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Para solicitar precios e informacibn adicional, Ilame al 1-800-827-6655 (en los EE.UU.). * La cobertura en Canadb varia en el caso de algunos articulos. Para obtener detalles completos al respecto, Ilame al 1-800-361-6665 de Sears de Canadb. Servicio de instalaci6n de Sears Para solicitar la instalaci6n por profesionales de Sears de electrodom6sticos, abridores de puertas de garaje, calentadores de agua y otros articulos de uso prioritario en el hogar, Ilame al 1-800-4-MY-HOME en los EE.UU. o CanadA. 15 Your Home For expert troubleshooting and home solutions advice: For repair -in your home -of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement parts, accessories and owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself. For Sears professional installation of home appliances and items like garage door openers and water heaters. 1-800-4-MY-HOME ® (1-800-469-4663) Call anytime, day or night (U.S.A. and Canada) Our Home For repair of carry-in items like vacuums, lawn equipment, and electronics, call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts & Repair Service Center 1-800-488-1222 (U.S.A.) 1-800-469-4663 (Canada) To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears: 1-800-827-6655 (U.S.A.) 1-800-361-6665 (Canada) Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n Au Canada pour service en fran(_ais: a domicilio, y para ordenar piezas: 1-800-LE-FOYER Mc 1-888-SU-HOGAR ® (1-800-533-6937) (1-888-784-6427) ® Registered Trademark TM/ Trademark SM/ Service Mark of Sears Brands, LLC ® Marca Registrada / TM Marca de Fabrica / SM Marca de Servicio de Sears Brands, LLC MCMarque de commerce / MD Marque depos6e de Sears Brands, LLC @ Sears Brands, LLC ...
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