Фрагмент инструкции
No water must penetrate into the burner parts below. 5 Slight discolorations may occur on the stainless steel surface due to heat generation. Don't try to scrub away these discolorations, as it may damage the surface. Distribute stainless steel care product evenly thin along the stovetop (not on the control panel! ). This provides for an even surface and your stovetop remains attractive- looking for a long time. 6 Dry off the burner parts. Only turn on the appliance once all parts are dry. Damp burner parts could cause problems with ignition or an unstable flame. 7 When assembling the burner ring and head, place them on the burner such that the snap-in pins engage into the appropriate slots. Make sure the burner parts are correctly positioned; they must lie straightly. 8 Important: First put the center pan support back in place (make sure it is correctly centered over the burner) and then the lateral one. The rounded- off corners of the lateral pan supports must face the side (see figure). Appliance part / Recommended cleaning surface Stainless steel surfaces Pan supports Burner lid, burner ring, burner head (brass) Wok burner head ( enameled cast iron) Control panel Apply dishwashing liquid with a soft, damp cloth; dry off with a soft cloth. Only use a little water for cleaning; no water must penetrate penetrate into the appliance. If it is very dirty or discolored by heat, a stainless steel cleaner is available from your specialist dealer or our customer service (order number 464524). Remove carefully for cleaning. Let soak in the sink. Clean with a dishwashing brush and dishwashing liquid. Clean carefully around the rubber buffer so that it doesn't come loose. Rinse with clear water and carefully dry it before putting it back in place. Don't wash in the dishwasher! Remove coarse grime with a damp cloth and dishwashing liquid. Apply brass polish in order to attain the original, metallic gleam. Check that the openings aren't plugged. Make sure that small parts don't get lost. Don't wash in the dishwasher! Clean with a dishwashing brush and dishwashing liquid and carefully dry it before putting it back in place. Don't wash in the dishwasher! Clean with a soft, damp cloth and some dishwashing liquid; the cloth must not bee too wet. Dry off with a soft cloth. Control knob Clean with a soft, damp cloth and some dishwashing liquid; the cloth must not bee too wet. , CAUTION: Damage to device: Don't remove control knob for cleaning. Cleaning electrode A dir ty electrode can cause malfunctions with ignitio n or flame monitoring. Clean with brush included if necessar y. The electrode is sensitive; clean carefully and don't twis t or damage it. Don't turn on the stovetop during cleaning. Burned- on grime For stubborn, burned-on grime, you can order a grille cleaner gel from your specialist shop or our customer ser vice (order number 463582). It is suitable for pan suppor ts, burner par ts and the stainless steel stovetop. Leave o n overnight if necessar y. Bear in mind the notes on the clea ner. Discoloration of burners Af ter long use, the burner s ( bur ner lid, burner ring and burner head) turn darker due to natural oxidation. Proceed as follows to eliminate this discolo ration: 1 Prepare a solution of equa l amounts o f white vinegar with a maximum of 8% acid (typical household vinegar) and warm water. 2 Immer se the burner par ts in the so lution for a maximum of 10 minutes. Eliminate stubborn stains with a cloth or sponge. 3 Then rinse the burner par ts thoroughly with clear water and dr y them well prior to next use. , CAUTION: Too s trongly concentrated solution or too long of contact with vinegar will damage the sur face of burner par t s! Do not use thes e cleaning agents . C aus ti c or cor ros ive cle aner s . D on ' t al low ac idic cl ea ne r s (e . g . vinegar, c it ri c a ci d , et c .) to g et o n th e f ra m e o r p a n e l . C lea ne r s containing chlorine or large propor tio ns of al co hol Tro u b l es h o ot i n g You can of te n easily eliminate probl ems that may occur on yo ur own. Befo re ca l l i n g customer se r vic e, t ake in to ac c o u n t th e fol low in g in fo r m at ion. . Ba ki ng o ven s p ra y . H a r d , s cratchy di sh -wa s hi ng s p o nges , brus hes o r sc oure r s . Thoroughl y wash out new sponge cloths before usin g th em. Malfunction Burner doesn't ignite when turned on; indicator lights are off. Burner doesn't ignite when turned on; indicator light of activated burner blinks. Burner turns off during operation, indicator lights go out and only the indicator of the burner affected continues blinking for a few seconds. Burners turn off while in operation, indicator lights go out. Possible cause No power supply. Burner or gas supply malfunction. Burner or gas supply malfunction. Power failure Solution Turn control knob to 0. Check in the fuse box whether the fuse has opened. Turn control knob to 0. Check: . Burner parts correctly in place? . Gas stop tap open? . Burner ...
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