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*3 Compatible with Windows 98 SE only. *4 Driver not required because Windows XP supports PTP. Macintosh Programs Compatible OS Program Mac OS 9 Mac OS X Major Functions ImageBrowser Downloading, displaying, organizing and editing images PhotoStitch*1 Merging images to make panoramas ArcSoft PhotoStudio*1 *2 Advanced image editing *1 Can be started from within ImageBrowser. *2 Image editing program manufactured by ArcSoft, Inc. See ArcSoft PhotoStudio (p. 81) for information about this program. Information Common to All Models Connecting the Camera to a Computer Ensure that you have installed the software from the supplied Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk before you connect the camera to the computer. Item to Prepare •Your camera and computer •Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk •Interface cable supplied with the camera •Use the interface cable to attach the camera directly to a USB port on the computer, not through a USB hub. The connection may not operate correctly through a USB hub. •The connection may not operate correctly if you are using other USB devices, excluding USB mice or keyboards, at the same time as the camera. If this occurs, disconnect the other devices from the computer and try reconnecting the camera. •Do not connect two or more cameras at the same time to the same computer via the USB interface. The connections may not operate correctly. •Never allow the computer to go into standby (sleep) mode while a camera is connected via the USB interface. If it does happen, never disconnect the interface cable. Try to awaken the computer with the camera in the connected state. Some computers will not awaken properly if you disconnect the camera while they are in standby (sleep) mode. Please refer to your computer manual for instructions regarding the standby (sleep) mode. You are recommended to power the camera from a household power source (AC adapter) when connecting to a computer (if available for your camera model). Ensure that you use fully charged batteries if you will not be using a household power source. See the page (p. 95) for your specific model for information about connecting the camera to the computer. Windows/ PowerShot A520/PowerShot A510 PowerShot A520/PowerShot A510 How to Connect the Camera to a Computer and Prepare to Transfer Data 1 Attach the supplied interface cable to the computer's USB port and the camera's DIGITAL terminal. 2 Set the mode switch to Play and turn the camera power on. The camera and computer will be set to the correct mode for communicating. Non-Supported Programs and Features •The camera does not record RAW images. •The camera does not support the Show AF Frame function in the View Window. •ICC profiles cannot be imbedded in images. For details on the ICC profile function, see the ZoomBrowser EX/ImageBrowser PDF manuals. •The camera does not support the Sound Recorder function. DIGITAL IXUS 700/DIGITAL IXUS 50 How to Connect the Camera to a Computer and Prepare to Transfer Data 1 Attach the supplied interface cable to the computer's USB port and the camera's DIGITAL terminal. 2 Set the mode switch to Play and turn the camera power on. The camera and computer will be set to the correct mode for communicating. Non-Supported Programs and Features •The camera does not record RAW images. •The camera shutter cannot be controlled from a computer. •The camera does not support the Show AF Frame function in the View Window. •ICC profiles cannot be imbedded in images. For details on the ICC profile function, see the ZoomBrowser EX/ImageBrowser PDF manuals. •The camera does not support the Sound Recorder function. Windows/If the necessary drivers are not installed, please install them from the Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk provided with your camera. PowerShot S2 IS PowerShot S2 IS How to Connect the Camera to a Computer and Prepare to Transfer Data 1 Attach the supplied interface cable to the computer's USB port and the camera's DIGITAL terminal. The camera and computer will be set to the correct mode for communicating. Non-Supported Programs and Features •The camera does not record RAW images. •The camera does not support the Display AF Frame function in the View Window. •ICC profiles cannot be imbedded in images. For details on the ICC profile function, see the ZoomBrowser EX/ImageBrowser PDF manuals. Windows/ Index A ArcSoft PhotoStudio 81 B Browser Area Macintosh 59, 60 Windows 26, 27 Browser Window 59 C Camera Browser Window Macintosh 67 Windows 34 Camera Control Window Macintosh 52, 54, 67 Windows 15, 19, 34 Canon Digital Camera Solution Disk 95 Macintosh 49 Windows 10 Computer 8, 9, 96 Connecting to a computer 96 Macintosh 51 Windows 13, 15 Control Panel 59, 62, 65 D Destination Folder for Images Macintosh 68 Windows 35 DIGITAL IXUS 50 97 DIGITAL IXUS 700 97 Direct Transfer Function 17, 53 Display Control Panel Macintosh 59, 62 Windows 26, 29 Display Mode Macintosh 59, 61 Windows 26, 28 Downloading Images Macintosh 51 Windows 15 E E-mail 7 Events Dialog 1...