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..Replace the lithium date/time battery (p. 117). LCD monitor The display darkens. The image in the LCD monitor will darken in strong sunlight or bright light. ..This is a normal occurrence in devices cotaining CCDs and does not constitute a malfunction. This image will not be recorded when shooting still photos, but it will be recorded when shooting movies. Display flickers. Display flickers when shot under fluorescent lighting. ..This is not a camera malfunction (flickering recorded in movies, but not in still images). A bar of light (red, purple) appears on the LCD monitor. Subject is too bright. ..This is a normal occurrence in devices containing CCDs and does not constitute a malfunction. This bar of light will not be recorded when shooting still photos, but it will be recorded when shooting movies. appears. A slow shutter speed has likely been selected because of insufficient lighting. ..Raise the ISO speed (p. 67) or set the flash to any setting other than (flash off), or secure the camera to something, such as a tripod (p. 17). appears. This displays when using a memory card that has print settings or transfer settings set by other DPOF- compliant cameras. ..These settings will be overwritten by those set by your camera (p. 85). Noise displays./Subject’s movements are irregular. Camera automatically ..There is no effect on the recorded lightened the image image. displayed on the LCD monitor to make it easier to see when shooting in a dark area (p. 15). Shooting Camera will not record. Mode switch is set to (playback). Flash is charging. Memory card is full. Memory card is not formatted correctly. ..Set the mode switch to (shooting) (Basic Guide p. 4). ..When the flash is charged, the indicator will light orange. Shooting is now possible (p. 20). ..Insert a new memory card (Basic Guide p. 1). ..If required, download the images to a computer and erase them from the memory card to make space. ..Format the memory card (p. 30). ..If reformatting does not work, the memory card logic circuits may be damaged. Consult the nearest Canon Customer Support Help Desk. Troubleshooting SD memory card is write ..Slide the write protect tab of the protected. SD memory card upward (p. 106). 93 Image Seen in Viewfinder vs. Recorded Image Usually the recorded image contains more of the scene than is seen in the viewfinder. • Confirm the actual image size with the LCD monitor. Use the LCD monitor when taking close-up shots (p. 15). Image is blurred or out of focus. AF-assist Beam is set to [Off]. ..In dark places where it is difficult for the camera to focus, the AF-assist Beam will emit to assist focusing. As the AF-assist Beam will not function when turned off, set it [On] to activate it (p. 24). Take care not to obstruct the AF-assist Beam with your hand when used. The camera moves when the shutter button is pressed. • Setting the self-timer to (2 seconds) delays the shutter release for 2 seconds after the shutter button is pressed and allows the camera to stop shaking, thus preventing a blurred image (p. 37). Even better results can be obtained by placing the camera on a stable surface or by using a tripod to shoot. Subject is out of focal range. ..Shoot with the subject at the correct shooting distance (p. 120). The subject is hard to focus on. ..Use the focus lock, AF lock or manual focus to shoot (p. 50). Subject in recorded image is too dark. Insufficient light for shooting. ..Set the flash to (Flash on) (Basic Guide p. 8). The subject is underexposed because the surroundings are too bright. ..Set the exposure compensation to a positive (+) setting (p. 56). ..Use the AE lock or spot metering functions (p. 52, 54). Subject is too far away for flash to reach. ..Shoot within correct shooting distance of the subject when using the built-in flash (p. 121). ..Raise the ISO speed and then shoot (p. 67). Subject in recorded image is too bright, or image flashes white. Subject is too close, making the flash too strong. ..Shoot within correct shooting distance of the subject when using the built-in flash (p. 121). The subject is overexposed because the surroundings are too dark. ..Set the exposure compensation to a negative (–) setting (p. 56). ..Use the AE lock or spot metering functions (p. 52, 54). Too much light is shining directly into the camera, or is being reflected off the subject. ..Change the shooting angle. Flash is set to on. ..Set the flash to (Flash off) (Basic Guide p. 8). Image contains noise. ISO speed is too high. ..Higher ISO speeds and (High ISO Auto) setting may increase image noise. For higher image quality, use as low an ISO speed as possible (p. 67). ..In , , , , , and modes in the mode, the ISO speed increases and noise can appear. White dots appear on the image. Light from the flash has reflected off dust particles or insects in the air. This is particularly noticeable when shooting using the wide angle or when you increase the aperture value in the aperture-priority AE mode. ..This is a phenomen...