Фрагмент инструкции
• Check the ground lead from GND (BURNER) terminal on the module to the pilot burner. Make sure connections are clean and tight. If the wire is damaged or deteriorated, replace it with No. 14-18 gauge, moisture-resistant, thermoplastic insulated wire with 105 C (221 F) minimum rating. • If flame rod or bracket are bent out of position, restore to correct position. • Replace pilot burner/igniter sensor if insulator is cracked. Step 3: Checksparkignitioncircuit. Youwillneeda shortjumper wire made from ignition cable or other heavily insulated wire. A. Close the manual gas valve. B. Disconnect the ignition cable at the SPARK terminal on the module. WARNING Whenperformingthefollowingsteps,donottouchstripped end of jumper or SPARK terminal. The ignition circuit generates 13,000 volts at 25 pf load and electrical shock can result. C. Energize the module and immediately touch one end of the jumper firmly to the GND terminal on the module. Move the free end of the jumper slowly toward the SPARK terminal until a spark is established. D. Pull the jumper slowly away from the terminal and note the length of the gap when sparking stops. Check table below. ARC LENGTH ACTION No arc or arc less than 1/8 inch. A rc 1/8 i n ch o r longer. Check external fuse, if provided. Verify power at module input terminal. Replace module if fuse and power okay. Voltage output is okay. Step 4: Check pilot flame current. A. Turn off furnace at thermostat. B. Disconnect main valve wire from the TH or MV terminal on the gas control. C. Disconnect ground wire from GND (BURNER) terminal at module. D. Connectameter (dcmicroamp scale) in series with theground lead. • Disconnect ground lead from GND terminal on ignition module. • Connect the black (negative) meter lead to the ignition module GND (BURNER) terminal. • Connect the red (positive) meter lead to the free end of the ground lead. E. Set thermostat to call for heat. The spark will light the pilot but the main burner will not light because the main valve actuator is disconnected. F. Read the meter. The flame sensor current must be steady and at least 1.0 uA. G. If the reading is less than the minimum or unsteady, • Make sure pilot flame envelopes 3/8 to 1/2 inch of the flame rod. • If necessary, adjust pilot flame by turning the pilot adjustment screw on the gas control clockwise to decrease or counterclockwise to increase pilot flame. Following adjustment, always replace pilot adjustment cover screw and tighten firmly to assure proper gas control operation. • Check for cracked ceramic insulator, which can cause short to ground, and replace igniter-sensor if necessary. • Make sure electrical connections are clean and tight. Replace damaged wire with moisture-resistant No. 18 wire rated for continuous duty up to 105 C (221 F). H. Remove meter and reconnect all wires. Return system to normal operation before leaving job. Page 38 17375-6-0705 INTERMITTENT PILOT TROUBLESHOOTING (continued) S8600HTROUBLESHOOTINGGUIDENote:Beforetroubleshooting,familiarizeyourselfwiththestartupandcheckoutprocedure. Checklinevoltagepower,lowvoltagetransformerlimitcontrol, thermostatandwiring. Pullignitionleadandchecksparkatignitionstud. Sparkokay? Replacemodule.No•Checkthatallmanualgasvalvesareopen.SupplytubingAndpressuresaregood,andpilotburnerorificeisnotblocked. •CheckelectricalconnectionsbetweenmoduleandpilotOperatorongascontrol. Checkfor24VACacrossPV-MV/PVterminalsonmodule. Ifvoltageisokay,replacegascontrol.Ifnot,replacemodule. Note:IfS8600Hgoesintolockout,resetsystem. Checkcontinuityofignitioncableandgroundwire. Checkthatpilotflamecoverselectrode. Adjustpilotflamecurrent.Minimumsignalshouldread1.0microamp. Ifproblempersists,replacemodule. •Checkignitioncable,groundwiring,ceramicinsulator, andgap,andcorrect. •Checkbootoftheignitioncableforsignsofmeltingorbuckling.Takeprotectiveactiontoshieldcableandbootfromexcessivetemperatures. Checkfor24VACacrossMV-MV/PVterminals.Ifnovoltage, replacemodule. Checkelectricalconnectionsbetweenmoduleandgascontrol. Ifokay,replacegascontrol. Note:IfS8600Hgoesintolockout,resetsystem. Checkcontinuityofignitioncableandgroundwire.Note:Ifgroundispoororerratic,shutdownsmayoccuroccasionallyeventhoughoperationisnormalatthetimeofcheckout. Ifchecksareokay,replacemodule. Checkforproperthermostatoperation. RemoveMVleadatmodule:Ifvalvecloses,recheckthermostatandwiring.Ifnot,replacegascontrol. NoNoNoNoNoNoNoRepeatprocedureuntiltroublefreeoperationisobtained. YesYesYesYesYesYesYesSTARTTurngassupplyoffTurnthermostattocallforheat. Sparkstopswhenpilotislit? Powertomodule. (24VACnominal) Sparkacrossignitor/sensorgap. Turngassupplyon. Pilotburnerlights? Mainburnerlights? Systemrunsuntilcallforheatends? Callforheatends. Systemshutsoff? Troubleshootingends. S8600HTROUBLESHOOTINGGUIDENote:Beforetroubleshooting,familiarizeyourselfwiththestartupandcheckoutprocedure. Checklinevoltagepower,lowvoltagetransformerlimitcontrol, thermostatandwiring. Pullignitionleadandchecksparkatignitionstud. Sparkokay? Replace...
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