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Инструкция по эксплуатации Panasonic, модель HDCHS700

Производитель: Panasonic
Размер: 8.82 mb
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Язык инструкции:en

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Фрагмент инструкции

Indemnity about recorded
record, and play back data. Do not expose
the unit to vibrations or shock, and do not
turn off the power during recording or
Panasonic does not accept any
responsibility for damages directly or
If the unit is used in a place with loud
indirectly due to any type of problems that
sounds, such as a club or venue, the
result in loss of recording or edited content,
recording may stop due to sound
and does not guarantee any content if
vibrations. Recording data on an SD card
recording or editing does not work properly.
is recommended in these places.
Likewise, the above also applies in a case
where any type of repair is made to the unit
Back up data periodically.
(including any other non-built-in memory/
The HDD is temporary storage. In order to
HDD related component).
avoid erasing data due to static electricity,
electromagnetic waves, breakage, and
Handling of built-in memory
failures, back up the data to a PC or DVD
disc. (l 103, 111)
This unit is equipped with the built-in 32 GB
If the HDD experiences any abnormality,
memory. When using this component, pay
back up data immediately.
attention to the following points.
Failure in the HDD may produce continuous
Back up data periodically.
noise or choppy sound during recording or
The built-in memory is temporary storage. In
playing back. Continuous use will cause
order to avoid erasing data due to static
further deterioration, and may eventually
electricity, electromagnetic waves,
disable the HDD. If these phenomena are
breakage, and failures, back up the data to a
observed, copy the data on the HDD to a
PC or DVD disc. (l 103, 111)
PC, a DVD disc etc. immediately and
≥ Access lamp [ACCESS] (l 9) illuminates
contact your dealer.
while the SD card or built-in memory is
Once the HDD is out of order, data cannot
being accessed (initialization, recording,
be restored.
playback, deleting etc.). Do not perform the
following operations when the lamp
Operation may stop in hot or cold
il uminates. It may damage the built-in
memory or cause a malfunction in the unit.
The unit is disabled in order to protect the
j Turn the unit off (remove the battery)
j Insert and remove the USB cable
Do not use the unit in low atmospheric
j Expose the unit to vibrations or shock
≥ About disposing of or giving away this unit.
The HDD may fail if it is used at altitudes of
(l 136)
3000 m or higher above sea level.
Handling of HDD [HDC-HS700]
When the unit is transported, turn off the
This unit is equipped with the built-in 240 GB
power and be careful not to shake, fall, or
HDD. While the HDD is capable of storing a
impact the unit.
large amount of data, there are a few things
to look out for. When using this component,
Falling detection
pay attention to the following points.
] is indicated on the screen when it
Do not expose the HDD to vibrations and
detects a falling state (a weightless state). If
the falling state is detected repeatedly, the
Due to the environment and handling
unit may stop the recording or playback
conditions, the HDD may be subject to
operation in order to protect the HDD.
partial damages or may not be able to read,


Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Видеокамеры - HDCSD700 (8.82 mb)
Видеокамеры - HDCTM700 (8.82 mb)

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