Фрагмент инструкции
, CAUTION: The stovetop can become scratched. 2 Remove burner lid. Only clean the burner parts when cold! 3 Let burned- on residue soak in a little water and dishwashing liquid. This helps dissolve stubborn grime. Don't use abrasive cleaning agents or sponges. 4 Only use a little water to clean the stovetop. No water must penetrate into the burner parts below. 5 Slight discolorations may occur on the stainless steel surface due to heat generation. Don't try to scrub away these discolorations, as it may damage the surface. Distribute stainless steel care product evenly thin along the stovetop (not on the control panel! ). This provides for an even sur face and your stovetop remains attractive- looking for a long time. 6 Dry off the burner parts. Only turn on the appliance once all parts are dry. Damp burner parts could cause problems with ignition or an unstable flame. 7 When assembling the burner lids, place them on the burners such that the snap- in pins engage into the appropriate slots. Make sure the burner lids are correctly positioned; they must lie straightly. Appliance part/ Recommended cleaning surface Stainless steel sur faces Pan supports Burner lid Control panel Control knob Apply dishwashing liquid with a soft, damp cloth; dry off with a soft cloth. Only use a little water for cleaning; no water must penetrate penetrate into the appliance. If it is very dirty or discolored by heat, a stainless steel cleaner is available from your specialist dealer or our customer service ( order number 464524) . Remove carefully for cleaning. Let soak in the sink. Clean with a dishwashing brush and dishwashing liquid. Clean carefully around the rubber buffer so that it doesn't come loose. Rinse with clear water and carefully dry it before putting it back in place. Don't wash in the dishwasher! Remove for cleaning. Clean in the sink with a cloth and dishwashing liquid. Don't wash in the dishwasher! Clean with a soft, damp cloth and a bit of dishwashing liquid; the cloth must not become too wet. Dry off with a soft cloth. Clean with a soft, damp cloth and a bit of dishwashing liquid; the cloth must not become too wet. , CAUTION: Damage to appliance: Do not remove control knob for cleaning. Burned-on grime For stu bb orn, b urn ed -on gr im e, yo u can ord e r a gr ille c l e a n e r g e l f r om yo ur sp e c i a l i s t sh op or ou r c u st omer s e r v ice ( o rd er num b er 463582) . I t is suit able for p an su pp or ts, b ur ner pa r ts and th e st ain less s te el st ove t op . L e ave on ov e r n i g h t i f n e c e ssa r y. B e a r i n m in d the no tes o n th e c l ean er. Do not use these cleaning agents . C a us ti c o r co rro s ive clea ners . Ac idic c lean er s (e. g. vin ega r, c itr ic a cid , et c. ) . C lea ner s c o nt a inin g chl o rin e o r la rg e p ro po r tio ns of al c o h o l . Ba k i n g o v e n s p r a y . H a r d , sc r a t c h y d i sh - w ash i n g sp on g e s, b r u s h e s or sc o u r e r s . T h or ou g hl y w a sh ou t ne w sp on g e c l ot h s b e fo r e us i ng them . Troubleshooting Yo u can o f ten eas ily elim inate p rob lem s t hat m ay o c cu r o n yo u r o w n. B efo re callin g cus tom e r se r vice , t a ke into a cco u nt the fo llo wi ng inform at io n. Malfunction Possible cause Solution General electrical The household fuse has opened. Check in the fuse box whether the fuse has malfunction. opened. The electrical ignition Food or cleaner residue may be between the The space between flame igniter and burner doesn't work. flame igniters and the burners. must be clean. The burners are wet. Carefully dry the burner lids. The burner lids aren't correctly positioned. Check whether the lids are correctly positioned. Power failure Light burner by hand. Uneven burner flame The burner parts aren't correctly positioned. Correctly position burner parts. The openings of the burner are dirty. Clean openings of the burner. Gas flow seems Intermediate valves are closed. Open the intermediate valves. abnormal or no gas If using a gas cylinder, make sure it's not empty. Replace gas cylinder. comes out. It smells like gas in the Potential leak on connection of gas cylinder. Check gas cylinder connection for leaks. kitchen. The burner immediately You haven't held the control knob long enough. After the burner has ignited, continue pressing goes out after ignition. the control knob for a few seconds. Press in firmly. The openings of the burner are dirty. Clean openings of the burner. Customer Service I f y o ur ap plian ce nee ds rep air s, ou r c ustomer ser v ice is the re for you . We alway s f ind th e r igh t so lu tion and p reven t u nne ces s a r y v i s i ts by tec hnic ians . W h en yo u ca ll, p l eas e in dic ate th e p ro du ct num b er (E- Nr. ) an d se rial nu m ber (FD - N r. ) so th at w e c a n su pp o r t y o u in a qual ifie d m a nne r. You w ill f ind the t yp e p la te w i th th ese num b er s on th e b ottom of the ap pl ianc e. To avoid havin g to searc h for ...
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