Инструкция по эксплуатации Gigabyte, модель GV-N59X128D
Производитель: Gigabyte Размер: 5.3 mb Название файла:
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Or yo u ca n cu sto mize res olu tion s a nd r efre sh rates. Screen Menus properties • The Screen Menus Properties can remove infrequently used screens by dragging them from the screen menu to the list below. Restore s c r e e n s t o t h e m e n u b y d r a g g in g t h e m individually, or click Restore Defaults. To beg in, ch eck the Enable screen menu editing c h e c k b o x . To r e t u r n t o n o r m a l navigation mode, uncheck the check box. GV-N59X128D Graphics Accelerator -22 3.1.7. nView properties pages nView is a set of desktop tools designed to help you be more productive when using your graphics card. Using nView you can set up m ultiple desktops t o work wit h your applications. Multiple desktops give you extra desktop areas on which to run your applications so you won't have to crowd several open application windows on one desktop. You can click on the NVIDIA icon on the taskbar's to enable the nView or choose the Display Properties\Advanced\Desktop Management. Access nView properties page: B: Choose Display Properties\Advanced\ A: right click icon\nView Desktop Manager\ GeForce tab\Desktop Management nView Properties Click the item to start nView Properties. English -23 -Software Installation EnglishEnglish nView Info properties • This tab conta ins inform ation abou t the nView Desk top Manager. The setup wizard can also be accessed from this tab. nView Profiles properties • This tab contains a record all nView display settings for easy software setup. You can either select a profile from the list below or create your own custom profile. nView Windows properties • This tab allows you to control of window and dialog box placement when using multiple monitors. GV-N59X128D Graphics Accelerator -24 nView Applications properties • Th is ta b allow s y ou to c ont rol n Vie w set tings o n a p er application basis. English nView Desktops properties • This tab allows you to create up to 32 unique desktops. nView User Interface properties • This tab allows customization of the nView user interface. -25 -Software Installation nView Effects properties • This tab provides special windows effects that you can apply to your applications. English nView Zoom properties • This tab provides dynamic zoom functionality on the desktop. Als o en ab le s fu ll s cr ee n vid eo p la yb ac k via th e vide o mirroring control button. nView Hot Keys properties • This tab lets you perform various actions with shortcut keys or key combinations. GV-N59X128D Graphics Accelerator -26 nView Mouse properties • T his t ab ca n m od if y a nd ex t en d m ou se be ha v io r w it h kinematic actions. English nView Tools properties • This tab can improve nView functionality for mobile and desktop users. -27 -Software Installation EnglishEnglish 3.2. Win® 98/98SE / Win® 2000 / Win® ME driver installation Please make sure the Windows have installed Windows Service Pack version 2 (or later) before installing the graphics accelerator driver. With Windows running on your computer, you need to install the graphics card driver to take advantage of the higher performance, resolutions, and special graphics features of the graphics card. To ensure you install the latest driver, insert the Installation CD that shipped with your graphics card. To install the graphics card driver for Win® 98/98SE / Win® 2000 / Win® ME, please insert the Installation CD. Then the AUTORUN window will show up. Click Install Display Driver item, and follow the wizard to install the driver. If Windows® does not show the CD automatically, please run following steps: 1. Click the Start button on the control bar. 2. Select Run. 3. Type the following: D:\SETUP.exe (If D is not your CD-ROM drive, substitute D with the correct drive letter.) 4. Click "OK". 5. Click on "Install Display Drivers" to begin the Installation Wizard. 6. Click "Next". 7. Click "Yes" to the license agreement. 8. Follow the Wizard's on-screen instructions to complete the installation. 3.3. BIOS flash utility BIOS update procedure: MNote: Please download the newest BIOS from our website (or contact your local dealer for the file. MIf you want to realize the BIOS flash information, please refer to detail on page 30. GV-N59X128D Graphics Accelerator -28 4. Troubleshooting Tips The following troubleshooting tips may help if you experience problems. Contact your dealer or GBT for more advanced troubleshooting information. • Check that the card is seated properly in the AGP slot. • Ensure that the display cable is securely fastened to the card's display connector. • Make sure that the monitor and computer are plugged in and receiving power. • If necessary, disable any built-in graphics capabilities on your motherboard. For more information, consult your computer's manual or manufacturer. (NOTE: Some manufacturers do not allow the built-in graphics to be disabled or to become the secondary display.) • Make sure you selected the appropriate display device and graphics card when...