К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Format to encode in
PCM data stored on the CD is saved without compression. The WAV format consumes more hard disk
capacity, by making the file size larger, but requires less CPU power for playback than the FLAC format. As
the HDD AUDIO PLAYER saves the music information obtained from the Gracenote server to the ID3 chunk
as well as to the LIST chuck in the standard WAV file format when saving tag information of the music files,
you can also use album jacket photos saved on any music player that supports the ID3 chunk.
PCM data stored on the CD is compressed by lossless compression and saved. The FLAC format
consumes less hard disk capacity for saving music files than the WAV format. You can convert the PCM
data saved in the FLAC format back to the original data stored in the CD for playback. When [FLAC] is
selected, you can save various tag information in the standard format. The FLAC format is not available for
playback in iTunes and requires more CPU power for data expansion than the WAV format.
*2 Copy speed
With verification and retries (Slow):
Reading PCM data from a damaged CD may cause the read data not to be bit perfect because unreadable
data is interpolated by the data interpolation function of the CD drive. The HDD AUDIO PLAYER reads the
same unreadable data for multiple times until the read results are found consistent. In this way, PCM data
read from a slightly damaged CD is compensated to be nearly bit perfect. If a CD is extensively damaged,
however, selecting [Without verification and retries (Fast)] may ensure stable data reading.
Without verification and retries (Fast):
PCM data read from the CD drive is saved directly in the WAV format or converted and saved in the FLAC
*3 Album information selection
The HDD AUDIO PLAYER obtains the album information that seems consistent with the CD you want to
copy from the Gracenote server, based on the record information of the CD. When it finds more than one
possible albums on the Gracenote server, it displays multiple possible albums. When it finds no possible
album, select the [Data not found on server.] option. The HDD AUDIO PLAYER uses tag information for the
album name (Album00001) and the track name (01 track) to avoid overlapping with other albums. The
numeral part of the album name incrementally increases for each CD copy. The numeral part of the track
name indicates the actual track number.
*4 When music files with the same album information as the selected CD are already stored on the hard
disk, a confirmation screen appears as follows:
If you attempt to copy the CD containing the same music files as the already stored ones in the same file
format, an overwrite confirmation screen appears. Executing the copy operation will overwrite the
previously copied music files. Be sure to make a backup copy of the files as needed.
If you attempt to copy the CD containing the same music files as the already stored ones in a different
file format or if music files you copied without using the [Import CD] function are already stored, a
duplicate confirmation screen appears. Executing the copy operation will not overwrite the previously
copied music files, but multiple songs with the same track name will be displayed next to each other on
the file list screens other than the one for displaying folders.
*5 Copy results
The successfully copied tracks are indicated with a green check mark while the failed tracks are indicated
with a red cross (x) mark. When [With verification and retries (Slow)] is selected for the copy speed, the
numbers of detected errors ("Read errors," "Data interpolation errors," and "Retries") are displayed at the
end of the list. When [Without verification and retries (Fast)] is selected, no error information is displayed.
Read errors:
Displays the number of failed read attempts.
Data interpolation errors: