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Инструкция по эксплуатации Fujioh, модель BUF-01A

Производитель: Fujioh
Размер: 520.65 kb
Название файла: BUF01A_02A_EF_OM3_22.pdf

Язык инструкции:enfr

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Such a situation could result in fire or electrical shock. 0 5. In the situation of a potential gas leakage, do not switch the unit on and off as it could result in a gas explosion. 6. Do not attempt to modify or repair this product. Refer all servicing to qualified personnel, otherwise it may result in fire, electric shock, or injury. 2 A CAUTION 0 1. For general ventilating use only. Do not use to exhaust hazardous or explosive material and vapors. 0 2. To reduce the risk of fire and to properly exhaust air, be sure to duct air outside. Do not vent exhaust air into spaces within walls, ceilings or into attics, crawl spaces or garages. O 3. Read specification label on this product for further information and requirements. O 4. Switch power off at the service panel when you won’t be using the range hood for a long period. If you do not do so, damage to the electrical insulation may result. 0 5. Fasten the filter and other parts securely. Incorrect attachment may result in personal injury or damage to property. 0 6. Do not use a commercially sold filter or filter cover on the filter part as it may affect its performance and cause of troubles. 7. Keep your hands and other objects away from the fan while it is in motion. If not, personal injury or damage may result. o 8. To protect hands from injury from the edges of the sheet metal, wear working gloves while servicing. NOTE: The safety instructions are explained with the following pictographic symbols. 0 o 0 : means prohibition. It indicates actions, if any, that mustn’t be done. • : means forcible execution. It indicates actions, if any, that must be done. 3 na me of parts Pilot Lamp OFF Switch Low Switch Lamp Switch -High Switch Medium Switch 4 how to use Before operation, make sure that the screw of the filter is tightened securely. A CAUTION • During cooking, do not touch the filters or their screws. If the filters are attached incorrectly, they may become detached and fall down. • Do not touch the lamps or their peripheral areas when they are ON, or your hand may be burned as they get hot. • Do not use a gas range with nothing on the burners. Otherwise the range hood could become overheated and it might be a cause of failure. • Stop running the range hood immediately if a fire occurs while cooking. Continued operation of the range hood will add intensity to the fire. operating the Range Hood_ The range hood has five control switch buttons on its front cover. IPush one of the switches (|, ||, |||) according to your cooking need. The fan will start rotating. I (Low) In case of light cooking || (Medium) Usual position 111 (High) In case of heavy cooking 2 To stop the fan, just push the O button. 3Push the button if you want to turn the light on. To turn it off, push the button again. 5 re and maintenance Clean the range hood as many times as possible (especially, clean the filter once a month) as it becomes dirty and deteriorates in function if it’s left unclean. For a family size of 4 to 5 people and cooking twice a day, clean the filter once every two weeks to avoid grease contamination and grease build-up, which is difficult to clean. A CAUTION • Before replacing the light bulb or cleaning the range hood, be sure to turn the push button switch OFF and switch off the breaker of service panel. • For safety, always wear working gloves, safety glasses or goggles while cleaning the filter, etc. • Keep people away when cleaning to avoid injury from unexpected falling of filter or splashing of detergent. Control Switches • I II III 4'- Breaker ca CAUTION • Do not splash water on the electric parts such as the motor, switch, or connectors. Do not use a spray type detergent to clean electric parts. It may cause trouble. • Do not use solvents such as thinner, benzine or the like and polishing powder for cleaning the painted surfaces, face plates, etc. as these parts may become lusterless or scored. Do not wash parts with a hard brush or the like for cleaning as they can be damaged. 6 disassembling_ Filter First, loosen the knob holding the filter, then slide it in the direction of the arrow to disengage from the catches. NOTE: As the filter may be grease built-up, be careful when removing it. cleaning 1 Filter After immersing the filter in water with a mild detergent for 30 to 40 minutes, wash it with a toothbrush or the like to remove dirt. Clean the filter frequently to avoid grease contamination and grease build-up, which is difficult to clean. 2 Front Cover After wiping the front cover off with a cloth immersed in a mild detergent, wipe off moisture thoroughly with a dry cloth. NOTE: The stainless type of the front cover is clear coated to avoid greasy dirt. Be careful not to scour strongly when cleaning as it may be scratched or discolored. re-assembling_ Re-assembly will be done by following the opposite way of disassembly procedure described in Item “dis...

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