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To get the most from your camera, please be sure to read all instructions thoroughly and keep them where they will be read by all who use the product. Where to Find It Find what you're looking for from: The Table of Contents...... ..... 0 iv Error Messages.............. .......... 0 228 li The Q&A Index.................. ..... 0 ii Troubleshooting........... .......... 0 224 li The Index.......................... ..... 0 243 Symbols and Conventions To make it easier to find the information you need, the following symbols and conventions are used: D A o Menu items, options, and messages displayed in the camera monitor are shown in bold. Camera Settings The explanations in this manual assume that default settings are used. Help Use the camera's on-board help feature for help on menu items and other topics. See page 11 for details. Digitutor "Digitutor", a series of "watch and learn" manuals in movie form, is available from the following website: This icon marks cautions; information that should be read before use to prevent damage to the camera. This icon marks notes; information that should be read before using the camera. This icon marks references to other pages in this manual. Before using the camera for the first time, read the safety instructions in "For Your Safety" (O x-xv). Package Contents Confirm that the package contains the following items: □ D5200 camera □ EN-EL14 rechargeable Li-ion battery (with terminal cover) □ BS-1 accessory shoe cover □ DK-20 rubber eyecup □ BF-1B body cap □ MH-24 battery charger (plug □ AN-DC3 strap adapter supplied in countries or regions where required; shape depends on country of sale) □ UC-E17 USB cable □ EG-CP16 audio/video cable □ DK-5 eyepiece cap (O 32) □ ViewNX2 CD-ROM □ Reference CD (contains this manual) □ User's Manual □Warranty Purchasers of the lens kit option should confirm that the package also includes a lens. Memory cards are sold separately (O 211). Cameras purchased in Japan display menus and messages in English and Japanese only; other languages are not supported. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. i Q&A Index Find what you're looking for using this "question and answer" index. Taking Photographs o Shooting Modes and Framing Options Is there a quick and easy way to take snapshots? 21-23 How do I quickly adjust settings for different scenes? 24-28 Can I use special effects during shooting? 111-117 Can I adjust shutter speed to freeze or blur motion (mode S)? 57 Can I adjust aperture to blur backgrounds or bring them into focus (mode A)? 58 How do I make long ("time") exposures (mode M)? 60 Can I frame photos in the monitor (live view)? 93-100 Can I shoot movies? 101-102 ^i Release Modes Can I take photos one at a time or in quick succession? 29 How do I take pictures with the self-timer or a remote control? 31 Can I reduce shutter noise in quiet surroundings (quiet shutter release) ? 29 [i Focus Can I choose how the camera focuses? 33-34 Can I choose the focus point? 38 [j Image Quality and Size How do I take pictures for printing at large sizes? How can I get more pictures on the memory card? - 42-44 ^i Exposure Can I make photos brighter or darker? 65 How do I preserve details in shadows and highlights? 69-72 ^i Using the Flash Can I set the flash to fire automatically when needed? How do I keep the flash from firing? How do I avoid "red-eye"? 45-48 riewing Photographs 0 ^i Playback How do I view photographs on the camera? 118 How do I view more information about a photo? 119-122 Can I view photos in an automatic slide show? 130 Can I view photos on a TV? 145-147 Can I protect photos from accidental deletion? 126 [i Deletion How do I delete unwanted photos? 127-129 Retouching Photographs How do I create retouched copies of photos? How do I remove "red-eye"? How do I make JPEG copies of RAW (NEF) photos? Can I overlay two NEF (RAW) photos to make a single image? Can I create a copy of a photo that looks like a painting? Can I trim movie footage on the camera or save movie stills? 0 178-194 180 186 184-185 189 107-110 Menus and Settings How do I adjust settings in the information display? How do I use the menus? How do I display menus in another language? How do I keep the displays from turning off? How do I focus the viewfinder? Can I display a framing grid in the monitor? How do I set the camera clock? How do I format memory cards? How do I restore default settings? Is there any way to stop the camera beeping? How do I get help for a menu or message? 0 6 11-13 16, 173 160 17 98 16, 173 168 53 161 11, 228 Connections How do I copy photos to a computer? How do I print photos? Can I print the date of recording on my photos? Maintenance and Optional Accessories What memory cards can I use? What lenses can I use? What optional flash units (Speedlights) can I use? What other ac...