" 200 400 2 1/2" 200 400 Natural Gas: 0.60 Specific Gravity, 0.50"W.C. pressure drop Propane Gas: 1.50 Specific Gravity, 0.50"W.C. pressure drop IT IS IMPOrTANT TO GUArD AGAINST GAS VALVe FOULING FrOM CONTAMINANTS IN The GAS WAyS. SUCh FOULING MAy CAUSe IMPrOPer OPerATION, FIre Or eXPLOSION. IF COPPer SUPPLy LINeS Are USeD They MUST Be INTerNALLy TINNeD AND CerTIFIeD FOr GAS SerVICe. BeFOre ATTAChING The GAS LINe, Be SUre ThATALL GAS PIPe IS CLeAN ON The INSIDe. TO TrAP ANy DIrT Or FOreIGN MATerIAL IN The GAS SUPPLy LINe, A DIrT LeG (SOMeTIMeS CALLeD SeDIMeNT TrAP Or DrIP LeG) MUST Be INCOrPOrATeD IN The PIPING (See FIG. 21). The DIrT LeG MUST Be reADILy ACCeSSIBLeAND NOT SUBJeCT TO FreeZING CONDITIONS. INSTALL IN ACCOrDANCe WITh reCOMMeNDATIONS OF SerVING GAS SUPPLIerS. reFer TO The LATeST VerSION OF The NATIONAL FUeL GAS CODe. To prevent damage, care must be taken not to apply too much torque when attaching gas supply pipe to gas valve inlet. Apply joint compounds (pipe dope) sparingly and only to the male threadsofpipe joints. Do notapplycompoundsto the firsttwo threads. Use compounds resistant to the action of liquefied petroleum gases. BeFOre PLACING The heATer IN OPerATION, CheCk FOr GAS LeAkAGe. Use soap and water solution or other material acceptable for the purpose in locating the leaks. DO NOT USe MATCheS, CANDLeS, FLAMe Or OTher SOUrCeS OF IGNITION FOr ThIS PUrPOSe. DISCONNeCT The heATer AND ITS MANUAL GAS ShUTOFF VALVe FrOM The GAS SUPPLy PIPING SySTeM DUrINGANy SUPPLy PreSSUre TeSTING eXCeeDING 1/2 PSIG. GAS SUPPLy LINe MUST Be CAPPeD WheN DISCONNeCTeD FrOM The heATer. FOr TeST PreSSUreS OF 1/2 PSIG Or LeSS The APPLIANCe NeeD NOT Be DISCONNeCTeD, BUT MUST Be ISOLATeD FrOM The SUPPLy PreSSUre TeST By CLOSING The MANUAL GAS ShUTOFF VALVe. gas piping and dirt leg installation figure 21 purging Gas line purging is required with new piping or systems in which air has entered. PUrGING ShOULD Be PerFOrMeD By PerSONS eXPerIeNCeD IN ThIS TyPe GAS...
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